Legion is an open source, easy-to-use, super-extensible and semi-automated network penetration testing tool that aids in discovery, reconnaissance and exploitation of information systems.
Legion crashes with the messages "MissingData" inside the GUI.
Inside the console it gives my an TypeError
[05:44:29 AM] INFO Creating temporary project at application start... legion.py:145
INFO Established SQLite connection on file '/root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-d_udns1c.legion' SqliteDbAdapter.py:58
INFO Wordlist was created/opened: /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-vl1zcioi-tool-output/legion-usernames.txt auxiliary.py:186
INFO Wordlist was created/opened: /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-vl1zcioi-tool-output/legion-passwords.txt auxiliary.py:186
[05:44:30 AM] INFO Loading settings file.. settings.py:37
INFO Legion started successfully. legion.py:165
[05:44:40 AM] INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 1 controller.py:773
INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1edf34a0> ProcessRepository.py:69
INFO Queuing: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:80,81,443,4443,8080,8081,8082 -vvvv -oA controller.py:704
INFO Running: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:80,81,443,4443,8080,8081,8082 -vvvv -oA controller.py:624
INFO runCommand called for stage 1 controller.py:724
INFO runCommand connected for stage 1 controller.py:727
Warning: program compiled against libxml 212 using older 209
[05:44:43 AM] INFO Process 1 is done! controller.py:882
QBasicTimer::stop: Failed. Possibly trying to stop from a different thread
INFO Storing process output into db: <db.entities.processOutput.process_output object at 0x7f8f1c536f30> ProcessRepository.py:86
INFO Halting process panel update timer as all processes are finished. controller.py:639
INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 2 controller.py:773
INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1c55ac00> ProcessRepository.py:69
INFO Queuing: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:25,135,137,139,445,1433,3306,5432,U:137,161,162,1434 -vvvv -oA controller.py:704
INFO Running: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:25,135,137,139,445,1433,3306,5432,U:137,161,162,1434 -vvvv -oA controller.py:624
INFO runCommand called for stage 2 controller.py:724
INFO runCommand connected for stage 2 controller.py:727
INFO Scheduler started! controller.py:914
INFO ----------------------------------------------- controller.py:923
INFO Scheduler ended! controller.py:924
Warning: program compiled against libxml 212 using older 209
[05:44:45 AM] INFO Process 2 is done! controller.py:882
INFO Storing process output into db: <db.entities.processOutput.process_output object at 0x7f8f1c5bcf50> ProcessRepository.py:86
INFO Halting process panel update timer as all processes are finished. controller.py:639
INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 3 controller.py:773
INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1c592f30> ProcessRepository.py:69
INFO Queuing: nmap -sV --script=vulners -vvvv -oA controller.py:704
INFO Running: nmap -sV --script=vulners -vvvv -oA controller.py:624
INFO runCommand called for stage 3 controller.py:724
INFO runCommand connected for stage 3 controller.py:727
INFO Scheduler started! controller.py:914
INFO ----------------------------------------------- controller.py:923
INFO Scheduler ended! controller.py:924
**Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/legion/ui/view.py", line 1005, in contextMenuProcessesTableView
selectedProcesses.append([int(pid), self.ProcessesTableModel.getProcessStatusForRow(row.row()),
File "/usr/share/legion/ui/models/processmodels.py", line 160, in getProcessStatusForRow
return self.__processes[row]['status']
File "lib/sqlalchemy/cyextension/resultproxy.pyx", line 54, in sqlalchemy.cyextension.resultproxy.BaseRow.__getitem__
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str
Legion crashes with the messages "MissingData" inside the GUI. Inside the console it gives my an TypeError
[05:44:29 AM] INFO Creating temporary project at application start... legion.py:145 INFO Established SQLite connection on file '/root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-d_udns1c.legion' SqliteDbAdapter.py:58 INFO Wordlist was created/opened: /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-vl1zcioi-tool-output/legion-usernames.txt auxiliary.py:186 INFO Wordlist was created/opened: /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-vl1zcioi-tool-output/legion-passwords.txt auxiliary.py:186 [05:44:30 AM] INFO Loading settings file.. settings.py:37 INFO Legion started successfully. legion.py:165 [05:44:40 AM] INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 1 controller.py:773 INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1edf34a0> ProcessRepository.py:69 INFO Queuing: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:80,81,443,4443,8080,8081,8082 -vvvv -oA controller.py:704 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054440911395-nmapstage1
INFO Running: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:80,81,443,4443,8080,8081,8082 -vvvv -oA controller.py:624 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054440911395-nmapstage1
INFO runCommand called for stage 1 controller.py:724 INFO runCommand connected for stage 1 controller.py:727 Warning: program compiled against libxml 212 using older 209 [05:44:43 AM] INFO Process 1 is done! controller.py:882 QBasicTimer::stop: Failed. Possibly trying to stop from a different thread INFO Storing process output into db: <db.entities.processOutput.process_output object at 0x7f8f1c536f30> ProcessRepository.py:86 INFO Halting process panel update timer as all processes are finished. controller.py:639 INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 2 controller.py:773 INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1c55ac00> ProcessRepository.py:69 INFO Queuing: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:25,135,137,139,445,1433,3306,5432,U:137,161,162,1434 -vvvv -oA controller.py:704 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054443219415-nmapstage2
INFO Running: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:25,135,137,139,445,1433,3306,5432,U:137,161,162,1434 -vvvv -oA controller.py:624 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054443219415-nmapstage2
INFO runCommand called for stage 2 controller.py:724 INFO runCommand connected for stage 2 controller.py:727 INFO Scheduler started! controller.py:914 INFO ----------------------------------------------- controller.py:923 INFO Scheduler ended! controller.py:924 Warning: program compiled against libxml 212 using older 209 [05:44:45 AM] INFO Process 2 is done! controller.py:882 INFO Storing process output into db: <db.entities.processOutput.process_output object at 0x7f8f1c5bcf50> ProcessRepository.py:86 INFO Halting process panel update timer as all processes are finished. controller.py:639 INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 3 controller.py:773 INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1c592f30> ProcessRepository.py:69 INFO Queuing: nmap -sV --script=vulners -vvvv -oA controller.py:704 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054445522210-nmapstage3
INFO Running: nmap -sV --script=vulners -vvvv -oA controller.py:624 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054445522210-nmapstage3
INFO runCommand called for stage 3 controller.py:724 INFO runCommand connected for stage 3 controller.py:727 INFO Scheduler started! controller.py:914 INFO ----------------------------------------------- controller.py:923 INFO Scheduler ended! controller.py:924 **Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/legion/ui/view.py", line 1005, in contextMenuProcessesTableView selectedProcesses.append([int(pid), self.ProcessesTableModel.getProcessStatusForRow(row.row()), ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/legion/ui/models/processmodels.py", line 160, in getProcessStatusForRow return self.__processes[row]['status']