Hadron / carthage

Carthage is an Infrastructure as Code (IAC) framework
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Add NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW to support debugging #66

Closed kdienes closed 2 months ago

kdienes commented 2 months ago

This makes debugging dramatically better.

An argument against it is that it exposes more OS surface to the container and that it shouldn't be default.

A better solution might be something like filter_instantiate(OciCapability), with default capabilities taken from a configvar? But I want to get opinions before implementing.

hartmans commented 2 months ago

I definitely don't think this should be the default. I would support a filter_instantiate on OCICapability if simply adding capabilities to podman_options in the layout is not sufficient. CAP_NET_ADMIN tends to end up giving you root on the container host because of various BPF bugs and most recently because of nftables bugs.

kdienes commented 2 months ago

Sounds right.

If I did filter_instantiate(OCICapability), is there a way I could add_provider(CAP_NET_ADMIN) top-level for all of my containers, but then remove CAP_NET_ADMIN from one of them?

hartmans commented 2 months ago

Let's assume something like

class OciCapability(Injectable):
    capability: str
    def default_instance_injection_key(cls):
        return InjectionKey(OciCapability, capability=self.capability)

Then to add you can do


And to remove

add_provider(InjectionKey(OciCapability, capability='CAP_NET_ADMIN'), dependency_quote(None))
kdienes commented 2 months ago

dependency_quote(None) makes sense and is super useful to know in general