Hackerl / Wine_Appimage

Appimage For Wine
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从Windows资源管理器启动应用程序 | Launch applications from Windows Explorer #24

Closed probonopd closed 5 years ago

probonopd commented 5 years ago


如果我们在没有任何参数的情况下启动 wine,那么它会启动Exporer。当您双击包含应用程序的AppImage时,它应该运行应用程序。


It would be nice that if we launch wine without any arguments, then it launches Exporer. When you double click an AppImage that contains an application, it should run the application.

I will do a proof of concept.

probonopd commented 5 years ago
if [ -z "$@" ] ; then 
"$WINELDLIBRARY" "$HERE/bin/wine" "$@" "$EXPLORER" | cat


Launch Windows Explorer if launched with no arguments

probonopd commented 5 years ago

在Windows Explorer中双击时,我们能否让例如Wechat-x86_64.AppImage正常运行?也许使用 LD_PRELOAD 技巧

Can we get e.g., Wechat-x86_64.AppImage to run properly when double clicked in Windows Explorer? Maybe using a LD_PRELOAD trick

Hackerl commented 5 years ago


I think this modification is a bit redundant. Users usually double-click appimage directly in the System Explorer. And Wine will start directly using the ~/.wine virtual environment, and launching appimage needs to switch to another virtual environment.