HaikuArchives / StreamRadio

Haiku-native application to search for and listen to internet radio stations.
8 stars 11 forks source link

Clicking on "Station Panel" expand/collapse arrow causes crash #28

Closed Vidrep closed 4 years ago

Vidrep commented 4 years ago

Attach debugger report

Vidrep commented 4 years ago

`Debug information for team /boot/home/haikuarchives/StreamRadio/dist/StreamRadio (2192): CPU(s): 8x Intel Core™ i7-3770 Memory: 15.88 GiB total, 867.48 MiB used Haiku revision: hrev54526 Aug 22 2020 06:44:23 (x86_64)

Active Threads: thread 2192: StreamRadio (main) thread 3521: BMediaRoster thread 3538: team 2192 debug task thread 2199: w>StreamRadio state: Exception (General protection fault)

    Frame       IP          Function Name
    0x7f7d8280c990  0x1977c6b6d5b   BObjectList<BPrivate::Layout::CollapsingLayouter::Constraint>::~BObjectList() + 0x1b 
            0x000001977c6b6d40:               55  push %rbp
            0x000001977c6b6d41:           4889e5  mov %rsp, %rbp
            0x000001977c6b6d44:             4155  push %r13
            0x000001977c6b6d46:             4154  push %r12
            0x000001977c6b6d48:               53  push %rbx
            0x000001977c6b6d49:           4889fb  mov %rdi, %rbx
            0x000001977c6b6d4c:         4883ec08  sub $0x8, %rsp
            0x000001977c6b6d50:   488b05d9f62f00  mov 0x2ff6d9(%rip), %rax
            0x000001977c6b6d57:         4883c010  add $0x10, %rax
            0x000001977c6b6d5b:         807f2400  cmp $0x0, 0x24(%rdi) <--

        Frame memory:
            [0x7f7d8280c960]  ..a......\..m1..   f8 14 61 f8 e5 11 00 00 f8 5c 99 f9 6d 31 b1 b0
            [0x7f7d8280c970]  0]..m1..."s.....   30 5d 99 f9 6d 31 b1 b0 80 22 73 f8 e5 11 00 00
            [0x7f7d8280c980]  ....}.....j|....   b0 c9 80 82 7d 7f 00 00 f9 9d 6a 7c 97 01 00 00
    0x7f7d8280c9c0  0x1977c6a9df4   BPrivate::Layout::CollapsingLayouter::~CollapsingLayouter() + 0x54 
    0x7f7d8280c9e0  0x1977c6a9e5c   BPrivate::Layout::CollapsingLayouter::~CollapsingLayouter() + 0xc 
    0x7f7d8280ca10  0x1977c68d431   BTwoDimensionalLayout::CompoundLayouter::InvalidateLayout() + 0x21 
    0x7f7d8280ca30  0x1977c68d4bc   BTwoDimensionalLayout::VerticalCompoundLayouter::InvalidateLayout() + 0xc 
    0x7f7d8280ca60  0x1977c637e76   BLayout::InvalidateLayout(bool) + 0x106 
    0x7f7d8280ca80  0x105e317a698   Expander::SetExpanded(bool) + 0x58 
    0x7f7d8280ca90  0x105e317a6c2   Expander::Invoke(BMessage*) + 0x12 
    0x7f7d8280cae0  0x1977c609f78   BButton::MouseUp(BPoint) + 0x68 
    0x7f7d8280cc70  0x1977c69c0d4   BView::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0x314 
    0x7f7d8280cda0  0x1977c6161cf   BControl::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0x2f 
    0x7f7d8280cfd0  0x1977c6a511e   BWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0xb3e 
    0x7f7d8280d060  0x1977c6a076b   BWindow::task_looper() + 0x1bb 
    0x7f7d8280d080  0x1977c5e32bb   BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x1b 
    0x7f7d8280d0a0  0x1b8a906d077   thread_entry + 0x17 
    00000000    0x7fbdc4e34260  commpage_thread_exit + 0 

          rip:  0x000001977c6b6d5b
          rsp:  0x00007f7d8280c960
          rbp:  0x00007f7d8280c980
          rax:  0x000001977c9b0bb8
          rbx:  0xb0b1316df9995d08
          rcx:  0x000011e5f8720328
          rdx:  0x000001977c9b0be8
          rsi:  0xb0b11f88011800a8
          rdi:  0xb0b1316df9995d08
           r8:  0x0000000000000028
           r9:  0x0000000000000003
          r10:  0x0000000000000006
          r11:  0x0000000000000003
          r12:  0xb0b1316df9995d30
          r13:  0x000011e5f8732280
          r14:  0x000011e5f86b5908
          r15:  0x00007f7d8280cfe3
           cs:  0x002b
           ds:  0x0000
           es:  0x0000
           fs:  0x0000
           gs:  0x0000
           ss:  0x0023
          st0:  0
          st1:  0
          st2:  0
          st3:  0
          st4:  0
          st5:  0
          st6:  0
          st7:  0
          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm0:  {0, 0xbf80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm8:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm9:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm10:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm11:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm12:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm13:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm14:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm15:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images: ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name

7335    0x1cd9975000    0x1cd998b000    0x1cd9b8a000    0x1cd9b8c000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/GIFTranslator
7329    0x2b77c65000    0x2b77c7c000    0x2b77e7c000    0x2b77e7e000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEGTranslator
7233    0x2fea33a000    0x2fea3ed000    0x2fea5ed000    0x2fea5f9000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libmedia.so
7345    0x35cd9e4000    0x35cd9f1000    0x35cdbf1000    0x35cdbf2000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/STXTTranslator
7244    0x35d75e3000    0x35d7623000    0x35d7822000    0x35d782b000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so
7232    0x4772654000    0x47726ba000    0x47728b9000    0x47728be000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libbnetapi.so
7325    0x55ad9a7000    0x55ad9d8000    0x55adbd7000    0x55adbd8000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libpng16.so.16.37.0
7312    0x59468f1000    0x5946903000    0x5946b02000    0x5946b04000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator
7309    0x6f116db000    0x6f11895000    0x6f11a95000    0x6f11ab0000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libtracker.so
7307    0x706e7f4000    0x706e805000    0x706ea05000    0x706ea06000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot-addon-icu.so
7245    0x77cc0e4000    0x77cc2f2000    0x77cc4f2000    0x77cc521000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1
7321    0x82b5da9000    0x82b5dc5000    0x82b5fc4000    0x82b5fc7000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RAWTranslator
7320    0x83bfe05000    0x83bfe17000    0x83c0016000    0x83c0018000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RTFTranslator
7237    0x83cb095000    0x83cb311000    0x83cb511000    0x83cb526000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.2
7323    0xa584f76000    0xa584f82000    0xa585182000    0xa585184000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PPMTranslator
7342    0xae32e24000    0xae32e2a000    0xae3302a000    0xae3302b000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmThread-2_4.so.24.0.0
7326    0xaea0d3b000    0xaea0d47000    0xaea0f47000    0xaea0f48000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PCXTranslator
7314    0xc8b5fc9000    0xc8b6031000    0xc8b6230000    0xc8b6233000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libwebp.so.7.1.0
7331    0xd0a62b0000    0xd0a62bf000    0xd0a64be000    0xd0a64bf000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicns.so.1.2.0
7324    0xd0dd557000    0xd0dd566000    0xd0dd766000    0xd0dd767000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PNGTranslator
7311    0xd27f771000    0xd27f788000    0xd27f988000    0xd27f989000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0
7336    0xdcc1dd1000    0xdcc1dde000    0xdcc1fde000    0xdcc1fdf000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/EXRTranslator
7313    0xe04a7b5000    0xe04a7c3000    0xe04a9c3000    0xe04a9c4000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WebPTranslator
7241    0xe304b3a000    0xe304b56000    0xe304d55000    0xe304d56000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
7238    0xe355bcc000    0xe355bd8000    0xe355dd7000    0xe355dd9000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.2
7234    0xe61be6c000    0xe61be82000    0xe61c081000    0xe61c082000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
7316    0xed105b5000    0xed10627000    0xed10827000    0xed1082b000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libtiff.so.5.5.0
7337    0xf49577e000    0xf49594c000    0xf495b4c000    0xf495c51000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmImf-2_4.so.24.0.0
7228    0x105e315a000   0x105e3191000   0x105e3391000   0x105e3395000   app     /boot/home/haikuarchives/StreamRadio/dist/StreamRadio
7341    0x122864c6000   0x122864c8000   0x122866c7000   0x122866c8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIexMath-2_4.so.24.0.0
7315    0x12ab368f000   0x12ab369d000   0x12ab389d000   0x12ab389e000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TIFFTranslator
7330    0x1387094e000   0x1387095b000   0x13870b5b000   0x13870b5c000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICNSTranslator
7338    0x13cc82ac000   0x13cc82ce000   0x13cc84cd000   0x13cc84cf000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmImfUtil-2_4.so.24.0.0
7308    0x13fb346b000   0x13fb3492000   0x13fb3691000   0x13fb3695000   add-on  /boot/system/apps/Sanity
7334    0x14513392000   0x1451339e000   0x1451359e000   0x1451359f000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/HVIFTranslator
7240    0x145fb810000   0x145fb9a4000   0x145fbba4000   0x145fbbb9000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.2
7340    0x150ef05c000   0x150ef0a7000   0x150ef2a7000   0x150ef2ab000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIex-2_4.so.24.0.0
7333    0x151c80e8000   0x151c80f6000   0x151c82f6000   0x151c82f7000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICOTranslator
7229    0x1560cf8c000   0x1560d0ee000   0x1560d2ee000   0x1560d302000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.25
7322    0x16fe1606000   0x16fe1618000   0x16fe1817000   0x16fe1819000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PSDTranslator
7317    0x175fdc06000   0x175fdc97000   0x175fde97000   0x175fde98000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libjpeg.so.62.3.0
7343    0x178f3fc2000   0x178f3fd7000   0x178f41d7000   0x178f41d8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libImath-2_4.so.24.0.0
7239    0x1794c546000   0x1794c574000   0x1794c774000   0x1794c7a8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.2
7344    0x18833c50000   0x18833c5e000   0x18833e5e000   0x18833e5f000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/BMPTranslator
7327    0x19163c81000   0x19163c95000   0x19163e95000   0x19163e97000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEG2000Translator
7319    0x194f4a31000   0x194f4a41000   0x194f4c40000   0x194f4c41000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/SGITranslator
7246    0x195a3850000   0x195a38d4000   0x195a3ad4000   0x195a3ae1000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libssl.so.1.1
7230    0x1977c48b000   0x1977c7a3000   0x1977c9a2000   0x1977c9d0000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
7243    0x1a9f8eed000   0x1a9f8fe8000   0x1a9f91e7000   0x1a9f91ea000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
7235    0x1b8a9030000   0x1b8a913d000   0x1b8a933d000   0x1b8a938f000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
7231    0x1c25ac90000   0x1c25aca5000   0x1c25aea4000   0x1c25aea6000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
7310    0x1c439e11000   0x1c439e20000   0x1c43a01f000   0x1c43a022000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libsane.so.1.0.30
7227    0x1c50c831000   0x1c50c852000   0x1c50ca51000   0x1c50ca53000   lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
7339    0x1d21b853000   0x1d21b895000   0x1d21ba94000   0x1d21ba95000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libHalf-2_4.so.24.0.0
7332    0x1d23b5ba000   0x1d23b62c000   0x1d23b82b000   0x1d23b82d000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libopenjp2.so.2.3.1
7318    0x1e0cd017000   0x1e0cd027000   0x1e0cd227000   0x1e0cd228000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TGATranslator
7247    0x1e4fc677000   0x1e4fc67e000   0x1e4fc87d000   0x1e4fc87e000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libbsd.so
7242    0x1e959ff7000   0x1e95a0c3000   0x1e95a2c2000   0x1e95a2c3000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libzstd.so.1.4.5
7328    0x1f563275000   0x1f5632de000   0x1f5634dd000   0x1f5634e8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libjasper.so.4.0.0
7236    0x2068a208000   0x2068ba88000   0x2068bc87000   0x2068bc88000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.2
7226    0x7fbdc4e34000  0x7fbdc4e3c000  0x00000000  0x00000000  system  commpage

Areas: ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name

24280   0x60000000  0x60001000           4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
24282   0x68000000  0x68fc6000       16152  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
24771   0x1cd9975000    0x1cd998b000            88  r-x         full            GIFTranslator_seg0ro
24772   0x1cd9b8a000    0x1cd9b8c000             8  rw-         full            GIFTranslator_seg1rw
24759   0x2b77c65000    0x2b77c7c000            92  r-x         full            JPEGTranslator_seg0ro
24760   0x2b77e7c000    0x2b77e7e000             8  rw-         full            JPEGTranslator_seg1rw
24234   0x2fea33a000    0x2fea3ed000           716  r-x         full            libmedia.so_seg0ro
24235   0x2fea5ed000    0x2fea5f9000            48  rw-         full            libmedia.so_seg1rw
24791   0x35cd9e4000    0x35cd9f1000            52  r-x         full            STXTTranslator_seg0ro
24792   0x35cdbf1000    0x35cdbf2000             4  rw-         full            STXTTranslator_seg1rw
24258   0x35d75e3000    0x35d7623000           256  r-x         full            libnetwork.so_seg0ro
24259   0x35d7822000    0x35d7825000            12  rw-         full            libnetwork.so_seg1rw
24260   0x35d7825000    0x35d782b000            24  rw-         full            libnetwork.so_seg2rw
24232   0x4772654000    0x47726ba000           408  r-x         full            libbnetapi.so_seg0ro
24233   0x47728b9000    0x47728be000            20  rw-         full            libbnetapi.so_seg1rw
24221   0x4c6da5f000    0x4c6da6f000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
24750   0x55ad9a7000    0x55ad9d8000           196  r-x         full            libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg0ro
24751   0x55adbd7000    0x55adbd8000             4  rw-         full            libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg1rw
24723   0x59468f1000    0x5946903000            72  r-x         full            WonderBrushTranslator_seg0ro
24724   0x5946b02000    0x5946b04000             8  rw-         full            WonderBrushTranslator_seg1rw
24715   0x6f116db000    0x6f11895000          1768  r-x         full            libtracker.so_seg0ro
24716   0x6f11a95000    0x6f11aae000           100  rw-         full            libtracker.so_seg1rw
24717   0x6f11aae000    0x6f11ab0000             8  rw-         full            libtracker.so_seg2rw
24711   0x706e7f4000    0x706e805000            68  r-x         full            libroot-addon-icu.so_seg0ro
24712   0x706ea05000    0x706ea06000             4  rw-         full            libroot-addon-icu.so_seg1rw
24261   0x77cc0e4000    0x77cc2f2000          2104  r-x         full            libcrypto.so.1.1_seg0ro
24262   0x77cc4f2000    0x77cc51e000           176  rw-         full            libcrypto.so.1.1_seg1rw
24263   0x77cc51e000    0x77cc521000            12  rw-         full            libcrypto.so.1.1_seg2rw
24742   0x82b5da9000    0x82b5dc5000           112  r-x         full            RAWTranslator_seg0ro
24743   0x82b5fc4000    0x82b5fc7000            12  rw-         full            RAWTranslator_seg1rw
24740   0x83bfe05000    0x83bfe17000            72  r-x         full            RTFTranslator_seg0ro
24741   0x83c0016000    0x83c0018000             8  rw-         full            RTFTranslator_seg1rw
24243   0x83cb095000    0x83cb311000          2544  r-x         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg0ro
24244   0x83cb511000    0x83cb526000            84  rw-         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg1rw
24222   0x920773d000    0x920773e000             4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            _rld_debug_
24746   0xa584f76000    0xa584f82000            48  r-x         full            PPMTranslator_seg0ro
24747   0xa585182000    0xa585184000             8  rw-         full            PPMTranslator_seg1rw
24785   0xae32e24000    0xae32e2a000            24  r-x         full            libIlmThread-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0
24786   0xae3302a000    0xae3302b000             4  rw-         full            libIlmThread-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1
24752   0xaea0d3b000    0xaea0d47000            48  r-x         full            PCXTranslator_seg0ro
24753   0xaea0f47000    0xaea0f48000             4  rw-         full            PCXTranslator_seg1rw
24268   0xc239b67000    0xc239b6f000            32  rw-         full            rld heap
24727   0xc8b5fc9000    0xc8b6031000           416  r-x         full            libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg0ro
24728   0xc8b6230000    0xc8b6231000             4  rw-         full            libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg1rw
24729   0xc8b6231000    0xc8b6233000             8  rw-         full            libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg2rw
24763   0xd0a62b0000    0xd0a62bf000            60  r-x         full            libicns.so.1.2.0_seg0ro
24764   0xd0a64be000    0xd0a64bf000             4  rw-         full            libicns.so.1.2.0_seg1rw
24748   0xd0dd557000    0xd0dd566000            60  r-x         full            PNGTranslator_seg0ro
24749   0xd0dd766000    0xd0dd767000             4  rw-         full            PNGTranslator_seg1rw
24721   0xd27f771000    0xd27f788000            92  r-x         full            libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0_seg0ro
24722   0xd27f988000    0xd27f989000             4  rw-         full            libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0_seg1rw
24773   0xdcc1dd1000    0xdcc1dde000            52  r-x         full            EXRTranslator_seg0ro
24774   0xdcc1fde000    0xdcc1fdf000             4  rw-         full            EXRTranslator_seg1rw
24269   0xdd4bd37000    0xdd4bd47000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
24270   0xdee74fb000    0xdee750b000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
24725   0xe04a7b5000    0xe04a7c3000            56  r-x         full            WebPTranslator_seg0ro
24726   0xe04a9c3000    0xe04a9c4000             4  rw-         full            WebPTranslator_seg1rw
24271   0xe0e5dca000    0xe0e5de2000            96  rw-         full            rld heap
24272   0xe23d88e000    0xe23d8a6000            96  rw-         full            rld heap
24252   0xe304b3a000    0xe304b56000           112  r-x         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
24253   0xe304d55000    0xe304d56000             4  rw-         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
24245   0xe355bcc000    0xe355bd8000            48  r-x         full            libicuio.so.57.2_seg0ro
24246   0xe355dd7000    0xe355dd9000             8  rw-         full            libicuio.so.57.2_seg1rw
24236   0xe61be6c000    0xe61be82000            88  r-x         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
24237   0xe61c081000    0xe61c082000             4  rw-         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
24732   0xed105b5000    0xed10627000           456  r-x         full            libtiff.so.5.5.0_seg0ro
24733   0xed10827000    0xed1082b000            16  rw-         full            libtiff.so.5.5.0_seg1rw
24775   0xf49577e000    0xf49594c000          1848  r-x         full            libIlmImf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24776   0xf495b4c000    0xf495c51000          1044  rw-         full            libIlmImf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24223   0x105e315a000   0x105e3191000          220  r-x         full            StreamRadio_seg0ro
24224   0x105e3391000   0x105e3395000           16  rw-         full            StreamRadio_seg1rw
24783   0x122864c6000   0x122864c8000            8  r-x         full            libIexMath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24784   0x122866c7000   0x122866c8000            4  rw-         full            libIexMath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24730   0x12ab368f000   0x12ab369d000           56  r-x         full            TIFFTranslator_seg0ro
24731   0x12ab389d000   0x12ab389e000            4  rw-         full            TIFFTranslator_seg1rw
24761   0x1387094e000   0x1387095b000           52  r-x         full            ICNSTranslator_seg0ro
24762   0x13870b5b000   0x13870b5c000            4  rw-         full            ICNSTranslator_seg1rw
24777   0x13cc82ac000   0x13cc82ce000          136  r-x         full            libIlmImfUtil-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg
24778   0x13cc84cd000   0x13cc84cf000            8  rw-         full            libIlmImfUtil-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg
24713   0x13fb346b000   0x13fb3492000          156  r-x         full            Sanity_seg0ro
24714   0x13fb3691000   0x13fb3695000           16  rw-         full            Sanity_seg1rw
24769   0x14513392000   0x1451339e000           48  r-x         full            HVIFTranslator_seg0ro
24770   0x1451359e000   0x1451359f000            4  rw-         full            HVIFTranslator_seg1rw
24250   0x145fb810000   0x145fb9a4000         1616  r-x         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg0ro
24251   0x145fbba4000   0x145fbbb9000           84  rw-         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg1rw
24781   0x150ef05c000   0x150ef0a7000          300  r-x         full            libIex-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24782   0x150ef2a7000   0x150ef2ab000           16  rw-         full            libIex-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24767   0x151c80e8000   0x151c80f6000           56  r-x         full            ICOTranslator_seg0ro
24768   0x151c82f6000   0x151c82f7000            4  rw-         full            ICOTranslator_seg1rw
24225   0x1560cf8c000   0x1560d0ee000         1416  r-x         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg0ro
24226   0x1560d2ee000   0x1560d2fa000           48  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg1rw
24227   0x1560d2fa000   0x1560d302000           32  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg2rw
24744   0x16fe1606000   0x16fe1618000           72  r-x         full            PSDTranslator_seg0ro
24745   0x16fe1817000   0x16fe1819000            8  rw-         full            PSDTranslator_seg1rw
24734   0x175fdc06000   0x175fdc97000          580  r-x         full            libjpeg.so.62.3.0_seg0ro
24735   0x175fde97000   0x175fde98000            4  rw-         full            libjpeg.so.62.3.0_seg1rw
24787   0x178f3fc2000   0x178f3fd7000           84  r-x         full            libImath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24788   0x178f41d7000   0x178f41d8000            4  rw-         full            libImath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24247   0x1794c546000   0x1794c574000          184  r-x         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg0ro
24248   0x1794c774000   0x1794c776000            8  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg1rw
24249   0x1794c776000   0x1794c7a8000          200  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg2rw
24789   0x18833c50000   0x18833c5e000           56  r-x         full            BMPTranslator_seg0ro
24790   0x18833e5e000   0x18833e5f000            4  rw-         full            BMPTranslator_seg1rw
24754   0x19163c81000   0x19163c95000           80  r-x         full            JPEG2000Translator_seg0ro
24755   0x19163e95000   0x19163e97000            8  rw-         full            JPEG2000Translator_seg1rw
24738   0x194f4a31000   0x194f4a41000           64  r-x         full            SGITranslator_seg0ro
24739   0x194f4c40000   0x194f4c41000            4  rw-         full            SGITranslator_seg1rw
24264   0x195a3850000   0x195a38d4000          528  r-x         full            libssl.so.1.1_seg0ro
24265   0x195a3ad4000   0x195a3ae1000           52  rw-         full            libssl.so.1.1_seg1rw
24228   0x1977c48b000   0x1977c7a3000         3168  r-x         full            libbe.so_seg0ro
24229   0x1977c9a2000   0x1977c9d0000          184  rw-         full            libbe.so_seg1rw
24256   0x1a9f8eed000   0x1a9f8fe8000         1004  r-x         full            libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
24257   0x1a9f91e7000   0x1a9f91ea000           12  rw-         full            libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
24238   0x1b8a9030000   0x1b8a913d000         1076  r-x         full            libroot.so_seg0ro
24239   0x1b8a933d000   0x1b8a934b000           56  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg1rw
24240   0x1b8a934b000   0x1b8a938f000          272  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg2rw
24230   0x1c25ac90000   0x1c25aca5000           84  r-x         full            libtranslation.so_seg0ro
24231   0x1c25aea4000   0x1c25aea6000            8  rw-         full            libtranslation.so_seg1rw
24718   0x1c439e11000   0x1c439e20000           60  r-x         full            libsane.so.1.0.30_seg0ro
24719   0x1c43a01f000   0x1c43a020000            4  rw-         full            libsane.so.1.0.30_seg1rw
24720   0x1c43a020000   0x1c43a022000            8  rw-         full            libsane.so.1.0.30_seg2rw
24219   0x1c50c831000   0x1c50c852000          132  r-x         full            runtime_loader_seg0ro
24220   0x1c50ca51000   0x1c50ca53000            8  rw-         full            runtime_loader_seg1rw
24779   0x1d21b853000   0x1d21b895000          264  r-x         full            libHalf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24780   0x1d21ba94000   0x1d21ba95000            4  rw-         full            libHalf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24765   0x1d23b5ba000   0x1d23b62c000          456  r-x         full            libopenjp2.so.2.3.1_seg0ro
24766   0x1d23b82b000   0x1d23b82d000            8  rw-         full            libopenjp2.so.2.3.1_seg1rw
24736   0x1e0cd017000   0x1e0cd027000           64  r-x         full            TGATranslator_seg0ro
24737   0x1e0cd227000   0x1e0cd228000            4  rw-         full            TGATranslator_seg1rw
24266   0x1e4fc677000   0x1e4fc67e000           28  r-x         full            libbsd.so_seg0ro
24267   0x1e4fc87d000   0x1e4fc87e000            4  rw-         full            libbsd.so_seg1rw
24254   0x1e959ff7000   0x1e95a0c3000          816  r-x         full            libzstd.so.1.4.5_seg0ro
24255   0x1e95a2c2000   0x1e95a2c3000            4  rw-         full            libzstd.so.1.4.5_seg1rw
24756   0x1f563275000   0x1f5632de000          420  r-x         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg0ro
24757   0x1f5634dd000   0x1f5634e1000           16  rw-         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg1rw
24758   0x1f5634e1000   0x1f5634e8000           28  rw-         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg2rw
24241   0x2068a208000   0x2068ba88000        25088  r-x         full            libicudata.so.57.2_seg0ro
24242   0x2068bc87000   0x2068bc88000            4  rw-         full            libicudata.so.57.2_seg1rw
24273   0x11e5f85fe000  0x11e5f944e000       14656  rw-, u:(0x100)  full            heap
24294   0x7f7d827ca000  0x7f7d8280f000         276  rw-s        full            w>StreamRadio_2199_stack
28712   0x7f98e8144000  0x7f98e8189000         276  rw-s        full            _BMediaRoster__3521_stack
24218   0x7fbdc4e34000  0x7fbdc4e3c000          32  r-xSk       full            commpage
24215   0x7fd0d98e2000  0x7fd0d98e6000          16  rw-k        full            user area
24217   0x7fefa2d43000  0x7fefa3d44000       16388  rw-s        full            StreamRadio_2192_stack

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

Semaphores: ID Count Last Holder Name

54059       0          2199 some BBlockCache lock
54060       0          2199 token space
54061       0          2199 BLooperList lock
54062       0          2199 AppServerLink_sLock
54063       0             0 some BLocker
54064       0             0 some BLocker
54065       0             0 Catalog
54066       0             0 LocaleRosterData
54067       0             0 some BLocker
54068       0             0 Catalog
54069       0             0 DNS cache
54070       0             0 synchronized hash map
54071       0             0 synchronized hash map
54072       0             0 some BLocker
54073       0             0 some BLocker
54074       0             0 BMediaRoster::Roster locker
54075       0          3518 port pool
54076       0             0 media theme lock
54077       0             0 add-on manager
54078       0             0 shared buffer list
54079       0             0 media plugin manager
54080       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54081       0             0 AppLooperPort
54093       0             0 screen list
54094       0             0 clipboard
54095       0             0 width buffer
54096       0             0 Catalog
54111       0             0 tool tip manager
54115       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54116       0          2199 StreamRadio
54122       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54123       0             0 offscreen bitmap
54176       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54177       0             0 offscreen bitmap
55979       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
55980       0             0 offscreen bitmap
55987       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
55988       0             0 offscreen bitmap
56162       0             0 translator list
56163       0             0 some BLocker
56164       0             0 some BLocker
56165       0             0 undo
56166       0             0 Light Lock
56167       0             0 Light Lock
56168       0             0 PeriodicUpdatePoses
56169       0             0 some BLocker
56170       0             0 Catalog
56171       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56172       0             0 Catalog
56173       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56174       0             0 Catalog
56175       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56176       0             0 Catalog
56177       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56178       0             0 Catalog
56179       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56180       0             0 Catalog
56181       0             0 Catalog
56182       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56183       0             0 Catalog
56184       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56185       0             0 PPM settings lock
56187       0             0 Catalog
56188       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56189       0             0 Catalog
56190       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56191       0             0 Catalog
56192       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56193       0             0 Catalog
56194       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56195       0             0 Catalog
56196       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56197       0             0 Catalog
56198       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56199       0             0 Catalog
56200       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56201       0             0 Catalog
56202       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56203       0             0 Catalog
56204       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56205       0             0 Catalog
56206       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56207       0             0 Catalog
56208       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56780       0             0 format manager
56803       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
56804       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69474       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69483       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69497       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69499       0             0 _BMediaRoster_
69509       0             0 dormant node manager locker
69511       0             0 time source object manager
69525       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69527       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69671       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69672       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69690       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69691       0             0 offscreen bitmap


Vidrep commented 4 years ago

`Debug information for team /boot/home/haikuarchives/StreamRadio/dist/StreamRadio (2192): CPU(s): 8x Intel Core™ i7-3770 Memory: 15.88 GiB total, 867.48 MiB used Haiku revision: hrev54526 Aug 22 2020 06:44:23 (x86_64)

Active Threads: thread 2192: StreamRadio (main) thread 3521: BMediaRoster thread 3538: team 2192 debug task thread 2199: w>StreamRadio state: Exception (General protection fault)

    Frame       IP          Function Name
    0x7f7d8280c990  0x1977c6b6d5b   BObjectList<BPrivate::Layout::CollapsingLayouter::Constraint>::~BObjectList() + 0x1b 
            0x000001977c6b6d40:               55  push %rbp
            0x000001977c6b6d41:           4889e5  mov %rsp, %rbp
            0x000001977c6b6d44:             4155  push %r13
            0x000001977c6b6d46:             4154  push %r12
            0x000001977c6b6d48:               53  push %rbx
            0x000001977c6b6d49:           4889fb  mov %rdi, %rbx
            0x000001977c6b6d4c:         4883ec08  sub $0x8, %rsp
            0x000001977c6b6d50:   488b05d9f62f00  mov 0x2ff6d9(%rip), %rax
            0x000001977c6b6d57:         4883c010  add $0x10, %rax
            0x000001977c6b6d5b:         807f2400  cmp $0x0, 0x24(%rdi) <--

        Frame memory:
            [0x7f7d8280c960]  ..a......\..m1..   f8 14 61 f8 e5 11 00 00 f8 5c 99 f9 6d 31 b1 b0
            [0x7f7d8280c970]  0]..m1..."s.....   30 5d 99 f9 6d 31 b1 b0 80 22 73 f8 e5 11 00 00
            [0x7f7d8280c980]  ....}.....j|....   b0 c9 80 82 7d 7f 00 00 f9 9d 6a 7c 97 01 00 00
    0x7f7d8280c9c0  0x1977c6a9df4   BPrivate::Layout::CollapsingLayouter::~CollapsingLayouter() + 0x54 
    0x7f7d8280c9e0  0x1977c6a9e5c   BPrivate::Layout::CollapsingLayouter::~CollapsingLayouter() + 0xc 
    0x7f7d8280ca10  0x1977c68d431   BTwoDimensionalLayout::CompoundLayouter::InvalidateLayout() + 0x21 
    0x7f7d8280ca30  0x1977c68d4bc   BTwoDimensionalLayout::VerticalCompoundLayouter::InvalidateLayout() + 0xc 
    0x7f7d8280ca60  0x1977c637e76   BLayout::InvalidateLayout(bool) + 0x106 
    0x7f7d8280ca80  0x105e317a698   Expander::SetExpanded(bool) + 0x58 
    0x7f7d8280ca90  0x105e317a6c2   Expander::Invoke(BMessage*) + 0x12 
    0x7f7d8280cae0  0x1977c609f78   BButton::MouseUp(BPoint) + 0x68 
    0x7f7d8280cc70  0x1977c69c0d4   BView::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0x314 
    0x7f7d8280cda0  0x1977c6161cf   BControl::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0x2f 
    0x7f7d8280cfd0  0x1977c6a511e   BWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0xb3e 
    0x7f7d8280d060  0x1977c6a076b   BWindow::task_looper() + 0x1bb 
    0x7f7d8280d080  0x1977c5e32bb   BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x1b 
    0x7f7d8280d0a0  0x1b8a906d077   thread_entry + 0x17 
    00000000    0x7fbdc4e34260  commpage_thread_exit + 0 

          rip:  0x000001977c6b6d5b
          rsp:  0x00007f7d8280c960
          rbp:  0x00007f7d8280c980
          rax:  0x000001977c9b0bb8
          rbx:  0xb0b1316df9995d08
          rcx:  0x000011e5f8720328
          rdx:  0x000001977c9b0be8
          rsi:  0xb0b11f88011800a8
          rdi:  0xb0b1316df9995d08
           r8:  0x0000000000000028
           r9:  0x0000000000000003
          r10:  0x0000000000000006
          r11:  0x0000000000000003
          r12:  0xb0b1316df9995d30
          r13:  0x000011e5f8732280
          r14:  0x000011e5f86b5908
          r15:  0x00007f7d8280cfe3
           cs:  0x002b
           ds:  0x0000
           es:  0x0000
           fs:  0x0000
           gs:  0x0000
           ss:  0x0023
          st0:  0
          st1:  0
          st2:  0
          st3:  0
          st4:  0
          st5:  0
          st6:  0
          st7:  0
          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm0:  {0, 0xbf80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm8:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm9:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm10:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm11:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm12:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm13:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm14:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm15:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images: ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name

7335    0x1cd9975000    0x1cd998b000    0x1cd9b8a000    0x1cd9b8c000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/GIFTranslator
7329    0x2b77c65000    0x2b77c7c000    0x2b77e7c000    0x2b77e7e000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEGTranslator
7233    0x2fea33a000    0x2fea3ed000    0x2fea5ed000    0x2fea5f9000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libmedia.so
7345    0x35cd9e4000    0x35cd9f1000    0x35cdbf1000    0x35cdbf2000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/STXTTranslator
7244    0x35d75e3000    0x35d7623000    0x35d7822000    0x35d782b000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so
7232    0x4772654000    0x47726ba000    0x47728b9000    0x47728be000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libbnetapi.so
7325    0x55ad9a7000    0x55ad9d8000    0x55adbd7000    0x55adbd8000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libpng16.so.16.37.0
7312    0x59468f1000    0x5946903000    0x5946b02000    0x5946b04000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator
7309    0x6f116db000    0x6f11895000    0x6f11a95000    0x6f11ab0000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libtracker.so
7307    0x706e7f4000    0x706e805000    0x706ea05000    0x706ea06000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot-addon-icu.so
7245    0x77cc0e4000    0x77cc2f2000    0x77cc4f2000    0x77cc521000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1
7321    0x82b5da9000    0x82b5dc5000    0x82b5fc4000    0x82b5fc7000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RAWTranslator
7320    0x83bfe05000    0x83bfe17000    0x83c0016000    0x83c0018000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RTFTranslator
7237    0x83cb095000    0x83cb311000    0x83cb511000    0x83cb526000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.2
7323    0xa584f76000    0xa584f82000    0xa585182000    0xa585184000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PPMTranslator
7342    0xae32e24000    0xae32e2a000    0xae3302a000    0xae3302b000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmThread-2_4.so.24.0.0
7326    0xaea0d3b000    0xaea0d47000    0xaea0f47000    0xaea0f48000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PCXTranslator
7314    0xc8b5fc9000    0xc8b6031000    0xc8b6230000    0xc8b6233000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libwebp.so.7.1.0
7331    0xd0a62b0000    0xd0a62bf000    0xd0a64be000    0xd0a64bf000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicns.so.1.2.0
7324    0xd0dd557000    0xd0dd566000    0xd0dd766000    0xd0dd767000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PNGTranslator
7311    0xd27f771000    0xd27f788000    0xd27f988000    0xd27f989000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0
7336    0xdcc1dd1000    0xdcc1dde000    0xdcc1fde000    0xdcc1fdf000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/EXRTranslator
7313    0xe04a7b5000    0xe04a7c3000    0xe04a9c3000    0xe04a9c4000    add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WebPTranslator
7241    0xe304b3a000    0xe304b56000    0xe304d55000    0xe304d56000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
7238    0xe355bcc000    0xe355bd8000    0xe355dd7000    0xe355dd9000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.2
7234    0xe61be6c000    0xe61be82000    0xe61c081000    0xe61c082000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
7316    0xed105b5000    0xed10627000    0xed10827000    0xed1082b000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libtiff.so.5.5.0
7337    0xf49577e000    0xf49594c000    0xf495b4c000    0xf495c51000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmImf-2_4.so.24.0.0
7228    0x105e315a000   0x105e3191000   0x105e3391000   0x105e3395000   app     /boot/home/haikuarchives/StreamRadio/dist/StreamRadio
7341    0x122864c6000   0x122864c8000   0x122866c7000   0x122866c8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIexMath-2_4.so.24.0.0
7315    0x12ab368f000   0x12ab369d000   0x12ab389d000   0x12ab389e000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TIFFTranslator
7330    0x1387094e000   0x1387095b000   0x13870b5b000   0x13870b5c000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICNSTranslator
7338    0x13cc82ac000   0x13cc82ce000   0x13cc84cd000   0x13cc84cf000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIlmImfUtil-2_4.so.24.0.0
7308    0x13fb346b000   0x13fb3492000   0x13fb3691000   0x13fb3695000   add-on  /boot/system/apps/Sanity
7334    0x14513392000   0x1451339e000   0x1451359e000   0x1451359f000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/HVIFTranslator
7240    0x145fb810000   0x145fb9a4000   0x145fbba4000   0x145fbbb9000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.2
7340    0x150ef05c000   0x150ef0a7000   0x150ef2a7000   0x150ef2ab000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libIex-2_4.so.24.0.0
7333    0x151c80e8000   0x151c80f6000   0x151c82f6000   0x151c82f7000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICOTranslator
7229    0x1560cf8c000   0x1560d0ee000   0x1560d2ee000   0x1560d302000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.25
7322    0x16fe1606000   0x16fe1618000   0x16fe1817000   0x16fe1819000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PSDTranslator
7317    0x175fdc06000   0x175fdc97000   0x175fde97000   0x175fde98000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libjpeg.so.62.3.0
7343    0x178f3fc2000   0x178f3fd7000   0x178f41d7000   0x178f41d8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libImath-2_4.so.24.0.0
7239    0x1794c546000   0x1794c574000   0x1794c774000   0x1794c7a8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.2
7344    0x18833c50000   0x18833c5e000   0x18833e5e000   0x18833e5f000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/BMPTranslator
7327    0x19163c81000   0x19163c95000   0x19163e95000   0x19163e97000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEG2000Translator
7319    0x194f4a31000   0x194f4a41000   0x194f4c40000   0x194f4c41000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/SGITranslator
7246    0x195a3850000   0x195a38d4000   0x195a3ad4000   0x195a3ae1000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libssl.so.1.1
7230    0x1977c48b000   0x1977c7a3000   0x1977c9a2000   0x1977c9d0000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
7243    0x1a9f8eed000   0x1a9f8fe8000   0x1a9f91e7000   0x1a9f91ea000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
7235    0x1b8a9030000   0x1b8a913d000   0x1b8a933d000   0x1b8a938f000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot.so
7231    0x1c25ac90000   0x1c25aca5000   0x1c25aea4000   0x1c25aea6000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
7310    0x1c439e11000   0x1c439e20000   0x1c43a01f000   0x1c43a022000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libsane.so.1.0.30
7227    0x1c50c831000   0x1c50c852000   0x1c50ca51000   0x1c50ca53000   lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
7339    0x1d21b853000   0x1d21b895000   0x1d21ba94000   0x1d21ba95000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libHalf-2_4.so.24.0.0
7332    0x1d23b5ba000   0x1d23b62c000   0x1d23b82b000   0x1d23b82d000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libopenjp2.so.2.3.1
7318    0x1e0cd017000   0x1e0cd027000   0x1e0cd227000   0x1e0cd228000   add-on  /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TGATranslator
7247    0x1e4fc677000   0x1e4fc67e000   0x1e4fc87d000   0x1e4fc87e000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libbsd.so
7242    0x1e959ff7000   0x1e95a0c3000   0x1e95a2c2000   0x1e95a2c3000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libzstd.so.1.4.5
7328    0x1f563275000   0x1f5632de000   0x1f5634dd000   0x1f5634e8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libjasper.so.4.0.0
7236    0x2068a208000   0x2068ba88000   0x2068bc87000   0x2068bc88000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.2
7226    0x7fbdc4e34000  0x7fbdc4e3c000  0x00000000  0x00000000  system  commpage

Areas: ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name

24280   0x60000000  0x60001000           4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
24282   0x68000000  0x68fc6000       16152  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            server_memory
24771   0x1cd9975000    0x1cd998b000            88  r-x         full            GIFTranslator_seg0ro
24772   0x1cd9b8a000    0x1cd9b8c000             8  rw-         full            GIFTranslator_seg1rw
24759   0x2b77c65000    0x2b77c7c000            92  r-x         full            JPEGTranslator_seg0ro
24760   0x2b77e7c000    0x2b77e7e000             8  rw-         full            JPEGTranslator_seg1rw
24234   0x2fea33a000    0x2fea3ed000           716  r-x         full            libmedia.so_seg0ro
24235   0x2fea5ed000    0x2fea5f9000            48  rw-         full            libmedia.so_seg1rw
24791   0x35cd9e4000    0x35cd9f1000            52  r-x         full            STXTTranslator_seg0ro
24792   0x35cdbf1000    0x35cdbf2000             4  rw-         full            STXTTranslator_seg1rw
24258   0x35d75e3000    0x35d7623000           256  r-x         full            libnetwork.so_seg0ro
24259   0x35d7822000    0x35d7825000            12  rw-         full            libnetwork.so_seg1rw
24260   0x35d7825000    0x35d782b000            24  rw-         full            libnetwork.so_seg2rw
24232   0x4772654000    0x47726ba000           408  r-x         full            libbnetapi.so_seg0ro
24233   0x47728b9000    0x47728be000            20  rw-         full            libbnetapi.so_seg1rw
24221   0x4c6da5f000    0x4c6da6f000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
24750   0x55ad9a7000    0x55ad9d8000           196  r-x         full            libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg0ro
24751   0x55adbd7000    0x55adbd8000             4  rw-         full            libpng16.so.16.37.0_seg1rw
24723   0x59468f1000    0x5946903000            72  r-x         full            WonderBrushTranslator_seg0ro
24724   0x5946b02000    0x5946b04000             8  rw-         full            WonderBrushTranslator_seg1rw
24715   0x6f116db000    0x6f11895000          1768  r-x         full            libtracker.so_seg0ro
24716   0x6f11a95000    0x6f11aae000           100  rw-         full            libtracker.so_seg1rw
24717   0x6f11aae000    0x6f11ab0000             8  rw-         full            libtracker.so_seg2rw
24711   0x706e7f4000    0x706e805000            68  r-x         full            libroot-addon-icu.so_seg0ro
24712   0x706ea05000    0x706ea06000             4  rw-         full            libroot-addon-icu.so_seg1rw
24261   0x77cc0e4000    0x77cc2f2000          2104  r-x         full            libcrypto.so.1.1_seg0ro
24262   0x77cc4f2000    0x77cc51e000           176  rw-         full            libcrypto.so.1.1_seg1rw
24263   0x77cc51e000    0x77cc521000            12  rw-         full            libcrypto.so.1.1_seg2rw
24742   0x82b5da9000    0x82b5dc5000           112  r-x         full            RAWTranslator_seg0ro
24743   0x82b5fc4000    0x82b5fc7000            12  rw-         full            RAWTranslator_seg1rw
24740   0x83bfe05000    0x83bfe17000            72  r-x         full            RTFTranslator_seg0ro
24741   0x83c0016000    0x83c0018000             8  rw-         full            RTFTranslator_seg1rw
24243   0x83cb095000    0x83cb311000          2544  r-x         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg0ro
24244   0x83cb511000    0x83cb526000            84  rw-         full            libicui18n.so.57.2_seg1rw
24222   0x920773d000    0x920773e000             4  rw-S, u:(0x100) full            _rld_debug_
24746   0xa584f76000    0xa584f82000            48  r-x         full            PPMTranslator_seg0ro
24747   0xa585182000    0xa585184000             8  rw-         full            PPMTranslator_seg1rw
24785   0xae32e24000    0xae32e2a000            24  r-x         full            libIlmThread-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0
24786   0xae3302a000    0xae3302b000             4  rw-         full            libIlmThread-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1
24752   0xaea0d3b000    0xaea0d47000            48  r-x         full            PCXTranslator_seg0ro
24753   0xaea0f47000    0xaea0f48000             4  rw-         full            PCXTranslator_seg1rw
24268   0xc239b67000    0xc239b6f000            32  rw-         full            rld heap
24727   0xc8b5fc9000    0xc8b6031000           416  r-x         full            libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg0ro
24728   0xc8b6230000    0xc8b6231000             4  rw-         full            libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg1rw
24729   0xc8b6231000    0xc8b6233000             8  rw-         full            libwebp.so.7.1.0_seg2rw
24763   0xd0a62b0000    0xd0a62bf000            60  r-x         full            libicns.so.1.2.0_seg0ro
24764   0xd0a64be000    0xd0a64bf000             4  rw-         full            libicns.so.1.2.0_seg1rw
24748   0xd0dd557000    0xd0dd566000            60  r-x         full            PNGTranslator_seg0ro
24749   0xd0dd766000    0xd0dd767000             4  rw-         full            PNGTranslator_seg1rw
24721   0xd27f771000    0xd27f788000            92  r-x         full            libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0_seg0ro
24722   0xd27f988000    0xd27f989000             4  rw-         full            libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0_seg1rw
24773   0xdcc1dd1000    0xdcc1dde000            52  r-x         full            EXRTranslator_seg0ro
24774   0xdcc1fde000    0xdcc1fdf000             4  rw-         full            EXRTranslator_seg1rw
24269   0xdd4bd37000    0xdd4bd47000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
24270   0xdee74fb000    0xdee750b000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
24725   0xe04a7b5000    0xe04a7c3000            56  r-x         full            WebPTranslator_seg0ro
24726   0xe04a9c3000    0xe04a9c4000             4  rw-         full            WebPTranslator_seg1rw
24271   0xe0e5dca000    0xe0e5de2000            96  rw-         full            rld heap
24272   0xe23d88e000    0xe23d8a6000            96  rw-         full            rld heap
24252   0xe304b3a000    0xe304b56000           112  r-x         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
24253   0xe304d55000    0xe304d56000             4  rw-         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
24245   0xe355bcc000    0xe355bd8000            48  r-x         full            libicuio.so.57.2_seg0ro
24246   0xe355dd7000    0xe355dd9000             8  rw-         full            libicuio.so.57.2_seg1rw
24236   0xe61be6c000    0xe61be82000            88  r-x         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
24237   0xe61c081000    0xe61c082000             4  rw-         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
24732   0xed105b5000    0xed10627000           456  r-x         full            libtiff.so.5.5.0_seg0ro
24733   0xed10827000    0xed1082b000            16  rw-         full            libtiff.so.5.5.0_seg1rw
24775   0xf49577e000    0xf49594c000          1848  r-x         full            libIlmImf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24776   0xf495b4c000    0xf495c51000          1044  rw-         full            libIlmImf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24223   0x105e315a000   0x105e3191000          220  r-x         full            StreamRadio_seg0ro
24224   0x105e3391000   0x105e3395000           16  rw-         full            StreamRadio_seg1rw
24783   0x122864c6000   0x122864c8000            8  r-x         full            libIexMath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24784   0x122866c7000   0x122866c8000            4  rw-         full            libIexMath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24730   0x12ab368f000   0x12ab369d000           56  r-x         full            TIFFTranslator_seg0ro
24731   0x12ab389d000   0x12ab389e000            4  rw-         full            TIFFTranslator_seg1rw
24761   0x1387094e000   0x1387095b000           52  r-x         full            ICNSTranslator_seg0ro
24762   0x13870b5b000   0x13870b5c000            4  rw-         full            ICNSTranslator_seg1rw
24777   0x13cc82ac000   0x13cc82ce000          136  r-x         full            libIlmImfUtil-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg
24778   0x13cc84cd000   0x13cc84cf000            8  rw-         full            libIlmImfUtil-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg
24713   0x13fb346b000   0x13fb3492000          156  r-x         full            Sanity_seg0ro
24714   0x13fb3691000   0x13fb3695000           16  rw-         full            Sanity_seg1rw
24769   0x14513392000   0x1451339e000           48  r-x         full            HVIFTranslator_seg0ro
24770   0x1451359e000   0x1451359f000            4  rw-         full            HVIFTranslator_seg1rw
24250   0x145fb810000   0x145fb9a4000         1616  r-x         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg0ro
24251   0x145fbba4000   0x145fbbb9000           84  rw-         full            libicuuc.so.57.2_seg1rw
24781   0x150ef05c000   0x150ef0a7000          300  r-x         full            libIex-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24782   0x150ef2a7000   0x150ef2ab000           16  rw-         full            libIex-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24767   0x151c80e8000   0x151c80f6000           56  r-x         full            ICOTranslator_seg0ro
24768   0x151c82f6000   0x151c82f7000            4  rw-         full            ICOTranslator_seg1rw
24225   0x1560cf8c000   0x1560d0ee000         1416  r-x         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg0ro
24226   0x1560d2ee000   0x1560d2fa000           48  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg1rw
24227   0x1560d2fa000   0x1560d302000           32  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg2rw
24744   0x16fe1606000   0x16fe1618000           72  r-x         full            PSDTranslator_seg0ro
24745   0x16fe1817000   0x16fe1819000            8  rw-         full            PSDTranslator_seg1rw
24734   0x175fdc06000   0x175fdc97000          580  r-x         full            libjpeg.so.62.3.0_seg0ro
24735   0x175fde97000   0x175fde98000            4  rw-         full            libjpeg.so.62.3.0_seg1rw
24787   0x178f3fc2000   0x178f3fd7000           84  r-x         full            libImath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24788   0x178f41d7000   0x178f41d8000            4  rw-         full            libImath-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24247   0x1794c546000   0x1794c574000          184  r-x         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg0ro
24248   0x1794c774000   0x1794c776000            8  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg1rw
24249   0x1794c776000   0x1794c7a8000          200  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.2_seg2rw
24789   0x18833c50000   0x18833c5e000           56  r-x         full            BMPTranslator_seg0ro
24790   0x18833e5e000   0x18833e5f000            4  rw-         full            BMPTranslator_seg1rw
24754   0x19163c81000   0x19163c95000           80  r-x         full            JPEG2000Translator_seg0ro
24755   0x19163e95000   0x19163e97000            8  rw-         full            JPEG2000Translator_seg1rw
24738   0x194f4a31000   0x194f4a41000           64  r-x         full            SGITranslator_seg0ro
24739   0x194f4c40000   0x194f4c41000            4  rw-         full            SGITranslator_seg1rw
24264   0x195a3850000   0x195a38d4000          528  r-x         full            libssl.so.1.1_seg0ro
24265   0x195a3ad4000   0x195a3ae1000           52  rw-         full            libssl.so.1.1_seg1rw
24228   0x1977c48b000   0x1977c7a3000         3168  r-x         full            libbe.so_seg0ro
24229   0x1977c9a2000   0x1977c9d0000          184  rw-         full            libbe.so_seg1rw
24256   0x1a9f8eed000   0x1a9f8fe8000         1004  r-x         full            libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
24257   0x1a9f91e7000   0x1a9f91ea000           12  rw-         full            libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
24238   0x1b8a9030000   0x1b8a913d000         1076  r-x         full            libroot.so_seg0ro
24239   0x1b8a933d000   0x1b8a934b000           56  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg1rw
24240   0x1b8a934b000   0x1b8a938f000          272  rw-         full            libroot.so_seg2rw
24230   0x1c25ac90000   0x1c25aca5000           84  r-x         full            libtranslation.so_seg0ro
24231   0x1c25aea4000   0x1c25aea6000            8  rw-         full            libtranslation.so_seg1rw
24718   0x1c439e11000   0x1c439e20000           60  r-x         full            libsane.so.1.0.30_seg0ro
24719   0x1c43a01f000   0x1c43a020000            4  rw-         full            libsane.so.1.0.30_seg1rw
24720   0x1c43a020000   0x1c43a022000            8  rw-         full            libsane.so.1.0.30_seg2rw
24219   0x1c50c831000   0x1c50c852000          132  r-x         full            runtime_loader_seg0ro
24220   0x1c50ca51000   0x1c50ca53000            8  rw-         full            runtime_loader_seg1rw
24779   0x1d21b853000   0x1d21b895000          264  r-x         full            libHalf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg0ro
24780   0x1d21ba94000   0x1d21ba95000            4  rw-         full            libHalf-2_4.so.24.0.0_seg1rw
24765   0x1d23b5ba000   0x1d23b62c000          456  r-x         full            libopenjp2.so.2.3.1_seg0ro
24766   0x1d23b82b000   0x1d23b82d000            8  rw-         full            libopenjp2.so.2.3.1_seg1rw
24736   0x1e0cd017000   0x1e0cd027000           64  r-x         full            TGATranslator_seg0ro
24737   0x1e0cd227000   0x1e0cd228000            4  rw-         full            TGATranslator_seg1rw
24266   0x1e4fc677000   0x1e4fc67e000           28  r-x         full            libbsd.so_seg0ro
24267   0x1e4fc87d000   0x1e4fc87e000            4  rw-         full            libbsd.so_seg1rw
24254   0x1e959ff7000   0x1e95a0c3000          816  r-x         full            libzstd.so.1.4.5_seg0ro
24255   0x1e95a2c2000   0x1e95a2c3000            4  rw-         full            libzstd.so.1.4.5_seg1rw
24756   0x1f563275000   0x1f5632de000          420  r-x         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg0ro
24757   0x1f5634dd000   0x1f5634e1000           16  rw-         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg1rw
24758   0x1f5634e1000   0x1f5634e8000           28  rw-         full            libjasper.so.4.0.0_seg2rw
24241   0x2068a208000   0x2068ba88000        25088  r-x         full            libicudata.so.57.2_seg0ro
24242   0x2068bc87000   0x2068bc88000            4  rw-         full            libicudata.so.57.2_seg1rw
24273   0x11e5f85fe000  0x11e5f944e000       14656  rw-, u:(0x100)  full            heap
24294   0x7f7d827ca000  0x7f7d8280f000         276  rw-s        full            w>StreamRadio_2199_stack
28712   0x7f98e8144000  0x7f98e8189000         276  rw-s        full            _BMediaRoster__3521_stack
24218   0x7fbdc4e34000  0x7fbdc4e3c000          32  r-xSk       full            commpage
24215   0x7fd0d98e2000  0x7fd0d98e6000          16  rw-k        full            user area
24217   0x7fefa2d43000  0x7fefa3d44000       16388  rw-s        full            StreamRadio_2192_stack

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

Semaphores: ID Count Last Holder Name

54059       0          2199 some BBlockCache lock
54060       0          2199 token space
54061       0          2199 BLooperList lock
54062       0          2199 AppServerLink_sLock
54063       0             0 some BLocker
54064       0             0 some BLocker
54065       0             0 Catalog
54066       0             0 LocaleRosterData
54067       0             0 some BLocker
54068       0             0 Catalog
54069       0             0 DNS cache
54070       0             0 synchronized hash map
54071       0             0 synchronized hash map
54072       0             0 some BLocker
54073       0             0 some BLocker
54074       0             0 BMediaRoster::Roster locker
54075       0          3518 port pool
54076       0             0 media theme lock
54077       0             0 add-on manager
54078       0             0 shared buffer list
54079       0             0 media plugin manager
54080       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54081       0             0 AppLooperPort
54093       0             0 screen list
54094       0             0 clipboard
54095       0             0 width buffer
54096       0             0 Catalog
54111       0             0 tool tip manager
54115       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54116       0          2199 StreamRadio
54122       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54123       0             0 offscreen bitmap
54176       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
54177       0             0 offscreen bitmap
55979       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
55980       0             0 offscreen bitmap
55987       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
55988       0             0 offscreen bitmap
56162       0             0 translator list
56163       0             0 some BLocker
56164       0             0 some BLocker
56165       0             0 undo
56166       0             0 Light Lock
56167       0             0 Light Lock
56168       0             0 PeriodicUpdatePoses
56169       0             0 some BLocker
56170       0             0 Catalog
56171       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56172       0             0 Catalog
56173       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56174       0             0 Catalog
56175       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56176       0             0 Catalog
56177       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56178       0             0 Catalog
56179       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56180       0             0 Catalog
56181       0             0 Catalog
56182       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56183       0             0 Catalog
56184       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56185       0             0 PPM settings lock
56187       0             0 Catalog
56188       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56189       0             0 Catalog
56190       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56191       0             0 Catalog
56192       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56193       0             0 Catalog
56194       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56195       0             0 Catalog
56196       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56197       0             0 Catalog
56198       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56199       0             0 Catalog
56200       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56201       0             0 Catalog
56202       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56203       0             0 Catalog
56204       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56205       0             0 Catalog
56206       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56207       0             0 Catalog
56208       0             0 TranslatorSettings Lock
56780       0             0 format manager
56803       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
56804       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69474       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69483       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69497       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69499       0             0 _BMediaRoster_
69509       0             0 dormant node manager locker
69511       0             0 time source object manager
69525       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69527       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69671       0             0 offscreen bitmap
69672       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69690       0             0 BMessageQueue Lock
69691       0             0 offscreen bitmap


humdingerb commented 4 years ago

Fixed by killing the custom Expander (#30).