Open Yichard opened 2 years ago
Yes, That was the InWorldz equivalent to the That will need to be refactored in the code to point to your grid URL for the location on your grid. The best way to do that would be to refactor those pieces of the code to call the configurable for your GridURL.
Documentation Note for Developers: It is worth noting that there likely are other references to InWorldz in the code that are out of date as well that will need some refactoring. Some however are to additional libraries (i.e. InWorldz.Whip.Client) that should be renamed but due to issues with .sln files in older versions of visual studio (i.e. VS2015 and below) not being able to find the named .dll library or executable when compiling Halcyon itself with those newly renamed libraries or it will break the build of those actual libraries due to those .slns it will take recreating those using VS2017 or newer) in order to fix those references.
I will try to refactor that when I have a little extra time this coming week.
What is annoying is that references to Inworldz (and even SL) appear to the users. That they remain in the code is much less a problem I think. Especially that trying to rename libs or dlls can have a lot of unforeseen consequences. Thanks for tackling this :-)
In the past I've purged all references that I could find that were user facing. The libraries I'm fine with leaving names as is: InWorldz was the developer of those. It's a part of the history of the project.
Looks like I missed at least on user facing reference, and that needs cleanup. My memory says there might have been a reference I didn't clean up because it needed to heavily refactored to go from hardcoded to configurable. Should have been an existing issue of that was the case..
There are a number of references that weren't cleaned up partly due to the old .sln files in the various libraries. WHIP Server is one where until we can fix the issues with Conan and boost will always be a headache, as we discussed previously. I might be able to recreate those however and correct that.
The URL in the LocationURLPrefix is the equivalent of Secondlife's SLURL ("). According to the comments in GrdInfoService.cs Line 2184, they provided the URL for the InWorldz equivalent until such time as the configurable overrides worked across all modules and parts of the code. The viewer generally relies on the "slurl_base" to determine the location of things as provided by the GridServer. The ideal way to fix this would be to point util.LocationURLPrefix to the configurable under the [Network] configurable for the Hostname of the "default_grid_server" and then point the LoadURLPrefix on line 2184 in GridInfoService.cs to use the configurable override that sets this in Util.cs.
The workaround fix currently (for the developer-oriented folks) would be as follows:
In OpenSim/Framework/Communications/Services/GridInfoService.cs replace current line 103 which reads:
Util.LocationURLPrefix = gridCfg.GetString("slurl_base", "");
With the following line that contains the URL to your GridServer:
Util.LocationURLPrefix = gridCfg.GetString("slurl_base", "http://<your_gridserver_url/");
In OpenSim/Framework/Util.cs replace current line 2184 which reads:
public static string LocationURLPrefix = "";
with the following line that contains the URL to your GridServer:
public static string LocationURLPrefix ="http://<your_gridserver_url>/";
Just be sure you replace
The URL in the LocationURLPrefix is the equivalent of Secondlife's SLURL ( According to the comments in GrdInfoService.cs Line 2184, th...
Noticed today that toast messages for given items had "' on the location. Though I had the viewer in full screen mode, and when I tried to save a screenshot of it, the viewer disappeared, kind of, and couldn't save a screenshot of it. Didn't come up when I clicked on it.
Thank you.
Toast Messages and Grid messages in nearby chat for items given by objects show the "" on the location link for where the object is located.
Nearby Chat
Toast Message
Thank you.
@Yichard Recently this year I've seen this in the chat on Sovaria Estates again when accepting items from others, not only when declining. @kf6kjg
Ancient reference to Inworldz when we decline an object (given by a script) [10:09] Grid: You decline 'YichTrains choosing Aspect Ratio' ( Center/98/47/25 ) from YT main-store-demo. This happened in Mundos Market.