HaikuArchives / ArtPaint

ArtPaint is a painting and image processing program.
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Single window mode #482

Open Pintaio opened 1 year ago

Pintaio commented 1 year ago

Please, consider adding a single window mode to Artpaint. I think a single window layout is more comfortable Else, you can do something similar to what was done with Gimp, so you can choose between single or multi window mode.

PeteCA commented 1 year ago

i feel the need to inject my (personal) diametrically opposite opinion here! I normally hate the constraints of single window mode, at least for any reasonably complex app. Haiku's ease of easily hiding and restoring windows makes personally configuring a display very friendly (not so easy in otherOSs). [see my MusicWeaver for an extreme example! There's no way that could be done single-window...]

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

well, from a purely technical standpoint, I have no idea how a single-window mode might be implemented - afaik Haiku doesn't have any sort of dockable Window built-in.

Having said that, I believe that the Haiku way to do a reasonable compromise would be via Stack & Tile. That way you could in theory connect all your windows together as you like. I don't know how to use it yet nor how robust it is, but it is a possibility.

@PeteCA imo Photoshop and Blender both work fine as complex, single-window apps.

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Stacking via API is already possible, Koder does it. AFAIK tiling, which may be more useful for ArtPaint to tile e.g. the Tools and Layers window to the main window, isn't yet.

Even then, tiling windows resizes them to fit together, which isn't really what we want. I filed an enhancement for that area a while back:Add 'glue' mode to S&T to keep window's original size](https://dev.haiku-os.org/ticket/17696)

Also, what to do when you have several image windows open? Always un-tile and tile them to the active image window?

Maybe ArtPaint could (optionall) stack all image windows like Koder. Then those are at least not scattered around and people could (manually or eventually automatically) stack and tile the tools, layers etc. windows around it.

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

Maybe ArtPaint could (optionall) stack all image windows like Koder.

that’s not a bad idea. The problem I have with Koder though is the paths get cut off when you have several tabs stacked. Maybe default to just the file names.

maybe windows should also be added to bottom of the Window menu so they’re easy to see/access?

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Maybe default to just the file names.

Yes. Maybe, if a file with the same name but different path is opened, it gets the relevant path added. For example:

Already open: /boot/home/data/graphics/photos/DaleInArmor.jpg shown as DaleInArmor.jpg Open: /boot/home/data/graphics/old-photos/DaleInArmor.jpg shown as old-photos/DaleInArmor.jpg

Truncated in the middle if it gets too long still. Also, this automatic stacking could be limited to 5 or 6 (or whatever) number of images before opening a new stack-o-pics.

maybe windows should also be added to bottom of the Window menu so they’re easy to see/access?

Good idea, too. 👍