Open MrTwinkleMoon opened 6 years ago
Did you disable the interrupts using this code?
def startInterrupts(self):
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.btn1Pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.left_btn, bouncetime=LEFT_PIN_BOUNCE)
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.btn2Pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=self.right_btn, bouncetime=RIGHT_PIN_BOUNCE)
def stopInterrupts(self):
I also had the same issue, but I think it was because the program crashed. I didn't have time to solve the root problem, so I disabled that code and used something else.
Also tried that code with the same result, crashing the program. Wasn't sure if it only didn't register any inputs anymore or the program just crashed.
I am also having issues with the multiple drink pours. Mine seems to be random though. Sometimes it will get in an endless loop where other times it will only pour 2-3.
I will try disabling the interrupts using the above code when I get home.
I think I found a solution to the problem of the program crashing when you include remove_event_detect. Sadly I'm not so into coding and don't really know how to correctly change the code but here's the side with the solution if there's someone able to include it:
So after testing and researching I found out that there's a problem with the gpio pins detecting false Inputs with momentary switch buttons which leads them into a state of floating and therefore not beeing able to correctly detect the input gut rather detect multiple ones. After changing the code in a way that it doesn't recognise these false inputs I manage to get it to work so that it only pours one at a time but now I got the problem that after some pours the system doesn't recognise any inputs anymore where could be the problem that something like that happens? I will add a link to the changed code.
The link to the Raspberry forum where I also stated my problem: