HaikuArchives / PecoRename

PecoRename is a powerfull renaming utility, which allows you to rename many files according to a preset pattern.
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Spinner TextView doesn't live update the preview #58

Open janus2 opened 6 years ago

janus2 commented 6 years ago

Insert text in the textview doesn't update the preview column.

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

It seems to work here... What rename gives the trouble? The Remover has problems, as we know from #43. I'm actually trying to look into that at the moment as the BColumnListView of FtpPositive frustrates me a bit. :)

janus2 commented 6 years ago

if I use the buttons the live update works, when I insert the text doesn't work in all the spinner.


humdingerb commented 6 years ago

Ah. I read to quickly... Yes, I see it. This should be changed in the private BAbstractSpinner class, right?

See https://git.haiku-os.org/haiku/tree/src/kits/interface/AbstractSpinner.cpp#n574

Naively, I think the

case B_ENTER:
case B_SPACE:

at the top should be removed and the default case be "fParent->SetValueFromText();". Am I wrong?

janus2 commented 6 years ago

I think they implemented the spinner in this way for symmetry with the BTextControl. I don't know if this makes sense because the message is sent every time the buttons -/+ are pressed.

There are two solutions:

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

I'd prefer the first solution. As you said, every button click sends a message and so should every digit entered. It should be corrected in the class, not worked around by all apps. At least it should be discussed... Unfortunately, I'm unable to build haiku at the moment to try it out. :( I get either build failures, jam crashing or Haiku KDLing.

janus2 commented 6 years ago

I am in the same position and I cannot commit I have followed the instructions but something went wrong.

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

Is your's the same failure as mine?

Error: Failed to open source path `/Source-Haiku/haiku/generated/tmp/extract/settings/./fonts/conf.d/10-hinting-slight.conf': Bad file descriptor`
humdingerb commented 6 years ago

@janus2, Reverting to hrev51712 fixed the building of images for me.

Unfortunately, my proposed change to MessageReceived() with the comment above doesn't work. I tried different approaches, also putting just fParent->Invoke() in the 'default', but it refuses to work... Either you can't enter anything, it's entered twice, you can't delete the text in the box...

Either you can have a stab at it, or I'll file an enhancement ticket and hope it'll get addressed some time...

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

BTW, DeadYak is of the sensible opinion that our 2nd suggestion would be preferable to stay consistent with BTextControl behaviour. That's definitely above my paygrade, so I'd have to back away from trying to change that myself.

janus2 commented 6 years ago

I am not more aligned when I do a git pull --rebase the output is POSSIBLE DNS SPOOFING DETECTED! I have followed the instructions on the mail list but nothing changed. This is the reason I don't fix Haiku bugs... I need some time to look into this problem.

humdingerb commented 6 years ago

After the move to Gerrit, you'll have to remove the "git.haiku-os.org" entry in /boot/home/config/settings/ssh/known_hosts.

I assume you have added your _idrsa.pub in your Gerrit settings?

Also, what bit me: git remove -v said ssh://humdinger@git.haiku-os.org/haiku originally, but Gerrit uses the GitHub username. I had to change to ssh://humdinger@git.haiku-os.org/haiku with git remote set-url origin ssh://humdingerb@git.haiku-os.org/haiku