HaitamAgh / flutetr_project

medical app
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flutter app #1

Open HaitamAgh opened 1 year ago

HaitamAgh commented 1 year ago

hi everyone how can i fix this error in my flutter app Because parent_app depends on firebase_auth_web 5.2.0 which depends on intl ^0.17.0, intl ^0.17.0 is required. So, because parent_app depends on intl 0.18.0, version solving failed

mouradcherif commented 1 year ago

Update the version constraint for firebase_auth_web. Check if there is a newer version of the firebase_auth_web package that is compatible with intl version 0.18.0. You can update the version constraint in your pubspec.yaml file for firebase_auth_web to allow a version range that includes the compatible version.