HakaiInstitute / hakai-datasets

Hakai Datasets that are going into https://catalogue.hakai.org/erddap/
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Make PruthDock dataset pull from the erddap schema view #94

Closed JessyBarrette closed 1 year ago

JessyBarrette commented 1 year ago

The HakaiPruthDockProvisional datasets have been failing on the production server for some time. This dataset was pulling data from the sn schema while all the other datasets are pulling from the erddap schema.

I wonder if this has to do with maybe some potentially new changes to the driver use to connect erddap to the database org.postgresql.Driver. It could also be related to the latest version of ERDDAP.

The same dataset is working on the development server while still pulling from the sn schema. That being said, the development erddap is still running on ERDDAP 2.02.

I will try to run the server locally with a different erddap version

JessyBarrette commented 1 year ago

Both views worked fine locally by connecting remotely to the hakai database.

While on production, trying to connect to the same database through the sn schema https://catalogue.hakai.org/erddap/tabledap/HakaiPruthDockProvisional.htmlTable

Returns the following:

Error {
    message="Internal Server Error: ERROR from data source: org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlException$Parsing: gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.dataset.EDDTable.convertScriptColumnsToDataColumns:3648@1:26 parsing error in ':'";
raytula commented 1 year ago

Hmm. Interesting to note that the database views in the erddap schema have a colon embedded in them. I wonder if the database view name could or should be enclosed in quotes or something like that. Or maybe the production server has a different version of a plugin install. I'm really guessing here, so don't let these comments lead you down a rabit hole.

JessyBarrette commented 1 year ago

Thanks Ray! Hum looks like that issue is affecting a number of database related datasets. I was just talking to Jorin and found out that the Baynes Sounds dataset isn't available either

JessyBarrette commented 1 year ago

I think there was some confusion here the dataset is actually running and is available at https://catalogue.hakai.org/erddap/tabledap/HakaiPruthDockProvisional.html

JessyBarrette commented 1 year ago

I'll close that PR since no changes are needed