HaikuArchives / ffmpegGUI

GUI for FFmpeg
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Jobs: Start a single job on double-click #110

Closed humdingerb closed 1 year ago

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

When double-clicking a job we already show the log on ERROR, and play the output file on FINISHED.

Now we start encoding the currently selected single job, if the job status is WAITING. When finished, we don't continue with the rest of the jobs in the list.

fSingleJob tracks the status: WAITING = no single job in progress RUNNING = single job in progress FINISHED = finished encoding single job

The window title changes: it just shows the running job number and progress percentage. The Start/Abort button shows the singular: "Abort job"

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

@andimachovec: Currently, the double-click is a bit of an easter-egg, because while intuitive, it's kinda hidden.

What about a context menu that offers what's there on doubleclick, plus "Remove"? Also, how about a menubar with all those options? It "unhides" these features, plus we cannot add more BButtons to the GUI; already crowded enough...

andimachovec commented 1 year ago

@humdingerb : I'm sorry if I come across as a little bit blunt here(it's meant in a friendly and well-meaning way). But I wonder if we need the double click and context menu features at all? I thought the job manager interface was very functional and well designed the way it was. Maybe I've overlooked something, do these new functions bring any new features for the user that aren't accessible already in a different way via the buttons?

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry if I come across as a little bit blunt here

No worries. I expect honest feedback from my coding teammate. :)

do these new functions bring any new features for the user that aren't accessible already in a different way via the buttons?

At the moment it's just offering play back of a finished job and the possibility of just encoding one specific job instead of going through all from top to bottom of the list. I do think about making it possible to edit a job. For example, you're finished encoding, play back the result and see that your bitrate is too low, or want to crop differently, or decide you want another container after all etc. Adding the "Play" and "Edit" buttons would increase the button count to 6 (plus Up/Down). 4 buttons is already too many in my book...

Adding a menu bar, we could cut down the buttons to Start/Stop and Remove and have the not often used functions in the menu. With the added bonus of ALT+shortcuts. Double-clicking for the default action (FINISHED:play, ERROR:log, WAITING:encode single job) saves having to use the menu bar. The context menu is the intuitive alternative to using the menubar for job-specific actions.

andimachovec commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Now that I've got a bit more context I agree with adding a menu and the shortcuts.

humdingerb commented 1 year ago

Great, I'm glad. :) I'll merge tomorrow if there aren't any issues/doubts coming up and work on the menus, followed by editing jobs.