Hains / openpli-dm920-python3

Build-environment for dm920 with Python 3
GNU General Public License v3.0
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feed error #18

Closed mr-unix01 closed 4 months ago

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

HI, I created it in my PC folders in apache2 but I have this error: Downloading

my apache points at this address it is correct?


Hains commented 4 months ago


I see you have feeds/openpli-python3 and feeds/openpli-13.2 mixed. Fault in Readme file.

You have 2 options: 1): Rename openpli-python3 to openpli-13.2, in directory.


2:) Chane openpli-13.2 to openpli-python3 in the 3 opkg files.:
-all-feed.conf. -cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4-feed.conf -dm920-feed.conf

in /etc/opkg directoriy box.

Option 1 is the most easy way, as it is version independent.

I'll think about fix.

Hains commented 4 months ago

The dm920-feed.conf file for example should be like this:

src/gz dm920

Hains commented 4 months ago

Fix: https://github.com/Hains/openpli-dm920-python3/commit/089567bc7008b0552bc027bc0f07fa88fc76d3d4

Now the 3 feed config files points directly to openpli-python3, instead of openpli-13.2

Thanks for reporting.

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

HI, I renamed the folder but still the same problem. Is my Apache correct? Schermata del 2024-04-24 12-26-39 In the directoy there are no symlinks is empty

Hains commented 4 months ago

That can mean two things. -The symlinks points to a non-existing location. -Yoiu have the file permission problem.

Dit you try:

sudo chown -Rf <username> openpli-dm920-python3/build/tmp/deploy/ipk


Hains commented 4 months ago

Can you navigate with command line or with Nemo/Nautils to e.g.


Do you see the IPK files?

-If not, location is incorrect. -If yes, file permission problem.

Hains commented 4 months ago

Sorry: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/all

So without the /usr.

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

in the directory /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/ there are symlinks 69197ad9-1568-4d34-a70b-8689f17e0c5c

that connect to ipk I'll take a good look tomorrow

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

Schermata del 2024-04-24 22-20-27 the click on the symlinks show ikp permissions have been given sudo chown -Rf openpli-dm920-python3/build/tmp/deploy/ipk

Hains commented 4 months ago


sudo chown -Rf  <your username> openpli-dm920-python3/build/tmp/deploy/ipk

I noticed that github throw away text between angle brackets if the text isn't in a code block. That's why 'your username' is gone. So is the correct command for ownership.

You can also try file permission:

sudo chmod -Rf  755  openpli-dm920-python3/build/tmp/deploy/ipk

For me, changing ownership (chown) was sufficient to get the symlinks working in webbrowser Apache2. I have version 2.4.58 BTW Ubuntu 23.10/24.04.

I saw Debian in your screenshot. Perhaps 'following symlinks' isn't enabled by default in Debian?

Ubuntu, in: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted

You can also try to add or change code regarding FollowSymLinks in the

/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/apache2.conf file.

Restart Apache2 with:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Or reboot PC.

Hains commented 4 months ago

Previous post edited.

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

my configuration in apache2.conf

<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride all Require all granted

but you need the file ..htaccess ?

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

log error from apache2 - - [25/Apr/2024:10:19:44 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/all/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:19:44 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:19:44 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:19:49 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/all/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:19:49 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:19:49 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:21:05 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/all/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:21:05 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:21:05 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:22:48 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/all/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:22:48 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:22:48 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:23:16 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/all/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:23:16 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:23:16 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:28:14 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/all/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:28:14 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5" - - [25/Apr/2024:10:28:14 +0200] "GET /feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920/Packages.gz HTTP/1.1" 403 494 "-" "Wget/1.24.5"

Hains commented 4 months ago

No need for .htacces.


sudo chown -Rf  TypeHereYourUserName  openpli-dm920-python3

Any error?

Location ipk files is correct. Configuration Apache2 seems OK either..

First you must see the symlinks in your webbrowser, otherwise no go.

Copy a regular file to e.g:


Can you see the 'all' directory with that file now?

Hains commented 4 months ago

I mean:

A regular file in:

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

denied! Schermata del 2024-04-25 11-56-09

Hains commented 4 months ago

You must use sudo.

In terninal:

sudo cp

Or start your file manager in terminal with sudo.


sudo nautilus


sudo nemo

Ot whatever file manger you are using,

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

ok if I open nautilus with "su" or "sudo" it copies the files without problems to /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/

Hains commented 4 months ago

Now you can probably see that file in your webbrowswer, but not the symlinks. Correct?

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

the file downloads without problems from pc Schermata del 2024-04-25 12-22-00

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

the symlinks are not there

Hains commented 4 months ago

Did you try:

sudo  chown -Rf  DigitaQuiIlTuoNomeUtente  openpli-dm920-python3

? And any errors ?

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

No error Schermata del 2024-04-25 12-33-57

Hains commented 4 months ago

Hmm.. Then I'm out of options I'm afraid.

For me it did the trick and that was sufficient.

You can experiment with the Apache2 config files (<Directory /var/www/)>.

You can try:

sudo chmod -Rf  777  openpli-dm920-python3/build/tmp/deploy/ipk

So instead of 755.You never know.

Oterwise nothing left to Google on 'symlinks not working Apache2, with and without your distro and version.

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

error log my apache

[Fri Apr 26 09:25:59.736050 2024] [core:error] [pid 840216:tid 140686997309120] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/all [Fri Apr 26 09:25:59.775683 2024] [core:error] [pid 840216:tid 140687022487232] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4 [Fri Apr 26 09:25:59.814873 2024] [core:error] [pid 840216:tid 140687131526848] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920 [Fri Apr 26 09:26:10.378255 2024] [core:error] [pid 840216:tid 140687156704960] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/all [Fri Apr 26 09:26:10.418126 2024] [core:error] [pid 840216:tid 140687014094528] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4 [Fri Apr 26 09:26:10.448324 2024] [core:error] [pid 840216:tid 140686988916416] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/html/feeds/openpli-13.2/dm920

Hains commented 4 months ago

Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible

One thing to try:

sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/feeds
Hains commented 4 months ago


mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

but have you tried the configuration? apache2 has a www-data user that must have home permissions

Hains commented 4 months ago

I never had to do something with www-data myself.

www-data is mentioned In the /etc/apache2/envvars file:

# Since there is no sane way to get the parsed apache2 config in scripts, some
# settings are defined via environment variables and then used in apache2ctl,
# /etc/init.d/apache2, /etc/logrotate.d/apache2, etc.
export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data
mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

Schermata del 2024-04-29 16-32-46 Schermata del 2024-04-29 16-37-42 Thanks a lot now everything works I cleaned up my apache, there is a bug in the image it is not possible to change password

Hains commented 4 months ago

That's a known bug (glibc?). No solution yet.

6 months ago, it was working fine.

Password is not needed with settop boxes. Everything is running under Root by default. By default there is no password.

Hains commented 4 months ago

Solution on the way. Probably in the afternoon(build from scratch running) after test.

arc4random needs to be removed from glibc.

Didn't had a high priority to fix this, as I always flash image with backup/restore enabled in webbrowser. That restored my password as well.

Hains commented 4 months ago

Fix: https://github.com/Hains/openpli-dm920-python3/commit/cb00e2efa41225eedfe8e3355817c26a6352c71c

This triggers a (an almost) complete re-build. So I added an OE-core update too this time.

With a complete re-build, it's better to delete the build directory inside openpli-dm920-python to prevent (possible) failures. Also the sstate-cache dir is growing, especially after a complete re-build. And you will running out of disk space after a while.

When you don't delete the build dir, it will save you some time, as it doesn't trigger a rebuild of the native packages (e.g. python3-native_3.12.3). It's not mandatory, but recommend.

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

Thanks a lot, now it works Schermata del 2024-05-01 15-39-30

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

3957D134-0C59-4712-BA62-F22056461754 I have this two problem by loading this kernel-module-8821cu-3.14-1.17-dm920_5.8.1-r0_dm920.ipk and openwebif Schermata del 2024-05-01 16-26-10

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

Tomorrow I will recompile and delete the tmp folder

Hains commented 4 months ago

No need for that.

Problem seems to occur when you flash the image directly after a build from scratch. So run 'make image' again before box flash.

You have already flashed image, now you can try with telnet:

init 4
opkg update && opkg upgrade
opkg install enigma-info --force-reinstall
init 3

Problem is empty kernel string in /usr/lib/enigma-info file, line 34 When 'opkg install enigma-info --force-reinstall' doesn't work:

Change line 34 from:

kernel = ''



You can also check



And restart Enigma2 with:

init 4
init 3

I will take a look at error wifi driver later.

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

sorry for a new bug if you look at image information ccf75f4d-f528-47f8-9a3a-01efc0112d6f

Hains commented 4 months ago


git config --global --add safe.directory /home/flavio/openpli-dm920-python3

And reinstall enigma-info.

Problem is empty oe string. line 48

must be:

oe=HEAD (04)

I'm planning to hard code kernel version and OE-core to avoid these problems.

Hains commented 4 months ago

Reinstall enigma-info after 'make image'

mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

why these? Schermata del 2024-05-03 03-00-30

Hains commented 4 months ago

Because python3-twisted is broken in meta-openembedded. Fix: https://github.com/Hains/openpli-dm920-python3/commit/e5acc0f3f8904b36b2e78902b04550da171ca1f4

Until it's fixed in meta-openembedded.

Update your OE-core.

Perhaps you need to delele build/tmp dir, not build! if you still have error.

Hains commented 4 months ago

Regarding the wifi driver. 8821cu is already installed by default in image.

The /lib/modules/3.14-1.17-dm920/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/8821cu.ko file is present.

No need to install. I can't check myself, as I don't have a WiFi dongle. The recipe is the same as in OpenPLi core. OE-A has only KCFLAGS for DreamOne and DreamTwo boxes. And it has bc-native as dependency (Arbitrary precision calculator language).

Only thing I noticed. With my Uclan Usytm4kpro the kernel is just 4.4.35. So you can try to rename 3.14-1.17-dm920 to 3.14, so to this path:


mr-unix01 commented 4 months ago

it works thank you