HajkD / LTRpred

De novo annotation of young retrotransposons
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Installation instructions of dependencies should be updated #13

Closed mdozmorov closed 4 years ago

mdozmorov commented 4 years ago

The LTRpred package requires six command-line tools, https://hajkd.github.io/LTRpred/articles/Introduction.html#installation. The installation instructions need to be updated as they refer to tools that are 2-3 versions older than the current ones. Consequently, installation instructions differ. For example:

wget ftp://selab.janelia.org/pub/software/hmmer3/3.1b2/hmmer-3.1b2.tar.gz

doesn't work. Only the latest version can be downloaded:

wget http://eddylab.org/software/hmmer/hmmer-3.3.tar.gz

Same for GenomeTools and others - installation instructions should be updated.

HajkD commented 4 years ago

Dear Mikhail,

Thank you for pointing this out.

Unfortunately, there are several command-line tool dependencies that don't work with the the latest versions in each case.

In the next issue you suggested to build a Docker container. I think this is an excellent idea and I will start working on this.

Do you think a conda environment would also be useful?

Many thanks, Hajk

HajkD commented 4 years ago

Dear Mikhail,

I now updated the installation instructions for the Linux tools using the most recent tool versions: https://hajkd.github.io/LTRpred/articles/Introduction.html#install-tool-dependencies-on-linux

I decided to make these instructions only available for Linux since I am referring macOS and Windows users to the ltrpred Docker container.

Once more thank you very much for making me aware of this issue of the tool versions and I will make sure to keep the tools up to date in the future.

Many thanks, Hajk

mdozmorov commented 4 years ago

Great work, and the software works now. Please, fix minor instruction issues, so we can close this issue:

HajkD commented 4 years ago

Dear Mikhail,

I am very happy to hear that both containers are running on your machine.

Thank you for spotting the typos and for your suggestions to improve the documentation.

As suggested, I now added README files to https://hub.docker.com/r/drostlab/ltrpred and https://hub.docker.com/r/drostlab/ltrpred_rstudio .

In addition, I addressed all your points in the Vignette and pushed the updates to the repository:

Thank you very much for your help with this!

Best wishes, Hajk