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No way to connect to irc.europnet.org #53

Open mchasard opened 4 years ago

mchasard commented 4 years ago

Vision 0.10.3 built on Aug 21 2018 18:09:50 This agent goes by the name of Smith... err europnet Have fun! [@] Attempting to connect (attempt 1 of 47) [@] Attempting a connection to irc.europnet.org:6667… [@] Connection open, waiting for reply from server [@] Local IP: [@] (It looks like you are behind an internet gateway. Vision will query the IRC server upon successful connection for your gateway's internet address. This will be used for DCC communication.) [@] Handshaking [@] Established -librenet.europnet.org- Looking up your hostname... -librenet.europnet.org- If you are having problems connecting due to ping timeouts, please type /quote PONG e@]CgaE[Io or /raw PONG e@]CgaE[Io now. Closing link: (vision@ [Incorrect ping reply for registration]

n0toose commented 4 years ago

Successfully managed to reproduce the issue on my end:


pulkomandy commented 4 years ago

A tcpdump capture of the connection would be useful to see what happens.

mchasard commented 4 years ago

Thanks but how to provide a tcpdump capture ? in order to try to resolve this trouble

mchasard commented 4 years ago

is that corresponding to this tcpdump ?

Vision 0.10.3 built on Aug 21 2018 18:09:50 This agent goes by the name of Smith... err europnet Have fun! [@] Attempting to connect (attempt 1 of 47) [@] Attempting a connection to irc.europnet.org:6667… [@] Connection open, waiting for reply from server [@] Local IP: [@] (It looks like you are behind an internet gateway. Vision will query the IRC server upon successful connection for your gateway's internet address. This will be used for DCC communication.) [@] Handshaking [@] Established -fantasya.europnet.org- Looking up your hostname... -fantasya.europnet.org- If you are having problems connecting due to ping timeouts, please type /quote PONG VRWxt?Cmld or /raw PONG VRWxt?Cmld now. -fantasya.europnet.org- *** Found your hostname (sar95-4-82-243-64-147.fbx.proxad.net) Closing link: (vision@sar95-4-82-243-64-147.fbx.proxad.net) [Incorrect ping reply for registration]

pulkomandy commented 4 years ago

In a terminal, run: tcpdump -i /dev/net/... -w capture.pcap (replace ... with the path to the network interface)

While that is running, start Vision and connect to the server. Then stop tcpdump and send the capture file.

This will capture all network traffic, so it's better to stop all other apps that may send or receive data, for privacy reasons and to keep filesize down

mchasard commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this explanations

so i join the capture.pcap file ... dont know if it could help

n0toose commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this explanations

so i join the capture.pcap file ... dont know if it could help

The capture.pcap file contains the interactions between your operating system and the internet, including interactions between Vision and irc.europnet.org (as long as you did attempt to connect to that server as you were capturing the data).

It's absolutely helpful, therefore, it would be appreciated if you could share it.

mchasard commented 4 years ago

strange i can't attach the file ...i try again

n0toose commented 4 years ago

strange i can't attach the file ...i try again

You may want to paste the contents of the file on a platform such as https://del.dog/ or https://paste.ubuntu.com

mchasard commented 4 years ago

ok thanks but how to open this file capture.pcap in ordre to paste the contents on a platform as you tell me ?

n0toose commented 4 years ago

ok thanks but how to open this file capture.pcap in ordre to paste the contents on a platform as you tell me ?

You could open it up with the Pe text editor, use ALT + A (keyboard combination) to select everything, ALT + C to copy everything, and then open up WebPositive and paste the copied material into the text box. @mchasard

Alternatively, you could run the following command: cat capture.pcap | nc termbin.com 9999

This will redirect the contents of capture.pcap into a service called termbin, and it should give you a link.

mchasard commented 4 years ago

so finally here is the paste link :


pulkomandy commented 4 years ago

It's a binary file so you can't use one of these services... can't you just attach the binary file directly here?

mchasard commented 4 years ago

Sorry , to open the pcap fil , i used wireshark and i have send one of the contents line its not complete...

should i try to attach the capture.pcap here but it doesn't work ?... here extension are limited

i have the file i don't know how to transmit here sorry

korli commented 4 years ago

should i try to attach the capture.pcap here but it doesn't work ?... here extension are limited

change the extension.

mchasard commented 4 years ago

ok i have change extension pcap for zip hoping it will be better