Hackerl / Wine_Appimage

Appimage For Wine
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ubuntu18.04 wetchat 文本框使用搜狗输入法不能输入中文,但是其他地方复制过来的中文可以使用 #28

Closed NeaoSwift closed 4 years ago

NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago


probonopd commented 5 years ago


NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago


NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago



probonopd commented 5 years ago



NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago




NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago


probonopd commented 5 years ago


NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago



NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago

没有使用 @Hackerl 打包好的wine,直接使用sudo apt-get install wine-stable.然后直接执行wechat.一切正常.感谢 @probonopd 宝贵的时间,以及 @Hackerl 的无私开源精神.这个版本的wechat是linux下面体验最好的版本.

NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago

由此也带来了新的问题,由于使用了wine-stable.而不是 @Hackerl [](编译好的https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/releases/download/zero/Wine-x86_64.AppImage .在下载了TIM-x86_64.AppImage之后,并不能成功的打开TIM.

NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago


Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@NeaoSwift "sudo apt-get install wine-stable"安装的wine能正常输入中文?我打包的appimage不能? 能否告诉我你现在wine的版本。

wine --version

从TIM.Appimage的输出消息看,可能是由于wine版本太低,TIM调用了wine还没有实现的win32 api。

NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago

@NeaoSwift "sudo apt-get install wine-stable"安装的wine能正常输入中文?我打包的appimage不能? 能否告诉我你现在wine的版本。

wine --version

从TIM.Appimage的输出消息看,可能是由于wine版本太低,TIM调用了wine还没有实现的win32 api。


Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@NeaoSwift "sudo apt-get install wine-stable"安装的wine能正常输入中文?我打包的appimage不能? 能否告诉我你现在wine的版本。

wine --version

从TIM.Appimage的输出消息看,可能是由于wine版本太低,TIM调用了wine还没有实现的win32 api。



NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago


Hackerl commented 5 years ago


Hackerl commented 5 years ago

ubuntu版本已发布,修复了输入法问题 -- https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/releases/download/v2.0/Wine-3.10-ubuntu-x86_64.AppImage


NeaoSwift commented 5 years ago

@Hackerl 微信,tim,云盘都可以了.谢谢

zsien commented 5 years ago

Debisn Sid 用 Fcitx 輸入不了誒(

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@zijung 我只构建了stretch、buster两个版本,我回头补上,其实你可以自己执行构建脚本(https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/blob/master/deployscript/debian-winedeploy.sh) 试试。

https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/releases/tag/continuous 这几个版本你都试过吗?

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@zijung 试一下sid版本 https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/releases/tag/continuous

zsien commented 5 years ago

@Hackerl 用 Sid 版 Wine 後,TIM 沒問題了。

但 WeChat 第一次運行打不開也沒有 TIM 打開時「正在更新 /tmp/.TIM.unionfs 中的 Wine 設定」的窗口。 第二次能打開,但提示「無法使用檔案默認存儲位置,導致 WeChat 不能正常使用,請更改位置」,看上去是用戶文件夾沒掛載? 然後還有 ERROR:「ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_wineZm6RES/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.」

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@zijung 试试删除 $HOME/.Wechat 文件夹,重新运行Wechat。 如果有错误请截图下来发到这里,我研究一下。


「ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_wineZm6RES/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.」

GongSiqiu commented 5 years ago

Debian stretch QQ 输入不了中文 QQ-x86_64.AppImage Wine-3.10-debian-x86_64.AppImage

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@GongSiqiu 检查一下环境变量 https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/issues/10#issuecomment-451742668 然后试试 https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/releases/tag/continuous 里面的stretch版本

zsien commented 5 years ago

嗯,刪除過 $HOME/.Wechat 了,這是截圖 image

然後,Home 下會新建「All Users」、「kvcomm」、「log」這仨文件夾

GongSiqiu commented 5 years ago

环境变量 图片 https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/releases/tag/continuous 里面的stretch版本依然如此

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@GongSiqiu 我用的就是debian9,输入法一直很正常,你的系统有经常更新吗

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@zijung 请提供一下系统发行版,发行版版本,以及桌面环境。 还有,wechat appimage也是在我的releases里面下载的吗?

GongSiqiu commented 5 years ago


Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@GongSiqiu 执行一下 "locale" 命令,看看地区设定

GongSiqiu commented 5 years ago


zsien commented 5 years ago

@Hackerl Debian Sid 滾到最新了,桌面是 GNOME,是在這裏下載的 WeChat

onism68 commented 5 years ago

arch + kde 也遇到了同样的问题

onism68 commented 5 years ago

./TIM-x86_64.appimage wine: Call from 0x7b440b42 to unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression, aborting wine: Unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression called at address 0x7b440b42 (thread 0034), starting debugger... ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_wineXEy2ja/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_wineXEy2ja/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. wine: Call from 0x7b440b42 to unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression, aborting wine: Unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression called at address 0x7b440b42 (thread 004f), starting debugger... wine: Call from 0x7b440b42 to unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression, aborting wine: Unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.FsRtlIsNameInExpression called at address 0x7b440b42 (thread 0076), starting debugger... wine: cannot find L"c:\Program Files\Tencent\TIM\Bin\TXPlatform.exe" Cleaning up

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@onism68 删除 ~/.TIM 文件夹,重新运行

onism68 commented 5 years ago


onism68 commented 5 years ago


Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@onism68 其他的程序运行正常吗

onism68 commented 5 years ago

➜ Downloads ./Wechat-x86_64.appimage ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_wineoMoajn/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_wineoMoajn/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. Cleaning up

onism68 commented 5 years ago

上面微信打不开,说是缺少WeChatwin.dll 然后这是迅雷,可以打开,但是仍旧是无法输入中文 Downloads ./ThunderMini-x86_64.appimage wine: configuration in '/tmp/.ThunderMini.unionfs' has been updated. ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_winemvYJsD/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/tmp/.mount_winemvYJsD/bin/libhookexecv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. Cleaning up

amazingfate commented 5 years ago


Hackerl commented 5 years ago


可以试试自己打包: https://github.com/Hackerl/Wine_Appimage/blob/master/deployscript/arch-winedeploy.sh

amazingfate commented 5 years ago

@Hackerl 打了个64m的image,居然能用fcitx了,看来就是系统库版本不一致导致的

Hackerl commented 5 years ago

@amazingfate arch更新本来就快,自动打包系统发布的版本都挺久了,自己系统上打包的话就大概率没问题