HaikuArchives / Paladin

Paladin is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for Haiku OS
MIT License
64 stars 20 forks source link

Building Paladin 2.7 errors after build but can be launch. #374

Open Kitsune64 opened 4 years ago

Kitsune64 commented 4 years ago

I have attempt two time to build Paladin 2.7 and have this error at the end of the build when it automatical launch Paladin. After this error the app can be manually launch.

` Debug information for team /boot/home/Desktop/Paladin2.7/Paladin-2.7/Paladin/Paladin (3548): CPU(s): 2x Intel Core Memory: 3.00 Gio total, 540.46 Mio used Haiku revision: hrev54154+116 Jul 12 2020 07:23 (BePC)

Active Threads: thread 3548: Paladin (main) thread 3598: team 3548 debug task thread 3570: build thread state: Debugged

    Frame       IP          Function Name
    00000000    0x65a3f112  commpage_syscall + 0x2 
            0x65a3f110:             89e1  mov %esp, %ecx
            0x65a3f112:             0f34  sysenter  <--

    0x7a1db208  0x131d0f1   debugger + 0x39 
    0x7a1db248  0x132e949   __assert_fail + 0x69 
    0x7a1db288  0x13a91ca   BPrivate::hoardHeap::freeBlock(BPrivate::block&, BPrivate::superblock&, int32, BPrivate::processHeap*) + 0x1ee 
    0x7a1db2d8  0x13aa1a0   BPrivate::processHeap::free(void*) + 0x1dc 
    0x7a1db308  0x13abba9   free + 0xa9 
    0x7a1db340  0x22816f0   _._14CompileCommand + 0x60 
    0x7a1db380  0x2281915   CompileCommandWriter::ToJSONFile(ostream&) + 0x1d9 
    0x7a1db600  0x22850ec   ProjectBuilder::DoPostBuild() + 0x2e0 
    0x7a1db750  0x2286ffb   ProjectBuilder::BuildThread(void*) + 0xe27 
    0x7a1db778  0x1324ccb   thread_entry + 0x27 
    00000000    0x65a3f258  commpage_thread_exit + 0 

          eip:  0x65a3f114
          esp:  0x7a1db1cc
          ebp:  0x7a1db208
          eax:  0x000000e1
          ebx:  0x013d99bc
          ecx:  0x7a1db1cc
          edx:  0x65a3f114
          esi:  0x013c8c00
          edi:  0x18c7d768
           cs:  0x001b
           ds:  0x0023
           es:  0x0023
           fs:  0x0063
           gs:  0x0023
           ss:  0x0023
          st0:  0
          st1:  0
          st2:  0
          st3:  0
          st4:  0
          st5:  0.8
          st6:  3.68e+05
          st7:  1.66e+08
          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm5:  {0, 0, 0xcd00, 0xcccc}
          mm6:  {0, 0, 0xe000, 0xb37a}
          mm7:  {0xb14d, 0x9499, 0x9da7, 0x9e79}
         xmm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images: ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name

44365   0x0092f000  0x0093a000  0x0093a000  0x0093d000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.57.2
44366   0x009a0000  0x009d9000  0x009d9000  0x00a10000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.2
44355   0x00d12000  0x00fe2000  0x00fe2000  0x0107c000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
44369   0x011ea000  0x012e1000  0x012e1000  0x012e3000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
44360   0x012f4000  0x013cf000  0x013cf000  0x0141b000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
44368   0x01451000  0x0146b000  0x0146b000  0x0146c000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
44358   0x01565000  0x0157c000  0x0157c000  0x01581000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
44357   0x015c0000  0x01600000  0x01600000  0x01602000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libpcre.so.1.2.12
44356   0x01888000  0x01a4f000  0x01a4f000  0x01ab1000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libtracker.so
44359   0x01b8b000  0x01bbd000  0x01bbd000  0x01bca000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.r4.so
44363   0x01c0a000  0x01c13000  0x01c13000  0x01c15000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.2
44353   0x01c3c000  0x01c5b000  0x01c5b000  0x01c5f000  lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
44362   0x01e0d000  0x0209e000  0x0209e000  0x02107000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.2
44364   0x02147000  0x0219a000  0x0219a000  0x021a5000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.57.2
44354   0x021e4000  0x022c1000  0x022c1000  0x022eb000  app     /boot/home/Desktop/Paladin2.7/Paladin-2.7/Paladin/Paladin
44367   0x02323000  0x02495000  0x02495000  0x024c9000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.2
44361   0x027cb000  0x0404b000  0x0404b000  0x0404c000  lib     /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.2
44352   0x65a3f000  0x65a47000  0x00000000  0x00000000  system  commpage

Areas: ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name

134206  0x001cd000  0x001dd000          64  rw-         full            rld heap
134205  0x00208000  0x00218000          64  rw-         full            rld heap
134204  0x00245000  0x0024d000          32  rw-         full            rld heap
134163  0x0033a000  0x0033b000           4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            _rld_debug_
134162  0x0034f000  0x0035f000          64  rw-         full            rld heap
134192  0x0092f000  0x0093a000          44  r-x         full            libiculx.so.57.2_seg0ro
134193  0x0093a000  0x0093d000          12  rw-         full            libiculx.so.57.2_seg1rw
134194  0x009a0000  0x009d9000         228  r-x         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg0ro
134195  0x009d9000  0x009de000          20  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg1rw
134196  0x009de000  0x00a10000         200  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg2rw
134167  0x00d12000  0x00fe2000        2880  r-x         full            libbe.so_seg0ro
134168  0x00fe2000  0x0107a000         608  rw-         full            libbe.so_seg1rw
134169  0x0107a000  0x0107c000           8  rw-         full            libbe.so_seg2rw
134202  0x011ea000  0x012e1000         988  r-x         full            libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
134203  0x012e1000  0x012e3000           8  rw-         full            libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
134180  0x012f4000  0x013cf000         876  r-x         full            libroot.so_seg0ro
134181  0x013cf000  0x013e3000          80  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg1rw
134182  0x013e3000  0x0141b000         224  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg2rw
134200  0x01451000  0x0146b000         104  r-x         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
134201  0x0146b000  0x0146c000           4  rw-         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
134175  0x01565000  0x0157c000          92  r-x         full            libtranslation.so_seg0ro
134176  0x0157c000  0x01581000          20  rw-         full            libtranslation.so_seg1rw
134173  0x015c0000  0x01600000         256  r-x         full            libpcre.so.1.2.12_seg0ro
134174  0x01600000  0x01602000           8  rw-         full            libpcre.so.1.2.12_seg1rw
134170  0x01888000  0x01a4f000        1820  r-x         full            libtracker.so_seg0ro
134171  0x01a4f000  0x01ab0000         388  rw-         full            libtracker.so_seg1rw
134172  0x01ab0000  0x01ab1000           4  rw-         full            libtracker.so_seg2rw
134177  0x01b8b000  0x01bbd000         200  r-x         full            libstdc++.r4.so_seg0ro
134178  0x01bbd000  0x01bc8000          44  rw-         full            libstdc++.r4.so_seg1rw
134179  0x01bc8000  0x01bca000           8  rw-         full            libstdc++.r4.so_seg2rw
134188  0x01c0a000  0x01c13000          36  r-x         full            libicuio.so.57.2_seg0ro
134189  0x01c13000  0x01c15000           8  rw-         full            libicuio.so.57.2_seg1rw
134159  0x01c3c000  0x01c5b000         124  r-x         full            runtime_loader_seg0ro
134160  0x01c5b000  0x01c5d000           8  rw-         full            runtime_loader_seg1rw
134161  0x01c5d000  0x01c5f000           8  rw-         full            runtime_loader_bss1
134185  0x01e0d000  0x0209e000        2628  r-x         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg0ro
134186  0x0209e000  0x02106000         416  rw-         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg1rw
134187  0x02106000  0x02107000           4  rw-         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg2rw
134190  0x02147000  0x0219a000         332  r-x         full            libicule.so.57.2_seg0ro
134191  0x0219a000  0x021a5000          44  rw-         full            libicule.so.57.2_seg1rw
134164  0x021e4000  0x022c1000         884  r-x         full            Paladin_seg0ro
134165  0x022c1000  0x022ea000         164  rw-         full            Paladin_seg1rw
134166  0x022ea000  0x022eb000           4  rw-         full            Paladin_seg2rw
134197  0x02323000  0x02495000        1480  r-x         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg0ro
134198  0x02495000  0x024c8000         204  rw-         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg1rw
134199  0x024c8000  0x024c9000           4  rw-         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg2rw
134183  0x027cb000  0x0404b000       25088  r-x         full            libicudata.so.57.2_seg0ro
134184  0x0404b000  0x0404c000           4  rw-         full            libicudata.so.57.2_seg1rw
134207  0x18bf9000  0x18ca9000         704  rw-, u:(0x100)  full            heap
134156  0x61385000  0x61389000          16  rw-         full            user area
134158  0x65a3f000  0x65a47000          32  r-xS        full            commpage
134216  0x65a47000  0x65a48000           4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
134157  0x71162000  0x72168000       16408  rw-s        full            Paladin_3548_stack
134218  0x72168000  0x72188000         128  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
135325  0x7a198000  0x7a1dd000         276  rw-s        full            build thread_3570_stack

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

Semaphores: ID Count Last Holder Name

116338      0             0 Catalog
116339      0          1874 Settings
116340      0             0 some BLocker
118506      0           311 token space
118511      0             0 some BBlockCache lock
118512      0             0 Catalog
118513      0             0 some BLocker
118514      0             0 some BLocker
118515      0           311 BLooperList lock
118516      0           311 Light Lock
118517      0             0 AppServerLink_sLock
118518      0             0 LocaleRosterData
118519      0             0 some BLocker
118521      0             0 Catalog
118522      0             0 PeriodicUpdatePoses
118523      0             0 Light Lock
118524      0           311 undo
118525      0          1874 some BLocker
118526      0           311 some BLocker
118527      0           311 BMessageQueue Lock
118528      0           311 AppLooperPort
118541      0             0 screen list
118542      0             0 clipboard
118543      0             0 width buffer
118605      0             0 some BLocker
118606      0          3570 some BLocker
118607      0             0 some BLocker
118617      0             0 some BLocker
118626      0             0 some BLocker
118627      0             0 some BLocker


kenmays commented 4 years ago

This is fixed for the current Paladin 2.8~git build submitted for Haiku.

Kitsune64 commented 4 years ago

Where do you find the 2.8 version? On Haikuport I see 2.7 seem the last.

kenmays commented 4 years ago

Ref: https://github.com/haikuports/haikuports/pull/5200 Recipe: https://github.com/kenmays/haikuports/tree/paladin-2/haiku-apps/paladin

Kitsune64 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I will try cause I not really understand how work a *.recipe file...