HaikuArchives / ArtPaint

ArtPaint is a painting and image processing program.
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Auto-scroll canvas when mouse near window borders #559

Open humdingerb opened 1 year ago

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Imagine you have e.g. a screenshot and want to exactly select the Deskbar (for cropping maybe). You zoom way into the Deskbar's bottom-left corner to exactly start at the Deskbar corner. You drag the mouse spanning the selection rectangle, but then - oh noes - you reach the border of the canvas window and can't select the rest of the Deskbar. It'd be nice if the canvas were auto-scrolled when you're a dozen pixels away from the window border so you can continue your selection. Or use any other tool, not just when selecting.

(I have a feeling we talked about that some time ago... couldn't find a ticket though.)

dsizzle commented 10 months ago

btw, you can press the arrow keys to scroll while you are selecting, in case you didn't realize.

humdingerb commented 10 months ago

Good to know! It also works with the other painting tools, but it keeps the tool on the canvas while you're jumping with the cursor keys, resulting in straight 'jump-lines'. Would it be possible to keep the tool-tip on the canvas-coordinates while jumping? Then you could scroll the canvas and don't move the pen with you.

Not sure I explained it well...