HadrienG / InSilicoSeq

:rocket: A sequencing simulator
MIT License
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Abundance file shows more genomes than are used #262

Open Naturalist1986 opened 1 month ago

Naturalist1986 commented 1 month ago


I'm using this command to generate metagenomes from a set of genome fasta files:

iss generate --draft (list of *.fna files) --output --model nextseq --coverage uniform -p 128 -n 50M

Although the abundance file shows it uses 10 genomes for example, when I count the reads in the fastqs I only see 5-6 genomes.

HadrienG commented 2 weeks ago


Are all your contig names unique across draft genomes? InSilicoSeq currently uses the contig names as read headers.

Naturalist1986 commented 2 weeks ago


Yes, these are downloaded from NCBI Refseq. A portion of the genome contigs is missing from the generated fastqs, even though it is listed in the abundance file.