As a data entry volunteer
I want to be able to navigate through the forms utilizing the keyboard only in an intuitive manner
So that I can enter patient data at a speed that doesn't create a bottleneck.
Acceptance Criteria:
The following needs to be completed for this story to be "done":
[ ] All forms can be navigated to one by one by using the "tab key"
[ ] Checkmark items can be selected by using either the space bar or return key
[ ] There is a cypress test that runs through filling out the forms by utilizing those keys
[ ] If the form is split into multiple pages, pressing tab navigates between pages appropriately
Helpful information to complete the task, suggestions on how to do so:
As a data entry volunteer I want to be able to navigate through the forms utilizing the keyboard only in an intuitive manner So that I can enter patient data at a speed that doesn't create a bottleneck.
Acceptance Criteria:
The following needs to be completed for this story to be "done":
Helpful information to complete the task, suggestions on how to do so: