Hacklone / private-bower

A simple private bower registry
665 stars 131 forks source link

Versions Supported? #249

Open stefangoor opened 8 years ago

stefangoor commented 8 years ago


I am trying to use private bower to use forks of certain repos rather than the default public versions but I can't seem to get it working with version numbers.

The package is registered with the private bower server in the following way: private-bower register mypackage git@github.com:User/mypackage.git

but if I attempt to install the package I get an error:

bower install mypackage#1.2.3 --save bower ENORESTARGET URL sources can't resolve targets

However I know that version / tag exists. If I run:

bower info git@github.com:User/mypackage.git

I see the versions listed. But if I try the same using the private-bower it tells me there are no versions:

bower info mypackage

Should this work? Is it a limitation of private-bower or is there something I may have configured incorrectly?

Many Thanks, Stefan