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ffmpeg srt to dash #371

Closed nawer56 closed 5 years ago

nawer56 commented 6 years ago


I would know if it's possible to transcode a stream which I receive through srt to MPEG-dash ?

My input command is :

ffmpeg -re -i 'udp://' -f mpegts 'srt://'

I tried something like this :

ffmpeg -i srt:// -re -r 23.976 -s 480x204 -aspect 2.35 -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -preset fast -vb 500k -f mpegts -threads 0 -async 2 OUTPUT_FILE.ts


ethouris commented 6 years ago

This has nothing to do with SRT. It's only the matter of that the party, which receives the TS stream over SRT, can convert the MPEG TS stream into MPEG-Dash - same situation when you received the MPEG TS stream over UDP.

rebotnix commented 6 years ago

It´s possible to convert your SRT to dash. Your command line do a transcoding, you also can do transmuxing from srt to mpegdash which does not require transcoding (saves CPU power). For transmuxing, see ffmpeg copy flags (parameter -c:v copy) and make sure that your video codec and audio codec is compatible to your mpegdash player.

Your output call is not generating mpeg-dash segments, you are saving a single mpegts file. Mpegdash requires segmenting in a manifest file (with byteranges) or in single file segments, but both method requires the manifest file.

Segmenting with ffmpeg is possible with the segment muxer (see ffmpeg: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#segment_002c-stream_005fsegment_002c-ssegment)

Hope that helps.

nawer56 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your help i will take a look at it.

I tried earlier this morning to implement an hls solution like the example in the documentation. But something strange appened i'm not able to use srt directly at input of my ffmpeg command but when I use an intermediate stream it works ...

SItuation 1 : Not working 👎

Listener : ffmpeg -i srt://:1234 -c:v h264 -flags +cgop -g 30 -hls_fragment_filename 'pi/stream%08d.ts' pi/stream.m3u8

Caller: ffmpeg -re -i big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi -f mpegts "srt://server.com:1234"

ffmpeg version N-90927-g0f0d468fbc Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers built with Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2) configuration: --enable-libsrt --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-gpl libavutil 56. 18.100 / 56. 18.100 libavcodec 58. 19.100 / 58. 19.100 libavformat 58. 13.100 / 58. 13.100 libavdevice 58. 4.100 / 58. 4.100 libavfilter 7. 21.100 / 7. 21.100 libswscale 5. 2.100 / 5. 2.100 libswresample 3. 2.100 / 3. 2.100 libpostproc 55. 2.100 / 55. 2.100 Input #0, avi, from 'big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi': Metadata: encoder : MEncoder 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13 Duration: 00:09:56.46, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 3815 kb/s Stream #0:0: Video: msmpeg4v2 (MP42 / 0x3234504D), yuv420p, 1280x720, 3556 kb/s, 24 fps, 24 tbr, 24 tbn, 24 tbc Stream #0:1: Audio: mp3 (U[0][0][0] / 0x0055), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 245 kb/s [srt @ 0x7fcd8a50de00] Connection setup failure: connection time out. srt://server.com:1234: Unknown error occurred >

Solution 2 : Working 👍

Listener : stransmit srt://:1234 udp://

Caller: ffmpeg -re -i big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi -f mpegts "srt://server.com:1234"

Conveter: ffmpeg -i udp://:8080 -c:v h264 -flags +cgop -g 30 -hls_fragment_filename 'pi/stream%08d.ts' pi/stream.m3u8

Any idea ?

ethouris commented 6 years ago

Huh, interesting... I don't even know how the implementation looks like, is it possible to increase the log level? This "Connection setup failure..." definitely comes from SRT, but it would be nice to see what happened before.

nawer56 commented 6 years ago

In verbose mode i get this log :

Caller & Listener :

Successfully opened the file. Parsing a group of options: output url srt://server:1234. Applying option f (force format) with argument mpegts. Successfully parsed a group of options. Opening an output file: srt://server:1234. [srt @ 0x7fb9dad06580] No default whitelist set [srt @ 0x7fb9dad06580] Connection setup failure: connection time out. srt://server:1234: Unknown error occurred

Tell me if you need something more detailed.

ethouris commented 6 years ago

Oh, that "whitelist" thing definitely doesn't come from SRT library.

SRT has possible very detailed debug level logging, I just don't know if the log level settings have been correctly synchronized with these in ffmpeg.

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

Hi, I know the issue. I have debuged it.

Caller: ffmpeg -re -i big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi -f mpegts "srt://server.com:1234"

you MUST setup packet size.

I have patched ffmpeg to accept new options such as:

ffmpeg -xerror -y -i 'rtmp://' -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts -muxrate 7M 'srt://'

check the patch: https://gist.github.com/nxtreaming/defaf90d4a08fdda0a7b30440ddfbbaa


ethouris commented 6 years ago

Why isn't pkt_size set default to 1316?

nawer56 commented 6 years ago

I already add this line into libsrt.c : h->max_packet_size = 1316

source : https://qiita.com/tetsu_koba/items/92c398abd96c651f4035 & https://qiita.com/tetsu_koba/items/b8e1868a726c6201d3ab

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

because libavformat/libsrt.c does not implement very correctly.

ffmpeg mpegts has default 1316 as packet size, but the protocal (avio buffer) layer should be adjusted as well, otherwisze it will use 32K as buffer size,

nawer56 commented 6 years ago

My change is a little bit more barbarian but at the end we've got the same thing no ? @nxtreaming

Or maybe I misunderstand something in your modification.

nawer56 commented 6 years ago

@nxtreaming with your patch i have 2 new log :

[AVIOContext @ 0x7f8cddd06bc0] Statistics: 790496 bytes read, 5 seeks 09:37:49.162919!!FATAL!!: SRT.c: CChannel reported ERROR DURING TRANSMISSION - IPE. INTERRUPTING worker anyway.>

After using Wireshark , we saw that the caller send 12 handshake request, all request are recieved by the Listener but no respond from it

ethouris commented 6 years ago

The debug logs on the listener could be the only way to tell why it's not sending any response.

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago


my test is fine

the caller: ffmpeg -xerror -y -i 'rtmp://' -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts -muxrate 7M 'srt://my.server.com:18241?pkt_size=1316&buffer_size=1048576&mode=caller&oheadbw=50&inputbw=875000&tsbpddelay=2000000'

the server (my.server.com) ffmpeg -i "srt://:18241?mode=listener" -codec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -f flv rtmp://

maybe your original stream is not fine.

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

If you need my patched FFmpeg, I can share you.

nawer56 commented 6 years ago

OK we are going in the right direction. I'm now able to get an exchange beetween my server and caller. Unfortunatly I've got an ffmpeg error --'. But it's just about ffmpeg config now.

I tried with all your option then I remove one by one to know which are my sticking point.

At the end it's works with this configuration :

Caller: ffmpeg -v "trace" -re -i big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi -f mpegts "srt://server.com:1234" Listener: ffmpeg -v "debug" -i "srt://:1234?mode=listener" -c:v h264 -flags +cgop -g 30 -hls_segment_filename 'pi/stream-%08d.ts' pi/stream.m3au8

And not with :

Caller: ffmpeg -v "trace" -re -i big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi -f mpegts "srt://server.com:1234"

Listener: listner HLS : ffmpeg -v "debug" -i "srt://:1234" -c:v h264 -flags +cgop -g 30 -hls_segment_filename 'pi/stream-%08d.ts' pi/stream.m3au8

But conforming to the documentation they are no difference beetween both command...

srt://:1234 - the port is specified (1234), but host is empty. This assumes listener mode.

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

srt://:1234 - the port is specified (1234), but host is empty. This assumes listener mode.

it's the default action of srtransmit app, not FFmpeg's

You SHOULD add "mode=listener" in FFmpeg receiver.

pkviet commented 6 years ago

@nxtreaming congrats for figuring out this issue with srt implementation in ffmpeg. I have been banging my head over this exact issue of pkt_size=1316 and how to set it up in srt . You should submit this patch to ffmpeg-devel mail-list

pkviet commented 6 years ago

A ticket had been opened on ffmpeg trac: i added a ref to this thread and a link to the patch by nxstreaming which is better than the hack by koba IMO.

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

@pkviet my patch is not the best one. I think the best one is to reuse the "mss" option in libsrt.c, but my patch is compatible with ffmpeg's UDP syntax.

pkviet commented 6 years ago

@nxtreaming oh; i had tried mss option with 1316 and failed to have it work; but it does work, dunno what I did. Yeah, so your patch is not needed but a patch for the doc would still be a good idea with a clear explanation that mss=1316 should be used.

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

Please update the patch to fix the typo in libsrt.c https://gist.github.com/nxtreaming/a931bfbb6092939666e270542ec6afb7

pkviet commented 6 years ago

@nxtreaming you need to submit the patch in ffmpeg-devel mail-list or email to the maintainer of libsrt in ffmpeg (see maintainers file)

Svyatk0 commented 6 years ago

hi guys, followed the conversation here, and i may be missing something , but even after fixing the MMS-->MSS typo in libsrt.c and rebuilding ffmpeg, i still get on Sender: ./ffmpeg-4.1dev -v "trace" -y -i 'udp://@' -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts -muxrate 7M 'srt://' ...... [

srt @ 0x4bedec0] Operation not supported: Incorrect use of Message API (sendmsg/recvmsg).. av_interleaved_write_frame(): Unknown error occurred No more output streams to write to, finishing. Error writing trailer of srt:// Unknown error occurred

on Receiver ./ffmpeg-4.1dev -v "trace" -i "srt://:8000?mode=listener" -codec copy -f mpegts udp:// ....

Opening an input file: srt://:8000?mode=listener. [NULL @ 0x47d3b00] Opening 'srt://:8000?mode=listener' for reading [srt @ 0x47d4400] No default whitelist set [srt @ 0x47d4400] Operation not supported: Invalid socket ID: No such file or directory. [AVIOContext @ 0x47f8640] Statistics: 0 bytes read, 0 seeks srt://:8000?mode=listener: Unknown error occurred

Amyyum commented 6 years ago

Hi @nxtreaming ,I see you methion that"If you need my patched FFmpeg, I can share you."Can you share me one thanks! Because I am trying to generate SRT stream from file and decoder it by ffmpeg,but failed. My command:

ffmpeg -re -i D:/test.flv -c:v copy -c:a
copy -f mpegts -muxrate 7M srt://
ffmpeg  -i srt://:2345?mode=listener  -c:v copy -c:a copy -f flv tcp://

And the result image

nxtreaming commented 6 years ago

@Amyyum my patch has been published.

maxsharabayko commented 5 years ago

Looks like we can close this. Do not hesitate to reopen if required.