Haeri / vacc-stats

Covid19 Statistics of Fully Vaccinated People in Switzerland
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Feature Request: Age-group specific analysis? #2

Open gonnet opened 3 years ago

gonnet commented 3 years ago


First of all, thanks for setting up this dashboard! I was already a fan of https://rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_BAG/, and this one is every bit as awesome :)

One thing that would be super useful, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement: Restrict the analysis to one or more age groups? This is shown for the number of cases, but it would be useful to also have the "XXX out of YYY" numbers and efficacy estimates per age group as well!

I know that the BAG data is binned by age groups 0..9, 10..19, ..., 70..79, 80+, but I don't know if that data is consistent with the total numbers, or even if all age groups have sufficient data for a meaningful analysis.

Cheers, Pedro

Haeri commented 3 years ago

Hi Pedro

Thank you for your suggestion and sorry for the late response. My efficacy calculation was not very precise up until now since I was not considering the vaccination rate. I have now fixed that and also included a date range selector to chose a time period. Adding an age group view would make this rather difficult. However, I do very much agree that an efficacy per age group would be a very interesting metric to see. I could imagine including an additional graph, something like a matrix graph, where the Y-axis would denote the age groups and the X-axis the week number, and the values would color code the efficacy rate. Something similar to the GitHub activity graph.

I will take a look at it. However, I can't guarantee anything since I'm just working on this as a side project on the weekends. Best regards, Haeri