HaikuArchives / VMwareAddons

VMwareAdd-ons is a set of tools to enhance interaction with Haiku running in VMware
MIT License
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Can no longer boot w/1.2.1 #30

Closed asmaloney closed 2 years ago

asmaloney commented 2 years ago

Not 100% sure it's VMWareAddons since I just ran the updater on everything, but I see AccelerantHWInterface in the stack trace which may be related to recent changes? When booting, it gets to the last icon and then crashes.

(I know nothing of hardware interfaces, so I could be totally off here.)

Here's a screen grab of the panic:

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 18 01 18 PM

I see in #25 the following:

status_t GET_ACCELERANT_DEVICE_INFO(accelerant_device_info * adi) 
    /* no info on version is provided, so presumably this is for my info */
    adi->version = 1;

Is adi guaranteed to be non-null?

Not sure how to get back to a bootable system... 😄

korli commented 2 years ago

You can disable the VMware graphics driver in the bootloader menu and try again.

TheNavyBear commented 2 years ago

Doing a fresh install of Haiku in VMware Workstation 16 Player (on Windows 10 x86_64) and then installing (just) the VMware Addons results in the same KP pictured above on reboot.

fabianmu commented 2 years ago

Same error here. Running on VMware Fusion Player Version 12.1.2 (17964953) on Mac.

Coldfirex commented 2 years ago

More info here: https://github.com/haikuports/haikuports/issues/6161

Coldfirex commented 2 years ago

If someone could advise me on what to do with the generated files after making some local source changes, I could test out if changing the B_READ -> B_KERNEL_READ helps or not.

fabianmu commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to downgrade or at least download an older version of the package?

diversys commented 2 years ago

Fixed in b98019e.