HajoRijgersberg / OM

Ontology of units of Measure
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Is the measure class actually needed? #67

Open GordianDziwis opened 2 years ago

GordianDziwis commented 2 years ago

Because of the Measure class it takes one more jump to get from the phenomenon to the numericalValue, this makes it more difficult to query data mapped to om. Wouldn't it be enough to just link the numericalValue directly to the quantity and get rid of the Measure class, like this: image

HajoRijgersberg commented 2 years ago

No, because om:hasUnit lists all the possible units for a quantity, and one and the same quantity (instance) could have different values expressed with different units. So that is why - unfortunately - we need something like om:Measure. My hope and ideal would be that in the future there will number datatypes with units. Not only in ontologies or OM, but in IT in general. Thanx for your issue again and the very clear diagram!

HajoRijgersberg commented 2 months ago

B.t.w., I fully agree with you that ease of querying, so to say, is an important criterion, which I am giving ever more importance in the design.

HajoRijgersberg commented 2 months ago

For OM 3.0 I am investigating whether these custom number-unit datatypes could be constructed.