Haigutus / Energy-Reference-Data

Reference Data for Energy domain using SKOS
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Organisation​ and Organisation Role #17

Open Sveino opened 2 years ago

Sveino commented 2 years ago

In general we would like to have all data that is outside the core processes as reference data. Organisation and Organisation role would be reference data in regards to CGM and TYNDP process. The Roles are managed by CIO https://www.entsoe.eu/data/energy-identification-codes-eic/eic-approved-codes/ with EIC code = PartyX The CIMXML Reference file should be generated from this list. NC/CSA include a model for Organisation and organisation role. The UML looks like: image

However, this model does not support "VAT Code" and issue should be generated to get this included.

UCAig have created the project COMET to look at updating the organisation model. WG16 has made update to the organisation model in the latest update. If we shall look at W3C harmonization for organisation we would need to look at the work done by European Commission Joinup ISA Core Public Organisation Vocabulary (link) The CPOV should be consistent with the ORG-AP-OP (used by European Commission institutes). Other relevant vocabulary:

We are considering adding provenance,. This is included as part of the https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/

For CIMXML we would like to add the following namespace:



  <md:FullModel rdf:about="urn:uuid:a6189b5a-fb98-4523-a422-902a990749ae">
    <md:Model.description>ENTSO-E Organisation Reference data (RD)</md:Model.description>

Each Organisation would be:

<cim:Organisation rdf:ID="_e9e2da91-417b-44d9-bba3-3e222d40ebc0">
     <cim:IdentifiedObject.name>STATNETT SF</cim:IdentifiedObject.name>

Use EU:IdentifiedObject.shortName for EIC Display Name

<NC:TransmittionSystemOperator rdf:ID="_ac76d294-721f-4cfa-8a31-3a9b9993fc79">
     <cim:IdentifiedObject.name>STATNETT SF</cim:IdentifiedObject.name>

UCAig is planning to remove the use of Compound - it does not make sense to have tools implement the current address structure when it is plan to be removed. Alt 1: Add necessary classes to NC:

<cim:Organisation rdf:ID="_e9e2da91-417b-44d9-bba3-3e222d40ebc0">
     <cim:IdentifiedObject.name>STATNETT SF</cim:IdentifiedObject.name>

Alt 2: We do not exchange the address information In this case we should not include the address attributes in the profile.

Alt 3: Use W3C and EU ISA We would like to add the following namespace:

xmlns:locn= "https://www.w3.org/ns/locn#"
<org:FormalOrganization rdf:ID="_e9e2da91-417b-44d9-bba3-3e222d40ebc0">
     <skos:prefLabel>STATNETT SF</skos:prefLabel>
Sveino commented 2 years ago

The following was proposed by Vladimir Alexiev: This was developed within the Transparency Energy Knowledge Graph project, funded from an INTERRFACE open call:

@prefix tr: <https://transparency.ontotext.com/resource/tr/> .
@prefix eic: <https://transparency.ontotext.com/resource/eic/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

eic:10X1001A1001A38Y a tr:EnergyResource;
  tr:name "STATNETT SF";
  tr:countryCode "NO";
  tr:dateUpdated "2016-10-18"^^xsd:date;
  tr:eic "10X1001A1001A38Y";
  tr:function "System Operator";
  tr:notation "STATNETT_SF";
  tr:description "Transmission System Operator";
  tr:vatNumber "NO7080000923168";
  tr:eicType <https://transparency.ontotext.com/resource/type/Eic/X> .
Sveino commented 2 years ago

We are trying to build up a common reference registry for the European Power industry. We do not want this to be one particularly software application. This is not preventing the European Transparency Platform to publish the same information according to Vladimir Alexiev. However, the reference source should be http://energy.referencedata.eu/ As the source I suggest to utilize the

<#urn:uuid:e9e2da91-417b-44d9-bba3-3e222d40ebc0> rdf:type org:FormalOrganization, cim:Organisation ; dcterms:identifier ; skos:prefLabel "STATNETT SF" ; skos:altLabel "STATNETT_SF" ; cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID ; cim:IdentifiedObject.name "STATNETT SF" ; gr.legalName "STATNETT SF" ; gr.vatID "NO962 986 633" ; gr.hasISICv4 "35.120" ; gr.hasISICv4 "3510" ; nc:Agent.url "https://www.statnett.no/om-statnett/kontakt-oss/" locn:address <#urn:uuid:15c35a6e-6bad-4fbc-bd6f-6b6ea19e53d7> .

<#urn:uuid:a20490cf-9611-49e7-a535-ef069b329afd> rdf:type nc:TransmissionSystemOperator ; dcterms:identifier ; skos:prefLabel "TSO STATNETT SF" ; skos:altLabel "TSO STATNETT_SF" ; cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID ; cim:IdentifiedObject.name "TSO STATNETT SF" ; gr.hasGlobalLocationNumber "7080000923168" ; nc:eicType http://energy.referencedata.eu/StandardEicTypeList/X .

<#urn:uuid:15c35a6e-6bad-4fbc-bd6f-6b6ea19e53d7> rdf:type nc:Address, locn:Address ; dcterms:identifier ; cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID ; locn:addressId ; skos:prefLabel "Forretningsadresse"@nb ; skos:prefLabel "Business address"@en ; locn:adminUnitL1 "NO" ; nc:Address.country "NO" ; locn:postCode "0302" ; nc:Address.postCode "0302" .

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 years ago

The tr: namespace was made only for that project because it used mostly Transparency data. I will comment on the various proposed recommendations.

Sveino commented 2 years ago

The tr: namespace was made only for that project because it used mostly Transparency data. I will comment on the various proposed recommendations.

I understood this.

  • We've used Org, RegOrg, Locn and schema.org extensively in the euBusinessGraph ontology.

I did attend one of the your webinar and wanted to ask about Organisation ontology.

  • gr: is subsumed by schema.org, so you should not use it. Search in schema.org for appropriate props

I was a bit unsure, I did not find any example of ontology that used schema.org, but after I made the proposal I did find it. But I could not wait any longer to send the email. Yes, I will change it to schema.org.

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 years ago

@Sveino For EBG, see:

Haigutus commented 2 years ago

linked to: https://github.com/Haigutus/Energy-Reference-Data/issues/8

Haigutus commented 2 years ago

HMG 2022-09-30: Proposal to use same approach as discussed for Areas. Meaning Concept per Organisation Role https://github.com/Haigutus/Energy-Reference-Data/issues/26

Haigutus commented 1 year ago

Related to: https://github.com/Haigutus/Energy-Reference-Data/issues/51