Haleth / Aurora

Minimalistic UI theme for World of Warcraft
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[Bug]LUA Errors and frames not skinned after last WoW TBCC update #273

Open Jeremy7600 opened 3 years ago

Jeremy7600 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug 3 LUA errors at Login, no frames are skinned and look like blizz defaults.

Expected behavior No bugs reported and frames are skinned.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context Loaded WoW with no other addons and a clean WTF folder to eliminate any taint, errors still occurred.

Error 1:

1x ...ceAurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:128: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: ChatFrame1EditBox:SetPoint. [string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:128: in functionFloatingChatFrameTemplate' [string "@Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:187: in function `?' [string "@Aurora\Skin\init.lua"]:228: in function <Aurora\Skin\init.lua:212>

Locals: (temporary) = ChatFrame1EditBox { 0 = OnBackdropLoaded = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:178 customAutoCompleteFunction = defined @FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4036 GetBackdropColor = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:272 SetBackdropOptions = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:344 SetBackdropBorderColor = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:276 RightEdge = { } GetBackdropTexture = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:320 headerSuffix = ChatFrame1EditBoxHeaderSuffix { } ApplyBackdrop = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:189 SetBackdrop = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:233 ClearBackdrop = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:369 GetBackdropBorderColor = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:292 GetBackdrop = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:434 SetBackdropGradient = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:298 SetBorderBlendMode = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:353 SetBackdropOption = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:329 SetBackdropLayer = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:306 chatFrame = ChatFrame1 { } OnBackdropSizeChanged = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:269 HasBackdropInfo = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:365 Center = { } GetBackdropOption = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:338 SetupTextureCoordinates = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:301 BottomEdge = { } GetEdgeSize = defined @SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:275 BottomLeftCorner = { } BottomRightCorner = { } TopEdge = { } _backdropInfo =

{ } TopRightCorner = { } TopLeftCorner = { } backdropInfo =
{ } GetBackdropLayer = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:315 header = ChatFrame1EditBoxHeader { } addHighlightedText = true SetupPieceVisuals = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:181 SetBackdropColor = defined @Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:262 LeftEdge = { } addSpaceToAutoComplete = true } (temporary) = "RIGHT" (*temporary) = nil

Error 2: 9x Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:28: attempt to call method 'SetBackdropBorderColor' (a nil value) [string "@Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:28: in function <Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:13> [string "=[C]"]: in function ChatEdit_UpdateHeader' [string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4095: in functionChatEdit_ResetChatType' [string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4168: in function <FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4152> [string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4178: in function ChatEdit_DeactivateChat' [string "@FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsPanels.lua"]:904: in functionInterfaceOptionsSocialPanelChatStyle_SetChatStyle' [string "@FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsPanels.lua"]:843: in function <FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsPanels.lua:830>

Locals: editBox = ChatFrame2EditBox { 0 = headerSuffix = ChatFrame2EditBoxHeaderSuffix { } pratFrame = { } customAutoCompleteFunction = defined @FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4036 tabCompleteTableIndex = 1 addSpaceToAutoComplete = true header = ChatFrame2EditBoxHeader { } addHighlightedText = true rDrag = { } lDrag = { } chatFrame = ChatFrame2 { } } chatType = "SAY" info =

{ flashTab = false b = 1 r = 1 id = 2 sticky = 1 flashTabOnGeneral = false g = 1 } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = ChatFrame2EditBox { 0 = headerSuffix = ChatFrame2EditBoxHeaderSuffix { } pratFrame = { } customAutoCompleteFunction = defined @FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4036 tabCompleteTableIndex = 1 addSpaceToAutoComplete = true header = ChatFrame2EditBoxHeader { } addHighlightedText = true rDrag = { } lDrag = { } chatFrame = ChatFrame2 { } } (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetBackdropBorderColor' (a nil value)" Color =
{ highlight =
{ } cyan =
{ } Lightness = defined @Aurora\Skin\color.lua:165 grayLight =
{ } ruby =
{ } Saturation = defined @Aurora\Skin\color.lua:144 button =
{ } orange =
{ } red =
{ } Hue = defined @Aurora\Skin\color.lua:116 magenta =
{ } blue =
{ } frame =
{ } white =
{ } Create = defined @Aurora\Skin\color.lua:98 jade =
{ } grayDark =
{ } violet =
{ } black =
{ } green =
{ } lime =
{ } yellow =
{ } marine =
{ } gray =
{ } }

Error 3: 1x ...ceAurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:22: attempt to call method 'SetBackdropColor' (a nil value) [string "@Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:22: in function <...ceAurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:21> [string "=[C]"]: in function FCF_SetWindowColor' [string "@FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:193: in functionFloatingChatFrame_Update' [string "@FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:112: in function `FloatingChatFrame_OnEvent'

Locals: frame = ChatFrame2 { SetJustifyV = defined =[C]:-1 RefreshIfNecessary = defined =[C]:-1 OnPostShow = defined =[C]:-1 CalculateLineAlphaValueFromTimestamp = defined =[C]:-1 ScrollUp = defined =[C]:-1 tellTimer = 699388.536000 isDisplayDirty = false GetFading = defined =[C]:-1 IsTextCopyable = defined =[C]:-1 shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true SetIndentedWordWrap = defined =[C]:-1 GetJustifyV = defined =[C]:-1 SetFont = defined =[C]:-1 GetMaxLines = defined =[C]:-1 GetIndentedWordWrap = defined =[C]:-1 buttonSide = "left" GetFont = defined =[C]:-1 SetMaxLines = defined =[C]:-1 CalculateSelectingCharacterIndicesForVisibleLine = defined =[C]:-1 PageUp = defined =[C]:-1 RefreshDisplay = defined =[C]:-1 SetFontObject = defined =[C]:-1 textIsCopyable = false SetOnScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1 CalculateNumVisibleLines = defined =[C]:-1 overrideFadeTimestamp = 0 MarkDisplayDirty = defined =[C]:-1 GetMessageInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetOnScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1 AtTop = defined =[C]:-1 GetFontObject = defined =[C]:-1 fontStringPool =

{ } CanEffectivelyFade = defined =[C]:-1 OnPreSizeChanged = defined =[C]:-1 OnPostMouseUp = defined =[C]:-1 GetSpacing = defined =[C]:-1 OnPreLoad = defined =[C]:-1 SetSpacing = defined =[C]:-1 name = "Combat Log" CalculateLineSpacing = defined =[C]:-1 AddMessage = defined =[C]:-1 InitializeFontableFrame = defined =[C]:-1 GetShadowColor = defined =[C]:-1 SetOnTextCopiedCallback = defined =[C]:-1 originalShow = defined =[C]:-1 AcquireFontString = defined =[C]:-1 TransformMessages = defined =[C]:-1 SetShadowColor = defined =[C]:-1 buttonFrame = ChatFrame2ButtonFrame { } HasFontObject = defined =[C]:-1 isDocked = 1 GetOnTextCopiedCallback = defined =[C]:-1 SetFading = defined =[C]:-1 OnPostHide = defined =[C]:-1 ScrollByAmount = defined =[C]:-1 GetInsertMode = defined =[C]:-1 SetTimeVisible = defined =[C]:-1 hasOwnFontObject = true Clear = defined =[C]:-1 channelList =
{ } GetTimeVisible = defined =[C]:-1 MarkLayoutDirty = defined =[C]:-1 SetTextCopyable = defined =[C]:-1 Show = defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:135 BackFillMessage = defined =[C]:-1 UnpackageEntry = defined =[C]:-1 FontStringContainer = { } SetShadowOffset = defined =[C]:-1 messageTypeList =
{ } flashTimer = 0 timeVisibleSecs = 120 PackageEntry = defined =[C]:-1 MakeFontObjectCustom = defined =[C]:-1 fontObject = table: 0000022E329D90C0 { } SetInsertMode = defined =[C]:-1 originalHide = defined =[C]:-1 ScrollDown = defined =[C]:-1 zoneChannelList =
{ } SetScrollOffset = defined =[C]:-1 onDisplayRefreshedCallback = defined =[C]:-1 insertMode = 2 ResetSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1 Hide = defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:131 GetTextColor = defined =[C]:-1 ResetAllFadeTimes = defined =[C]:-1 scrollOffset = 0 GatherSelectedText = defined =[C]:-1 isLayoutDirty = true ScrollToBottomButton = { } GetNumVisibleLines = defined =[C]:-1 0 = fadeDurationSecs = 3 ScrollToTop = defined =[C]:-1 IsSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1 ScrollToBottom = defined =[C]:-1 AdjustMessageColors = defined =[C]:-1 GetNumMessages = defined =[C]:-1 RefreshLayout = def

Akhratos commented 3 years ago

I am also having this problem, tho I noticed if you just inspect someone the inspect window works just fine.

boktai1000 commented 3 years ago

+1 to this problem, also having it as well

Message: ...ce\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:128: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: ChatFrame1EditBox:SetPoint. Time: Fri Jun 11 11:38:38 2021 Count: 1 Stack: ...ce\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:128: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: ChatFrame1EditBox:SetPoint. [string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:128: in functionFloatingChatFrameTemplate' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:187: in function `?' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\init.lua"]:228: in function <Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\init.lua:212>

Locals: (temporary) = ChatFrame1EditBox { 0 = OnBackdropLoaded = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:178 customAutoCompleteFunction = defined @Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4036 GetBackdropColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:272 SetBackdropOptions = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:344 SetBackdropBorderColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:276 RightEdge = { } GetBackdropTexture = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:320 headerSuffix = ChatFrame1EditBoxHeaderSuffix { } ApplyBackdrop = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:189 SetBackdrop = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:233 ClearBackdrop = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:369 GetBackdropBorderColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:292 GetBackdrop = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:434 SetBackdropGradient = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:298 SetBorderBlendMode = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:353 SetBackdropOption = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:329 SetBackdropLayer = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:306 Center = { } chatFrame = ChatFrame1 { } OnBackdropSizeChanged = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:269 HasBackdropInfo = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:365 SetupTextureCoordinates = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:301 GetBackdropOption = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:338 BottomEdge = { } chatLanguage = "Common" GetEdgeSize = defined @Interface\SharedXML\Backdrop.lua:275 BottomLeftCorner = { } BottomRightCorner = { } TopEdge = { } _backdropInfo =

{ } TopRightCorner = { } TopLeftCorner = { } backdropInfo =
{ } GetBackdropLayer = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:315 header = ChatFrame1EditBoxHeader { } addHighlightedText = true SetupPieceVisuals = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:181 SetBackdropColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:262 LeftEdge = { } addSpaceToAutoComplete = true } (temporary) = "RIGHT" (*temporary) = nil

Message: ...ce\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:22: attempt to call method 'SetBackdropColor' (a nil value) Time: Fri Jun 11 11:38:41 2021 Count: 9 Stack: ...ce\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:22: attempt to call method 'SetBackdropColor' (a nil value) [string "=[C]"]: in function SetBackdropColor' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:22: in function <...ce\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:21> [string "=[C]"]: in functionFCF_SetWindowColor' [string "@Interface\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:193: in function FloatingChatFrame_Update' [string "@Interface\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:112: in functionFloatingChatFrame_OnEvent'
