HaikuArchives / ArtPaint

ArtPaint is a painting and image processing program.
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Save/restore last used brush #524

Open humdingerb opened 1 year ago

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Currently, always the last in the list of stored brushes is selected when starting ArtPaint. ArtPaint should save the settings of the last used brush (stored or not) when quitting and restore it on next launch.

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

sort-of-but-not-really-related, should ArtPaint start with a default set of brushes? feels like maybe it ought to.

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Not a bad idea. The brushes window wouldn't be so empty by default. I first thought about how users will be able to get back to that default when they removed (some of) them. Add a menu item "Restore default brushes"? How to deal with brushes added by the users?

But then I thought, nah, it's just an educational prop on first launch... :) Maybe an alert "Restore the default brushes" once the user has removed all brushes? Or not...

dsizzle commented 1 year ago

If we had “brush sets” there could just be a “default” set that gets loaded. If you delete some or all of them, you could just reload the default set.

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Thought about sets before. Like colour sets. What to do if someone adds their custom brushes to the default sets? Remove them when restoring the defaults? Make the default set 'read-only'? That may be the best course. If the user stores their first custom brush, automatically create and add it to a "Custom brush" set.

Add a pop-up menu for the brush sets and a new main menu "Brush set" with items to "Rename current set", "Delete current set", "Add new set".