HaikuArchives / StreamRadio

Haiku-native application to search for and listen to internet radio stations.
8 stars 11 forks source link

StreamRadio crash when quit #9

Closed Vidrep closed 5 years ago

Vidrep commented 5 years ago

hrev53228 x86_64 StreamRadio 0.0.3_14-2

When quitting the application there is a crash. This version is the one found on HaikuDepot.

LD_PRELOAD=libroot_debug.so MALLOC_DEBUG=g StreamRadio `` Debug information for team /boot/system/apps/StreamRadio (3201): CPU(s): 8x Intel Core™ i7-3770 Memory: 15.88 GiB total, 902.92 MiB used Haiku revision: hrev53238 Jul 10 2019 21:04:49 (x86_64)

Active Threads: thread 3201: StreamRadio (main) thread 3319: team 3201 debug task thread 3206: w>StreamRadio state: Call (thread 3206 tried accessing address 0x3c7af90 which is not allocated (base: 0x3c7af90, size: 112, alignment: 16, allocated by thread: 3201, freed by thread: 3206))

    Frame       IP          Function Name
    00000000    0x33eec82e7f    _kern_debugger + 0x7 
            0x00000033eec82e78:   48c7c0e1000000  mov $0xe1, %rax
            0x00000033eec82e7f:             0f05  syscall  <--

    0x7f85716927a0  0x33eed2c25d    panic(char const*, ...) + 0xad 
    0x7f8571692800  0x33eed2c8a8    guarded_heap_segfault_handler(int, __siginfo_t*, void*) + 0x148 
    0x7f8571692800  0x7fffffa4823b  commpage_signal_handler + 0x2b 
    0x7f8571692bf0  0xcc0e1581f9    BInvoker::SetMessage(BMessage*) + 0x19 
    0x7f8571692c10  0xcc0e18cb1e    BControl::~BControl() + 0x5e 
    0x7f8571692c30  0xcc0e1deaac    BSlider::~BSlider() + 0xc 
    0x7f8571692c50  0xcc0e20cce7    BView::~BView() + 0x47 
    0x7f8571692c70  0x219396f15ec   StationPanel::~StationPanel() + 0xc 
    0x7f8571692c90  0xcc0e20cce7    BView::~BView() + 0x47 
    0x7f8571692cb0  0xcc0e20cdcc    BView::~BView() + 0xc 
    0x7f8571692d10  0xcc0e214441    BWindow::~BWindow() + 0xc1 
    0x7f8571692d30  0x219396e83ec   MainWindow::~MainWindow() + 0xc 
    0x7f8571692d60  0xcc0e15bcde    BLooper::Quit() + 0x6e 
    0x7f8571692e10  0xcc0e15be2c    BLooper::_QuitRequested(BMessage*) + 0x3c 
    0x7f8571693040  0xcc0e2178d9    BWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0x89 
    0x7f85716930d0  0xcc0e2139eb    BWindow::task_looper() + 0x1bb 
    0x7f85716930f0  0xcc0e15aa6b    BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x1b 
    0x7f8571693110  0x33eec81c27    thread_entry + 0x17 
    00000000    0x7fffffa48260  commpage_thread_exit + 0 

          rip:  0x00000033eec82e81
          rsp:  0x00007f85716922a8
          rbp:  0x00007f8571692790
          rax:  0x00000000000000e1
          rbx:  0x00007f85716922d0
          rcx:  0x00000033eec82e81
          rdx:  0x00007f8571691e43
          rsi:  0x0000000000000001
          rdi:  0x00007f85716922d0
           r8:  0x0000000000000002
           r9:  0x00000000ffffff5e
          r10:  0x00007f85716922d0
          r11:  0x0000000000003202
          r12:  0x0000000000000070
          r13:  0x0000000000000010
          r14:  0x0000000000000c81
          r15:  0x0000000000000c86
           cs:  0x002b
           ds:  0x0000
           es:  0x0000
           fs:  0x0000
           gs:  0x0000
           ss:  0x0023
          st0:  0
          st1:  0
          st2:  0
          st3:  0
          st4:  0
          st5:  0
          st6:  0
          st7:  0
          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
          mm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm8:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
         xmm9:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm10:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm11:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm12:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm13:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm14:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        xmm15:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images: ID Text Base Text End Data Base Data End Type Name

9988    0x621645000 0x62165b000 0x62185a000 0x62185b000 lib     /boot/system/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
9985    0x1e500eb000    0x1e50151000    0x1e50351000    0x1e50356000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libbnetapi.so
9981    0x33eec41000    0x33eeda2000    0x33eefa2000    0x33eeff4000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libroot_debug.so
10002   0x5001ee8000    0x5001eef000    0x50020ee000    0x50020ef000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libbsd.so
9995    0x7c4a3e1000    0x7c4a579000    0x7c4a778000    0x7c4a78d000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuuc.so.57.1
9991    0x7f1ac41000    0x7f1ac4d000    0x7f1ae4c000    0x7f1ae4e000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libicuio.so.57.1
9998    0x89f6c6b000    0x89f6d66000    0x89f6f66000    0x89f6f69000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libtextencoding.so
9986    0x8b57bbf000    0x8b57c73000    0x8b57e73000    0x8b57e7f000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libmedia.so
9983    0xcc0e003000    0xcc0e31b000    0xcc0e51b000    0xcc0e549000    lib     /boot/system/lib/libbe.so
9999    0x10d1653f000   0x10d16580000   0x10d1677f000   0x10d16788000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so
9997    0x10ec891c000   0x10ec89ef000   0x10ec8bef000   0x10ec8bf0000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libzstd.so.1.3.8
9987    0x11c83df3000   0x11c83f49000   0x11c84149000   0x11c84156000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libxml2.so.2.9.9
9989    0x1223c1dd000   0x1223da5b000   0x1223dc5a000   0x1223dc5b000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicudata.so.57.1
9982    0x12537c7e000   0x12537de0000   0x12537fe0000   0x12537ff4000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.25
9979    0x1318c8ef000   0x1318c910000   0x1318cb0f000   0x1318cb12000   lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
10001   0x1ac0eef4000   0x1ac0ef5e000   0x1ac0f15d000   0x1ac0f168000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0
9996    0x1aeac289000   0x1aeac2a5000   0x1aeac4a4000   0x1aeac4a5000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libz.so.1.2.11
10000   0x1c96df5f000   0x1c96e161000   0x1c96e360000   0x1c96e389000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0
9994    0x1e1c62d7000   0x1e1c6306000   0x1e1c6506000   0x1e1c653a000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicutu.so.57.1
9992    0x1ed6602d000   0x1ed66082000   0x1ed66282000   0x1ed66285000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicule.so.57.1
9990    0x1edc0e67000   0x1edc10e4000   0x1edc12e3000   0x1edc12f8000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libicui18n.so.57.1
9993    0x20481a44000   0x20481a4f000   0x20481c4f000   0x20481c50000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libiculx.so.57.1
9984    0x2064ec62000   0x2064ec77000   0x2064ee76000   0x2064ee78000   lib     /boot/system/lib/libtranslation.so
9980    0x219396ce000   0x219396f9000   0x219398f9000   0x219398fc000   app     /boot/system/apps/StreamRadio
9978    0x7fffffa48000  0x7fffffa50000  0x00000000  0x00000000  system  commpage

Areas: ID Base End Size (KiB) Protection Locking Name

113318  0x0022e000  0x0042e000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113323  0x004ee000  0x006ee000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113308  0x0072b000  0x0092b000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113335  0x00ab5000  0x00cb5000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113326  0x00d18000  0x00f18000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113339  0x00fa0000  0x011a0000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113336  0x012a1000  0x014a1000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113350  0x01596000  0x01796000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113307  0x0184d000  0x01a4d000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113366  0x01a89000  0x01c89000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113365  0x01cd2000  0x01ed2000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113364  0x01fe4000  0x021e4000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113367  0x0220f000  0x0240f000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113363  0x024e8000  0x026e8000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113394  0x02735000  0x02935000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113385  0x02940000  0x02b40000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113378  0x02c1e000  0x02e1e000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113377  0x02e9c000  0x0309c000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113445  0x030e9000  0x032e9000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113444  0x0336f000  0x0356f000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113415  0x035e0000  0x037e0000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113558  0x037e9000  0x039e9000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113374  0x03a8c000  0x03c8c000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113583  0x03d60000  0x03f60000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113584  0x04341000  0x04541000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113371  0x04a43000  0x04c43000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113370  0x08f73000  0x09173000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113369  0x15ac5000  0x15cc5000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113368  0x15ef9000  0x160f9000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113356  0x16f7e000  0x1717e000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113353  0x24bd6000  0x24dd6000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113304  0x25194000  0x25394000        2048  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113303  0x31191000  0x31291000        1024  rw-         full            guarded_heap_area
113302  0x40f24000  0x40f3c000          96  rw-         full            rld heap
113315  0x60000000  0x60001000           4  rw-S        full            server_memory
113317  0x68000000  0x68050000         320  rw-S        full            server_memory
113320  0x70000000  0x70058000         352  rw-S        full            server_memory
113322  0x78000000  0x7806a000         424  rw-S        full            server_memory
113325  0x80000000  0x80114000        1104  rw-S        full            server_memory
113330  0x88000000  0x884a4000        4752  rw-S        full            server_memory
113334  0x90000000  0x901a5000        1684  rw-S        full            server_memory
113301  0x9a12c000  0x9a144000          96  rw-         full            rld heap
113338  0x9a144000  0x9a225000         900  rw-S        full            server_memory
113341  0xa2144000  0xa219c000         352  rw-S        full            server_memory
113343  0xaa144000  0xaa169000         148  rw-S        full            server_memory
113345  0xb2144000  0xb2169000         148  rw-S        full            server_memory
113349  0xba144000  0xba31c000        1888  rw-S        full            server_memory
113352  0xc2144000  0xc2189000         276  rw-S        full            server_memory
113355  0xca144000  0xca18b000         284  rw-S        full            server_memory
113358  0xd2144000  0xd21c1000         500  rw-S        full            server_memory
113362  0xda144000  0xdaa57000        9292  rw-S        full            server_memory
113300  0x1032c3000 0x1032d3000         64  rw-         full            rld heap
113299  0x12e5b7000 0x12e5c7000         64  rw-         full            rld heap
113298  0x140dc4000 0x140dcc000         32  rw-         full            rld heap
113297  0x40ad03000 0x40ad0b000         32  rw-         full            rld heap
113264  0x621645000 0x62165b000         88  r-x         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg0ro
113265  0x62185a000 0x62185b000          4  rw-         full            libgcc_s.so.1_seg1rw
113244  0x6bdb0a000 0x6bdb0b000          4  rw-S        full            _rld_debug_
113257  0x1e500eb000    0x1e50151000           408  r-x         full            libbnetapi.so_seg0ro
113258  0x1e50351000    0x1e50356000            20  rw-         full            libbnetapi.so_seg1rw
113247  0x33eec41000    0x33eeda2000          1412  r-x         full            libroot_debug.so_seg0ro
113248  0x33eefa2000    0x33eefb0000            56  rw-         full            libroot_debug.so_seg1rw
113249  0x33eefb0000    0x33eeff4000           272  rw-         full            libroot_debug.so_seg2rw
113295  0x5001ee8000    0x5001eef000            28  r-x         full            libbsd.so_seg0ro
113296  0x50020ee000    0x50020ef000             4  rw-         full            libbsd.so_seg1rw
113243  0x524c894000    0x524c8a4000            64  rw-         full            rld heap
113279  0x7c4a3e1000    0x7c4a579000          1632  r-x         full            libicuuc.so.57.1_seg0ro
113280  0x7c4a778000    0x7c4a78d000            84  rw-         full            libicuuc.so.57.1_seg1rw
113270  0x7f1ac41000    0x7f1ac4d000            48  r-x         full            libicuio.so.57.1_seg0ro
113271  0x7f1ae4c000    0x7f1ae4e000             8  rw-         full            libicuio.so.57.1_seg1rw
113285  0x89f6c6b000    0x89f6d66000          1004  r-x         full            libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
113286  0x89f6f66000    0x89f6f69000            12  rw-         full            libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
113259  0x8b57bbf000    0x8b57c73000           720  r-x         full            libmedia.so_seg0ro
113260  0x8b57e73000    0x8b57e7f000            48  rw-         full            libmedia.so_seg1rw
113253  0xcc0e003000    0xcc0e31b000          3168  r-x         full            libbe.so_seg0ro
113254  0xcc0e51b000    0xcc0e549000           184  rw-         full            libbe.so_seg1rw
113287  0x10d1653f000   0x10d16580000          260  r-x         full            libnetwork.so_seg0ro
113288  0x10d1677f000   0x10d16782000           12  rw-         full            libnetwork.so_seg1rw
113289  0x10d16782000   0x10d16788000           24  rw-         full            libnetwork.so_seg2rw
113283  0x10ec891c000   0x10ec89ef000          844  r-x         full            libzstd.so.1.3.8_seg0ro
113284  0x10ec8bef000   0x10ec8bf0000            4  rw-         full            libzstd.so.1.3.8_seg1rw
113261  0x11c83df3000   0x11c83f49000         1368  r-x         full            libxml2.so.2.9.9_seg0ro
113262  0x11c84149000   0x11c84154000           44  rw-         full            libxml2.so.2.9.9_seg1rw
113263  0x11c84154000   0x11c84156000            8  rw-         full            libxml2.so.2.9.9_seg2rw
113266  0x1223c1dd000   0x1223da5b000        25080  r-x         full            libicudata.so.57.1_seg0ro
113267  0x1223dc5a000   0x1223dc5b000            4  rw-         full            libicudata.so.57.1_seg1rw
113250  0x12537c7e000   0x12537de0000         1416  r-x         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg0ro
113251  0x12537fe0000   0x12537fec000           48  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg1rw
113252  0x12537fec000   0x12537ff4000           32  rw-         full            libstdc++.so.6.0.25_seg2rw
113240  0x1318c8ef000   0x1318c910000          132  r-x         full            runtime_loader_seg0ro
113241  0x1318cb0f000   0x1318cb11000            8  rw-         full            runtime_loader_seg1rw
113242  0x1318cb11000   0x1318cb12000            4  rw-         full            runtime_loader_bss1
113293  0x1ac0eef4000   0x1ac0ef5e000          424  r-x         full            libssl.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
113294  0x1ac0f15d000   0x1ac0f168000           44  rw-         full            libssl.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
113281  0x1aeac289000   0x1aeac2a5000          112  r-x         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg0ro
113282  0x1aeac4a4000   0x1aeac4a5000            4  rw-         full            libz.so.1.2.11_seg1rw
113290  0x1c96df5f000   0x1c96e161000         2056  r-x         full            libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg0ro
113291  0x1c96e360000   0x1c96e387000          156  rw-         full            libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg1rw
113292  0x1c96e387000   0x1c96e389000            8  rw-         full            libcrypto.so.1.0.0_seg2rw
113276  0x1e1c62d7000   0x1e1c6306000          188  r-x         full            libicutu.so.57.1_seg0ro
113277  0x1e1c6506000   0x1e1c6508000            8  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.1_seg1rw
113278  0x1e1c6508000   0x1e1c653a000          200  rw-         full            libicutu.so.57.1_seg2rw
113272  0x1ed6602d000   0x1ed66082000          340  r-x         full            libicule.so.57.1_seg0ro
113273  0x1ed66282000   0x1ed66285000           12  rw-         full            libicule.so.57.1_seg1rw
113268  0x1edc0e67000   0x1edc10e4000         2548  r-x         full            libicui18n.so.57.1_seg0ro
113269  0x1edc12e3000   0x1edc12f8000           84  rw-         full            libicui18n.so.57.1_seg1rw
113274  0x20481a44000   0x20481a4f000           44  r-x         full            libiculx.so.57.1_seg0ro
113275  0x20481c4f000   0x20481c50000            4  rw-         full            libiculx.so.57.1_seg1rw
113255  0x2064ec62000   0x2064ec77000           84  r-x         full            libtranslation.so_seg0ro
113256  0x2064ee76000   0x2064ee78000            8  rw-         full            libtranslation.so_seg1rw
113245  0x219396ce000   0x219396f9000          172  r-x         full            StreamRadio_seg0ro
113246  0x219398f9000   0x219398fc000           12  rw-         full            StreamRadio_seg1rw
113380  0x7f8571650000  0x7f8571695000         276  rw-s        full            w>StreamRadio_3206_stack
113238  0x7fccb1ac8000  0x7fccb2ace000       16408  rw-s        full            StreamRadio_3201_stack
113237  0x7fd1ec15f000  0x7fd1ec163000          16  rw-         full            user area
113239  0x7fffffa48000  0x7fffffa50000          32  r-xS        full            commpage

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

Semaphores: ID Count Last Holder Name

428042      0          2427 some BLocker
441354      0          2427 LocaleRosterData
467819      0          2427 token space
467856      0          2427 BLooperList lock
467870      0          2427 some BLocker
467875      0          2427 some BBlockCache lock
467880      0          2427 some BLocker
467883      0          2427 AppServerLink_sLock
467968      0          2427 Catalog
467992      0          2427 DNS cache
467999      0          2427 synchronized hash map
468000      0          2427 synchronized hash map
468001      0          2427 Catalog
468003      0          2427 some BLocker
468004      0          2427 BMediaRoster::Roster locker
468005      0          2427 media theme lock
468006      0          2427 some BLocker
468008      0          2427 port pool
468009      0          2427 shared buffer list
468010      0          2427 media plugin manager
468011      0          2427 add-on manager
468014      0          2427 BMessageQueue Lock
468017      0          2427 AppLooperPort
468020      0          2427 BMessageQueue Lock
468030     -1          2427 StreamRadio
468032      0          2427 screen list
468033      0          2427 clipboard
468034      0          2427 width buffer
468040      0          2427 BMessageQueue Lock
468041      0          2427 offscreen bitmap
468056      0          2427 BMessageQueue Lock
468057      0          2427 offscreen bitmap
468069      0          2427 tool tip manager


jsteinaker commented 5 years ago

This is already fixed in https://github.com/HaikuArchives/Haiku-Radio/commit/5be1374b6a30ebfa982b6caf74283c62faa77914 Compile with gcc7 if you want to try it before I try to fix the code for gcc8