HaikuArchives / Calendar

:calendar: A native Calendar application for Haiku.
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Change tint colour of deleted events #113

Closed humdingerb closed 2 years ago

humdingerb commented 2 years ago

With Haiku's default theme, the background colour of deleted events is quite similar to the background of a selected item. Therefore a selected item appears almost like a deleted item:


It's not the exact grey, but one can get confused. Maybe a bit of red could be mixed in the colour of hidden/deleted events?

humdingerb commented 2 years ago


This is with a

    if (severity >= 1)
        bgColor.red =- 5;

in EventListItem.cpp#L65

I have to admit, I don't quite understand why it's not bgColor.red =+ 5 to increase the red part of the colour and why lower values tint deeper than higher values... :)

What do you say, @JadedCtrl ?

pulkomandy commented 2 years ago

If you want to increase, use += (or -= to decrease). What you have here just sets the color to +5 (which is quite dark) or -5 (which will overflow and become 250, quite light), ignoring the previous value.

humdingerb commented 2 years ago

See, I am a crappy programmer... :) I guess one has to find a more sophisticated solution to account for overflowing values. Help wanted... It's nice that the Appearance prefs change colours live. Just twiddle the sliders for "List background" and see the changes.