Halbann / LazyOrbit

KSP2 mod for setting a vessel's orbit, landing, and rendezvous.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Have you abandoned this mod? #11

Open schlosrat opened 1 year ago

schlosrat commented 1 year ago


I put in a pull request on April 15th, and according to GitHub you've had no activity here for months now. The current released version of Lazy Orbit doesn't work (at least not in 0.1.3 game with SpaceWarp 1.3.0). The fix is trivial, but without a new release, players will not be able to use it.

I'm going to release a Lazy Orbit - Boosted mod on SpaceDock and in the Forums to that players can continue to use this great mod in the new version of the game. I'll be happy to back off from that and turn the project back over to you at any time, but as things stand it appears you may have abandoned this mod.

If you'd like to grab the fix and take this back over it's in my fork of your mod and you're more than welcome to it. At some point, I may update this to use the new UITK GUI, but I've got other projects that will come first. Whatever I do, you're welcome to reclaim this anytime - it was yours to start with and I'd rather see it stay yours, but I hate to see it fall into disuse.

Halbann commented 1 year ago

Hi @schlosrat, thanks for letting me know, and I'm sorry I didn't get back to your PR. To be honest I've been completely switched off to KSP2 and KSP2 modding since release. I don't intend to pick up KSP2 again until it's really worth playing, so I'm grateful for your fork. Thanks for leaving the door open for me should I come back to KSP2, and good luck with UITK conversion. My one criticism of Boosted is that the installation instructions could perhaps be made easier to understand; see how they're written in the original.

By the way, I saw it mentioned that Nate Simpson said that teleporting was causing issues with the quality of bug reports, so it might be best to add a disclaimer that people should remove this mod before trying to reproduce bugs.

schlosrat commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback! I'll take a look at the installation instructions and also put in the teleporting disclaimer. Speaking of which I need to dig in at some point with that as I've found that in 0.1.3 teleporting can do some crazy destructive things to your vessel. That wasn't the case in 0.1.2 from what I saw, but it seems to be now. A forced quick save prior to teleporting might be a useful bandaid. My hunch is that something they've done in 0.1.3 may be triggering this effect.

schlosrat commented 1 year ago

I've updated the Readme.md to include what I hope is a clearer and more easily read install guide. Also added a warning about using the mod when making bug reports, and the general need to do a quick save prior to teleporting.