HackyHour / Wuerzburg

Monthly HackyHour meetings in Würzburg
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HackyHour[3] on 2016-01-27 #12

Closed iimog closed 8 years ago

iimog commented 8 years ago

Discussion is open.

Some suggestions:

nterhoeven commented 8 years ago

perl > python ;-)

malvikasharan commented 8 years ago

I think Jupyter notebook is a good choice :)

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

I would like to learn how to set up my own server.

CodingCthulhu commented 8 years ago

As I mentioned previously, I'd like to improve my FIJI macro scripts. I'm using Jython right now but it'd be nice to get a little familiarity with JAVA. Also I'm up for PERL if anyone else is interested. But must warn you, I know absolutely fish-all about PERL.

WhimiscalHatter commented 8 years ago

For me, I'm game for Python basics or PERL

But, any other topic is also fine for me :-)

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

WebServer! :-D Something to finally make use of my 20TB storage capacity at home! :-D (Needless to say I want it to have a good security too!)

Dominik Pascal Kiser Molecular and Clinical Psychobiology, Laboratory for Translational Neurobiology Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy University of Würzburg Füchsleinstr. 15 97080 Würzburg Germany

Mobile: +491639083210

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2016-01-20 15:46 GMT+01:00 WhimiscalHatter notifications@github.com:

For me, I'm game for Python basics or PERL

But, any other topic is also fine for me :-)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/HackyHour/Wuerzburg/issues/12#issuecomment-173225318.

iimog commented 8 years ago

Alright @GalacticAC, I'm looking forward to discuss setting up a server with you. With a little luck @greatfireball will join us, he has a lot of experience in this area. As far as I see, this topic might not be of broader interest to other participants so we can start with another topic. My suggestion is a general discussion about programming languages, which one to choose, how to get started, pitfalls... Then we can have a little hands on in python, perl, java or any other language (how about Shakespeare, Whitespace or Brainf**k) :smiley:

Is anyone unhappy with this solution.

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

Thx iimog! I am looking forward to this sideproject. Shall we meet maybe before/after or at another day for this and I bring a six-pack of club-mate? (Or beer,...)

Regarding Programing: I would suggest "R" since it is a programing language, I can use it, it is free and it can also do statistics. Otherwise I am happy with anything you can teach us!

CodingCthulhu commented 8 years ago

Cool!!! Could we try Brainf--k? or Ook?!

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 12:20 PM, GalacticAC notifications@github.com wrote:

Thx iimog! I am looking forward to this sideproject. Shall we meet maybe before/after or at another day for this and I bring a six-pack of club-mate? (Or beer,...)

Regarding Programing: I would suggest "R" since it is a programing language, I can use it, it is free and it can also do statistics. Otherwise I am happy with anything you can teach us!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/HackyHour/Wuerzburg/issues/12#issuecomment-173541777.

****Suvagata Roy Chowdhury

Graduate Student (GSLS)

AG. Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudel Department of MicrobiologyUniversity of Wurzburg Biocentre Am Hubland 97074 Wurzburg.

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GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

You seriously wanne program in something like brainfuck? Okay, way not...it looks unnecessarly convoluted, but hey...incrementing one number at a time....sounds like making a pocket calculator in this language is a hell lot harder then in any other language I ever tried!

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

on the otherhand...i could probably as easily write a program which can add these commands after each other and see if it is viable program! Anyone having a Turing-Oracle at hand? :-D

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

Hahah....what about this one here: https://esolangs.org/wiki/DNA-Sharp

iimog commented 8 years ago

Nice! Lets see what we can learn from each other. Concerning your server: an extra session with mate or beer sounds also very good.

iimog commented 8 years ago

Nice meeting yesterday, we had

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

For all of you who are interested, I would like to upload my "R" code for this challange and pose another one too. Can I do this somewhere here?

Last time we had to find the smallest commone multiple of numbers within the range of 1 to 9 (spelled 1:9 in "R" :-D). My challange would be two fold:

1) Write a script which will give back the smallest common multiple of any other given list of numbers (like 1:20 or 5:12 or n:m). 2) Write a script which will do what we did last time with reducing requirments: if you have a list like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you do not actually check 2, 3, 4 and 6 for that matter, because they are already contained in the 8 and 9, since primes are never multiples (zitation needed), you would also need those too. Case in point: if you are give a list like 1:30, 5:20 or n:m, could you find a script which will reduce the list to only those numbers you absolutly need to check? in case of 1:30 for example, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 need to go too!

Edit: Bought my first rasberry pi 2, but couldnt find the rasberry zero...they all sold them or demand 20+ euros for it!

iimog commented 8 years ago

Sure, feel free to upload your file into this directory: https://github.com/HackyHour/Wuerzburg/tree/master/files/HackyHour_03

You could also edit the README.md file to contain the description of the challenge and your new challenges.

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

Perfect! Will do so this weekend!

Meanwhile: 20160129_102632

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

The Rasberry Zero is completly sold out....they can not produce them fast enough!

EzioAuditoredaFirenze commented 8 years ago

@GalacticAC That's great! :+1: I just wanted to point out that it looks more like the Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ than the Pi 2. But I guess that it should be more than enough for our needs. However, if you paid as much as a Pi 2, you might want to check out the listing ;)

I'm really looking forward to the next hackyhour :grinning:

GalacticAC commented 8 years ago

yes, I saw that for 6 euros more you can gtet the Rasberry Pi 2, but I think the B+ will be enough for our purposes. I also bought 2 new micro SD cards (16gb) of class 10. I noticed that my class 4 is making the OS (Noob) very slugish!

As such, I would recommend that anyone who wants to try out an OS should bring a prepared micro SD, cause the process of setting it up took some time. We might set up a number of them and simply swap cards.

@iimog: could you bring a suitable OS for the OwnCloud server? It can be as small as possible, as long as we can work easily with it. I think the destok surface is causing the system to be very small, so one with a command line interface might be better!

EzioAuditoredaFirenze commented 8 years ago

@GalacticAC Sounds like a great idea. :+1:

I would suggest that we continue our discussion in the thread created by @iimog for our next meeting, since this discussion has been tagged as closed and others may not be following it :wink:

The link is: https://github.com/HackyHour/Wuerzburg/issues/14