Hacklone / private-bower

A simple private bower registry
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How can I add my local components to private repository #251

Open nag9329 opened 8 years ago

nag9329 commented 8 years ago


I've installed the add-on and configured myBowerConfig.json file. I don't want any bower component to be fetched from the github/internet. So, made the "disabled":true in "public" after I installed the add on.

I've many bower components locally on my drive. All, I need is to copy those components to private bower repository. But, I don't know where to add my local bower components to the private repository. Any help would be appreciated.

End goal: When any of the users enters bower install (component name). It should install only if the component is present in my private repository.


willpracht commented 6 years ago

You'll use the API to register the components.