With pathprefix[/blog] being appended to our url, while the code is expecting to find it under /img/blog immediately after the domain , a file not found error is being thrown during npm run build:pathprefix
Writing _site/index.html from ./index.njk.
Error: File "https://hackmum.in/blog/img/logo/logo.jpg" not found
at /home/indcoder/projects/blog/third_party/eleventy-plugin-local-images/.eleventy.js:22:17
With pathprefix[/blog] being appended to our url, while the code is expecting to find it under /img/blog immediately after the domain , a file not found error is being thrown during npm run build:pathprefix
Writing _site/index.html from ./index.njk. Error: File "https://hackmum.in/blog/img/logo/logo.jpg" not found at /home/indcoder/projects/blog/third_party/eleventy-plugin-local-images/.eleventy.js:22:17