HackyHour / Goettingen

Monthly HackyHour meetings in Göttingen http://hackyhour.github.io/Goettingen/
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3rd Göttingen HackyHour - Unittests and continuous integration #4

Closed aleimba closed 7 years ago

aleimba commented 7 years ago

Hello all,

we will have our 3rd Göttingen HackyHour as indicated on the website: https://hackyhour.github.io/Goettingen/

Pad: http://etherpad.gwdg.de/p/HackyHourGoettingen_2017-04-04

Our introductory topic will be "Unittests/code coverage/continuous integration with Python", but of course you can bring your own science-related computer programs for discussions and/or help. If you have any further ideas or questions post them here or use any of the communication channels indicated on the website!

Hope to see you soon, Andreas