HaikuArchives / Hare

Haiku Audio Ripper/Encoder.
MIT License
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No Media Encoding on Haiku yet so need to use command line ones for now #2

Open soakbot opened 11 years ago

soakbot commented 11 years ago

Creator: Scott McCreary Need to add a note to Hare indicating that there's not yet encoding support in Haiku. Add support for using oggenc, flac, lame, and/or gogo_no_coda.

scottmc commented 7 years ago

gogo_no_coda also has a recipe on Haikuports.

scottmc commented 6 years ago

If you can get it to work with ffmpeg then great. There's also a handful of encoders for various formats with recipes on haikuports, three or four for mp3s iirc.

scottmc commented 6 years ago

Anyone up for the challenge? It'd probably be similar to getting BurnItNow running. Wrapping command-line apps, and having to figure out which options to pass to them. Perhaps start with lame or vorbis tools. Code for SimplyVorbis might even provide some hints.

Vidrep commented 6 years ago

Now that CD track loading appears to be working, we next need to implement encoding. I' d suggest starting with LAME mp3 encoding, get it working the way we want, before adding any more options.

Vidrep commented 6 years ago

To bring this app into the 21st Century we need to support current formats with extant encoders. What is a BeEncoder?

CodeforEvolution commented 6 years ago

BeEncoder makes use of the Media Kit's encoder functionality, the other encoders just use command line encoder tools.

janus2 commented 6 years ago

Maybe we should call it SystemEncoder or HaikuEncoder something that explains it is the encoder provided by Haiku?

Vidrep commented 6 years ago

The encoders bundled with the app are 1999 vintage. I'm thinking that it would be better to decide on a set of common modern formats, then have them downloaded as dependencies in the recipe, rather than bundling. That way we future proof the app somewhat.

Vidrep commented 6 years ago

There are another pair of encoder apps in HaikuArchives which might be worth a look. UltraEncode by Mediapede and KonaKoder. The former being a commercial app by the same people who gave us UltraDV.

Vidrep commented 6 years ago

I've been loading CD's and trying out all of the available Encoder options. MP3 Lame, MP3 Go Go, and Ogg encoders always return "The addon could not find the required executable. Please check the addon's documentation.". The M3U Creator option does appear to work - creating the output directory and a playlist. The BeEncoder option uses ffmpeg (and should be renamed for clarity), and begins the process of encoding before crashing. This may be a good place to start, as syslogs and debug info is available for a possible ffmpeg fix.

Vidrep commented 6 years ago

KERN: vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x26, ip 0x3b768a88ea, write 0, user 1, thread 0x6a7 KERN: vm_page_fault: thread "Encoder" (1703) in team "Hare" (1690) tried to read address 0x26, ip 0x3b768a88ea ("libavutil.so.55.78.100_seg0ro" +0x1e8ea) KERN: debug_server: Thread 1703 entered the debugger: Segment violation KERN: stack trace, current PC 0x3b768a88ea av_frame_unref + 0x3a: KERN: (0x7fc2032d28d0) 0x1cf80cbc986 _ZN14AVCodecEncoder12_EncodeAudioEPKvlP17media_encode_info + 0x118 KERN: (0x7fc2032d2920) 0x1cf80cbcbbf _ZN14AVCodecEncoder6EncodeEPKvlP17media_encode_info + 0x39 KERN: (0x7fc2032d2950) 0x449fb217cc _ZN11BMediaTrack11WriteFramesEPKvlP17media_encode_info + 0x16 KERN: (0x7fc2032d2960) 0x449fb2181c _ZN11BMediaTrack11WriteFramesEPKvii + 0x46 KERN: (0x7fc2032d2a30) 0x1c68a0091ec _ZN9BeEncoder6EncodeEP8BMessage + 0x66c KERN: (0x7fc2032d3600) 0xf6c90a3f70 _ZN7AppView12EncodeThreadEPv + 0x122c KERN: (0x7fc2032d3ad0) 0xa015c1bb71 thread_entry + 0x12 KERN: slab memory manager: created area 0xffffffffa6801000 (13349)

diversys commented 6 years ago

https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-cvslog/2015-July/091641.html possibly related.

scottmc commented 4 years ago

Does this still happen with updated ffmpeg?

Vidrep commented 4 years ago

To my knowledge, this is not fixed yet, and affects every app that does audio conversions, including MediaConverter.

scottmc commented 2 years ago

lame is working now, but i think all of the others are still broken.