Hacklone / private-bower

A simple private bower registry
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Registering packages with git-based repository requiring auth #222

Open evil-shrike opened 8 years ago

evil-shrike commented 8 years ago

I run a private-bower with default config. Went to its webapp and registered a package. That package has git url leading to my internal git (Bitbucket). The git's repo for the package requires authentication. Auth will be resolved on the client when a user will install the package (bower install) - via git's credential manager. But private-bower also needs to get some info from git repo and it can't.

As I understand private-bower doesn't support git authentication. In webapp I can see error:

Failed to load package details! (Your private-bower server needs read access to this Git repository and the git repository must contain a bower.json file!)

janjaap commented 8 years ago

I ran into the same problem. Installing Github ssh key on the server and making sure that none of the folders in the path where private_bower is installed are owned by root, solved it.

janjaap commented 8 years ago

Also: https://github.com/Hacklone/private-bower/issues/149#issuecomment-129371904

felipeplets commented 7 years ago

@evil-shrike could you solve this issue?

I could not realise yet how to solve it, I can access my BitBucket repository from the server using my SSH keys, but Private Bower always return the same message:

Failed to load package details! (Your private-bower server needs read access to this Git repository and the git repository must contain a bower.json file!)

evil-shrike commented 7 years ago

@felipeplets no, I moved onto https://github.com/presidenten/bowers-nest