HaikuTeam / animator

Design tool for creating Lottie animations and interactive web components
1.44k stars 154 forks source link

Windows Compilation/Installation Concerns #1073

Open Daedalus007 opened 2 years ago

Daedalus007 commented 2 years ago


Multiple issues, will just list here: https://github.com/HaikuTeam/animator/issues/1072 https://github.com/HaikuTeam/animator/issues/1069 (can a mod rename this one, that attitude isn't appropriate for github) https://github.com/HaikuTeam/animator/issues/1070 https://github.com/HaikuTeam/animator/issues/1068 https://github.com/HaikuTeam/animator/issues/1062

Lets be real, 'yarn' is not only yet-another-custom-compile system bit it is also one that most Windows/*nix users are not entirely familiar with in modern times. https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started

I get the idea and it is nice but we already have dozens of different competing systems all trying to be 'the best' and this fragmentation in the GNU/Linux and similar spheres is not really something that Windows-based or Mac-based users are familiar dealing with.


I'd like to humbly request AppVeyor integration with the main repository for compilation of all builds, be it Mac or GNU/Linux or Windows. It will be automatic, there will be builds for all platforms under a single interface, and it will allow for those without compilation proficiency in 'yarn' to be able to get a build for a fantastic piece of animation software. If the team would like to work together on getting said integration ready to go, I will be willing to offer assistance with this via Discord (Daedalus007#6878) if necessary.

Ultimately all those in the above issues who are sometimes openly-hostile to compiling code on their own should be a bit more forgiving and patient with FLOSS under GNU GPLv3.

Edit June 2022: My original heading of 'Meat' was meant to be an analogy like the 'skeleton' of a paragraph and then the 'main part' or 'meat' of the matter. In hindsight this can be done in other ways so I've renamed the heading to 'Core'. I also haven't gotten any attempt to reach out or any response by the HaikuTeam so I'm not certain they are aware of or care about Windows or other platform compilation concerns at this time. Currently without their assistance it is beyond my personal skill/capability to convert and set things up for automated AppVeyor builds.

bencresty commented 1 year ago

Just discovered this software today and was interested to try out the software on windows with a Windows installable or route without all the requirements and the issues people face, but guess it's not going to happen? Sad to see this thread is half a year old without a reaction and that the last commit to the project was 9 months ago. Is there a maintainer who took over the project or is this project slowly going to sleep?

nextfaiz commented 1 year ago

Looks like the project is slowly going to sleep.