Write objects like [node:21234234] and they are automatically linked.
There could be more informations shown in an infobox.
You could easily search for posts about specific objects.
You could even subscribe objects, so you get an info when it is mentioned.
Pasting a osm.org object link could automatically creates the code
Copied from original issue: osm-forum-test/osmforum#18
From @Haikuch on September 4, 2016 22:0
Write objects like [node:21234234] and they are automatically linked. There could be more informations shown in an infobox. You could easily search for posts about specific objects. You could even subscribe objects, so you get an info when it is mentioned. Pasting a osm.org object link could automatically creates the code
Copied from original issue: osm-forum-test/osmforum#18