HakonHarnes / img-clip.nvim

Effortlessly embed images into any markup language, like LaTeX, Markdown or Typst
MIT License
443 stars 7 forks source link

Support/Troubleshooting: 'Could not insert markup code' ERROR #37

Closed Jarshvor closed 7 months ago

Jarshvor commented 7 months ago

Was unable to debug this by myself and did not manage to get support elsewhere. I hope it is alright to ask here.

Problem: When trying to use the :PasteImage command I get the following error: 'Could not insert markup code'. This happens irrespective of weather I paste from clipboard, or drag and drop from filesystem.

" Declare the list of plugins. "# Drag n' Drop and paste Images Plug 'HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim'

" List ends here. Plugins become visible to Vim after this call. call plug#end()

From the vimlog I get:

Executing command: "'/bin/bash' '-c' 'xclip -selection clipboard -t TARGETS -o'" Executing command: "'/bin/bash' '-c' 'xclip -selection clipboard -o -t image/png > "v:null/lun 05 feb 2024 20:51:36.png"'" Could not insert markup code.

But that is about it.
(I did just install nvim coming from vim just to try this out, so I may be missing something obvious, but I can't figure it out).

Any sort of help/pointer much appreciated.

(There is a small typo in the github 'bug' issue template for this repo. ^verison^version
HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

I hope it is alright to ask here.

That's totally fine!

Can you try setting debug to true and paste the output of :messages? The config should look like this in lazy.nvim (which seems to be recommended over vim-plug these days):

  opts = {
    default = {
      debug = true,

P.S. (There is a small typo in the github 'bug' issue template for this repo. ^verison^version

Thanks! Fixed in https://github.com/HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim/commit/852a1f8dd349af3e3261d40939ee05cdb0388573.

HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

Perhaps vim-plug isn't calling the setup function? Could you please save this as repro.lua and run it with nvim -u repro.lua and see if that resolves the issue?

-- save as repro.lua
-- run with nvim -u repro.lua
-- DO NOT change the paths
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "runtime", "cache" }) do
    vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
        config = true,
    -- add any other plugins here
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
    root = root .. "/plugins",
Jarshvor commented 7 months ago

Perhaps vim-plug isn't calling the setup function? Could you please save this as repro.lua and run it with nvim -u repro.lua and see if that resolves the issue?

Thanks @HakonHarnes! That does indeed resolve it! I guess I should have tested the recommended plugin manager from the project. (Didn't know vim-plug was 'out of favour'. Will look into that for sure and consider lazy-vim).

Managed to drag and drop some images into my squeaky clean .tex file and the appropriate figure environment appeared like magic. Thanks so much for this project. I was really missing something like this working with latex in vim.

Side (and possibly beginner) question: Will this plugin work at all under plain vim? (considering I use an adequate plugin manager to install it?) Or does the fact that it's written in lua make it not compatible at all with vim?

If that's the case I will probably switch to nvim from vim, but just asking out of curiosity.

Thanks again for the help and the great plugin!

HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

That does indeed resolve it!

No problem, glad I could help!

Side (and possibly beginner) question: Will this plugin work at all under plain vim? (considering I use an adequate plugin manager to install it?) Or does the fact that it's written in lua make it not compatible at all with vim?

AFAIK Lua plugins will only work in Neovim (unless something has changed since I switched from Vim myself). Both Lua and Vimscript plugins work in Neovim.

If that's the case I will probably switch to nvim from vim, but just asking out of curiosity.

I see no reason not to make the switch to Neovim. Writing the configuration in Lua is so much nicer than in Vimscript. There are also a lot of pre-configured Neovim distros, like LazyVim, NvChad, kickstart.nvim etc. I'd check those out if you're looking for a fully-fledged IDE-like experience.

I was really missing something like this working with latex in vim.

I recommend you check out Typst, a modern alternative to LaTeX written in Rust with incremental compilation (so it's blazingly fast), and a much simpler syntax. I've really been enjoying it.

HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

By the way @Jarshvor (and to anyone else reading this thread later on) there are similar plugins that work with Vim. These might not be as feature-rich as this plugin, but it should allow you to at least paste images from the clipboard.

So, if you're not looking to migrate from Vim to Neovim, see img-paste.vim.

Jarshvor commented 7 months ago

I did have a look at img-paste, however what I am interested in most, is the drag-and-drop feature from my file manager, and it doesn't seem that img-paste supports that.

So I will be using img-clip for sure. At least when I have to go and insert a bunch of images. For now both vim and nvim co-exist peacefully on my machine. Only time will tell if I finally make the jump or not.

And thanks for the Typist recommendation btw. It looks almost.. "too good to be true"..? Is that just cause it's like really young? I can barely find any info on it except on the homepage.

HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

And thanks for the Typist recommendation btw. It looks almost.. "too good to be true"..? Is that just cause it's like really young?

It looks too good to be true, not because it's really young; but because you're used to LaTeX. LaTeX was released in the 1980s and relies on a messy ecosystem of plugins for basic functionality. The PDFs it produces is great, but it's horribly slow, the errors are difficult to decipher, and the syntax is really \textbf{\textit{\huge{convoluted}}}\normalsize.

I believe they started working on Typst in 2019, but only recently open sourced it in 2023. It's already quite powerful. I know people have written books, presentations and their master's thesis in it already. There has been other attempts to de-throne LaTeX throughout the years, but I think this has a really good chance.

I can barely find any info on it except on the homepage.

You should join their Discord. They showcase a lot of cool stuff and you can ask for help there as well. Also, check out:

Also, there's a typst plugin for (neo)vim:

You might have to use Neovim nightly for it though. Although the web app is also great and has an integrated vim mode.

Jarshvor commented 7 months ago

Was just going to comment that after perusing their Mastodon and GitHub page I am officially intrigued. Guess I maybe wont be earning that LATEX street-cred after all (hehe).

Thanks for those links btw. Will check those plugins out!

HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

No worries! I hope for broader adoption of Typst, so I mention it to people whenever I can :)

It's still useful to learn LaTeX, especially if you ever want to publish something. Typst is not yet supported by journals, and likely won't be for a long time.

SeniorMars commented 7 months ago

Hello, I'm actually having a similar problem but with lazy.nvim as my plugin manager. I'm on mac, and I turned on debug. I just got the PNG data when I tried to use the command.

I find a new directory: v:null though.

HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

@SeniorMars Does the issue persist with the repro? Save the below code block as repro.lua and run it with nvim -u repro.lua:

-- save as repro.lua
-- run with nvim -u repro.lua
-- DO NOT change the paths
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "runtime", "cache" }) do
    vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
        config = true,
    -- add any other plugins here
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
    root = root .. "/plugins",
HakonHarnes commented 7 months ago

Seems like the setup function is only being called if the opts or config = true is set in lazy.nvim. This is due to a regression in https://github.com/HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim/commit/ad88dee260145ffbdd4c9f7375011999b2e5aa83 where I removed the M.setup() call. This has been reverted in https://github.com/HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim/commit/c93f0d67db424e9e83fe55730aa42dfafa847d8f.

@SeniorMars, this should resolve your issues.

@Jarshvor, you should be able to use vim-plug if you so wish :)

Jarshvor commented 7 months ago

hehe.. Thanks a bunch @HakonHarnes. That means I can simply sym-link my .vimrc to nvim for now.