As a developer,
I want a global object for styling so that I can avoid guessing on what things should look like,
And I want to make the smallest amount of code changes possible to customize any element type,
So that the application is styled universally.
Changing one variable (such as "primary", in the ant design template described here should reflect it's usage within all components used in the application.
Not exactly sure how we're gonna do this. I'd like to use SASS, that's natively supported right now with create-react-app. If we wanted to use a LESS loader, we'd have to eject and then use exclusively less throughout the application. There's gotta be a way to just rewrite that default variable file linked above in SASS, and then write an override.
This example uses "create-react-app-rewired" which I'd like to avoid due to high instability in maintaining the application.
As a developer, I want a global object for styling so that I can avoid guessing on what things should look like, And I want to make the smallest amount of code changes possible to customize any element type, So that the application is styled universally.