Hackman238 / legion

Legion is an open source, easy-to-use, super-extensible and semi-automated network penetration testing tool that aids in discovery, reconnaissance and exploitation of information systems.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Legion crashes: "TypeError" #3

Open Hackman238 opened 4 weeks ago

Hackman238 commented 4 weeks ago

Legion crashes with the messages "MissingData" inside the GUI. Inside the console it gives my an TypeError

[05:44:29 AM] INFO Creating temporary project at application start... legion.py:145 INFO Established SQLite connection on file '/root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-d_udns1c.legion' SqliteDbAdapter.py:58 INFO Wordlist was created/opened: /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-vl1zcioi-tool-output/legion-usernames.txt auxiliary.py:186 INFO Wordlist was created/opened: /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-vl1zcioi-tool-output/legion-passwords.txt auxiliary.py:186 [05:44:30 AM] INFO Loading settings file.. settings.py:37 INFO Legion started successfully. legion.py:165 [05:44:40 AM] INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 1 controller.py:773 INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1edf34a0> ProcessRepository.py:69 INFO Queuing: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:80,81,443,4443,8080,8081,8082 -vvvv -oA controller.py:704 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054440911395-nmapstage1
INFO Running: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:80,81,443,4443,8080,8081,8082 -vvvv -oA controller.py:624 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054440911395-nmapstage1
INFO runCommand called for stage 1 controller.py:724 INFO runCommand connected for stage 1 controller.py:727 Warning: program compiled against libxml 212 using older 209 [05:44:43 AM] INFO Process 1 is done! controller.py:882 QBasicTimer::stop: Failed. Possibly trying to stop from a different thread INFO Storing process output into db: <db.entities.processOutput.process_output object at 0x7f8f1c536f30> ProcessRepository.py:86 INFO Halting process panel update timer as all processes are finished. controller.py:639 INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 2 controller.py:773 INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1c55ac00> ProcessRepository.py:69 INFO Queuing: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:25,135,137,139,445,1433,3306,5432,U:137,161,162,1434 -vvvv -oA controller.py:704 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054443219415-nmapstage2
INFO Running: nmap -T4 -sV -sSU -O -p T:25,135,137,139,445,1433,3306,5432,U:137,161,162,1434 -vvvv -oA controller.py:624 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054443219415-nmapstage2
INFO runCommand called for stage 2 controller.py:724 INFO runCommand connected for stage 2 controller.py:727 INFO Scheduler started! controller.py:914 INFO ----------------------------------------------- controller.py:923 INFO Scheduler ended! controller.py:924 Warning: program compiled against libxml 212 using older 209 [05:44:45 AM] INFO Process 2 is done! controller.py:882 INFO Storing process output into db: <db.entities.processOutput.process_output object at 0x7f8f1c5bcf50> ProcessRepository.py:86 INFO Halting process panel update timer as all processes are finished. controller.py:639 INFO runStagedNmap called for stage 3 controller.py:773 INFO Adding process: <db.entities.process.process object at 0x7f8f1c592f30> ProcessRepository.py:69 INFO Queuing: nmap -sV --script=vulners -vvvv -oA controller.py:704 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054445522210-nmapstage3
INFO Running: nmap -sV --script=vulners -vvvv -oA controller.py:624 /root/.local/share/legion/tmp/legion-jx9w4uh6-running/nmap/20241007054445522210-nmapstage3
INFO runCommand called for stage 3 controller.py:724 INFO runCommand connected for stage 3 controller.py:727 INFO Scheduler started! controller.py:914 INFO ----------------------------------------------- controller.py:923 INFO Scheduler ended! controller.py:924 **Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/legion/ui/view.py", line 1005, in contextMenuProcessesTableView selectedProcesses.append([int(pid), self.ProcessesTableModel.getProcessStatusForRow(row.row()), ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/legion/ui/models/processmodels.py", line 160, in getProcessStatusForRow return self.__processes[row]['status']

  File "lib/sqlalchemy/cyextension/resultproxy.pyx", line 54, in sqlalchemy.cyextension.resultproxy.BaseRow.__getitem__
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str