Hackerfleet / hfos-legacy

Hackerfleet Operating System
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Problems running install script on Ubuntu 17.10 #289

Open martinling opened 6 years ago

martinling commented 6 years ago

Hey riot,

Just tried to install latest hfos (commit 1da89a96) on a new Ubuntu 17.10 install, using the install script.

First problem: the script stalls at the second apt-get install step because apt-get prompts the user to approve the packages to be installed, and the output has been redirected to output.log. I noticed what was going on by tailing the log.

So from there onwards I ran the remaining commands from install by hand.

Second problem: Ubuntu 17.10 ships with python 3.6, so the reference to /usr/bin/python3.5 is broken. I swapped this for 3.6 and everything seemed to work.

Third problem: various errors in the final hfos_manage.py install all step. I've attached the log of this.

End result: https://localhost/ gives a 502 Bad Gateway error.

martinling commented 6 years ago


ri0t commented 6 years ago

Thanks for debugging that far! Interesting output. A) I think, something with the module frontend installation didn't work correctly, but i'm not 100% sure about that. B) According to the log, provisioning didn't work on all provisions, only system and user ones were installed. I'll have to check that in detail. C) I also think, the service is just not started after installing and enabling it, i introduced a few lines to make sure of that. Simply rebooting the machine should take care of that.

To debug A and B - which are critical - a little further, please try these commands: hfos_manage.py install provisions > new_output.log(Which lists and installs all available provisions)

This one needs to be run with sudo: hfos_manage.py -v --log 10 install frontend --rebuild --dev >> new_output.log (Which should install the modules' frontend dependencies, among them c3, which hasn't been installed on your install run.. which is.. ..weird, but i have some potential ideas)

martinling commented 6 years ago


So I ran both of those. The first succeeded. The second said there was no such -v option, but I took that out and it succeeded too. Now things seem to be up and running. I don't know what went wrong before, but I think perhaps there was an issue with activating the venv and then running things with sudo, which doesn't then get the same environment as having activated the venv inside a shell running under sudo.

I haven't played around any further yet, but I'll be putting the machine on the ship tomorrow and once it's there we can fiddle in situ.


ri0t commented 5 years ago

I am currently reworking the whole installation process. It will (hopefully ;) be simplified to installing a debian/ubuntu package and then running the installer (in that package), answering a few questions and then patiently waiting for it to set up your instance. Uninstalling the deb will only remove the installer, but keep your data intact.