HaikuArchives / ArtPaint

ArtPaint is a painting and image processing program.
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BrushEditor: make brush preview size match brush store pane #522

Closed dsizzle closed 1 year ago

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

Okay, they should be the same size now. I even tried to verify with Magnify.

I actually made the brush preview larger rather than decreasing the size of the stored brushes, unless you feel strongly the other way.

Fixes #521

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

OK for the slightly larger preview panel. Seems to have improved the ellipse/rectangle radio button layout, too.

On thing though, I made a short capture: https://0x0.st/HNBz.mpg Plays back fine in Haiku...

Basically, set your brush to this: screenshot2

and slowly move the angle slider. The scale will flip back and forth making the brush appear larger/smaller while it rotates.

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

I’m not by my computer right now so I can’t try it - does that happen only after this change, or is it not related?

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

No, you're right, it's on master, too. Seems to be a general issue we didn't test for before... Merge this and create a new ticket?

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

That would be my preference.

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Alright Will do.

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

btw, I watched the video, and it's not really a bug as such - the thing is that when you rotate the brush, at certain angles it's wider/taller than the current preview. The way the code works is that it scales down by multiples of 2 when the brush width or height exceeds the bounds of the preview square. To "fix" it would require scaling down the preview smaller than it needs to be, just so that the extreme angles would always fit. I'm not sure that's a positive.

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

I'll add your comment to the newly created #523. Let's continue discussions there.