Haleth / Aurora

Minimalistic UI theme for World of Warcraft
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[Bug] Addon not working with Character, Skill or Talent Windows #283

Closed Nabohs closed 2 years ago

Nabohs commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Addon is not working with the Character, Quest Log, Spellbook or Talent Screens, options have been excluded from /aurora panel

Screenshots Please see screenshot image

Nabohs commented 3 years ago

Received an error code when Talents were opened:

Date: 2021-08-31 21:00:22 ID: 2 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua line 603: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value) Debug: [string "@Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua"]:603: SetBackdrop() [string "@Aurora\aurora.lua"]:117: FrameTypeFrame() [string "@Aurora\Skin\AddOns\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua"]:34: addonModule()


[string "@Interface_TBC\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:364: UIParentLoadAddOn() [string "@Interface_TBC\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:427: TalentFrame_LoadUI() [string "@Interface_TBC\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:512: ToggleTalentFrame()

  [string "TOGGLETALENTS"]:1

Locals: frame = nil color =

{ a = 0.200000 colorStr = "ff000000" b = 0 Lightness = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\color.lua:71 g = 0 GetRGBA = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:378 Saturation = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\color.lua:65 SetRGB = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:393 Hue = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\color.lua:59 GetRGB = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:370 r = 0 GenerateHexColorMarkup = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:401 WrapTextInColorCode = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:405 GenerateHexColor = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:397 IsEqualTo = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\color.lua:42 isAchromatic = true SetRGBA = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\color.lua:29 OnLoad = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:359 GetRGBAsBytes = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:374 GetRGBAAsBytes = defined @Interface_TBC\SharedXML\Util.lua:382 } alpha = 0.500000 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)" Base =
{ SetHighlight = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\deprecated.lua:13 SetTexture = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:214 SetFont = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:90 IsTextureRegistered = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:210 SetBackdropColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:609 SetBackdrop = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:602 CropIcon = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:78 GetAddonSkins = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:55 AddSkin = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:39 CreateBackdrop = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\backdrop.lua:583 RegisterTexture = defined @Interface\AddOns\Aurora\Skin\api.lua:224 } backdrop =
{ bgFile = "Interface\Buttons\WHITE8x8" tile = true backdropBorderSubLevel = -7 offsets =
{ } backdropSubLevel = -8 edgeFile = "Interface\Buttons\WHITE8x8" backdropBorderLayer = "BACKGROUND" backdropLayer = "BACKGROUND" edgeSize = 1 insets =
{ } }

AddOns: Swatter, v1.13.6652 (SwimmingSeadragon) AdiBags, vv1.9.25-bcc AdvancedInterfaceOptions, v1.6.0 Atlas, vv1.49.01 AtlasBurningCrusade, vv1.49.00 AtlasClassicWoW, vv1.49.00 AtlasLootClassic, vv2.3.2-bcc AtlasLootClassicData, vv2.3.2-bcc AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv2.3.2-bcc Attune, v242 AucAdvanced, v1.13.6707 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucFilterBasic, v1.13.6680 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatHistogram, v1.13.6681 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatiLevel, v1.13.6705 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatPurchased, v1.13.6672 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatSimple, v1.13.6634 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatStdDev, v1.13.6635 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucUtilFixAH, v1.13.6608 (SwimmingSeadragon) Auctionator, v100.0.11 Aurora, v9.0.5.0 AutoVendor, v68-classic BeanCounter, v1.13.6682 (SwimmingSeadragon) BetterVendorPrice, vv1.15.01 BlizzMove, vv3.1.3 CEPGP, v CEPGPTBC, v1.0.2 ClassicAuraDurations, v2.5.5 ClassicCastbars, vv1.4.0 ClassicCastbarsOptions, vv1.4.0 DBMAceAttorneyMusicPack, v1.0.0 DBMCore, v2.5.11 DBMSMGEventsPack, v1.5.13 DBMSoundEventsPack, v1.6.12 DBMStatusBarTimers, v DBMVPHazelNutty, v1.1 Details, v DetailsTinyThreat, v Dominos, v9.1.0 DominosCast, v DominosEncounter, v DominosProgress, v DominosRoll, v ElkBuffBars, v2.6.2-199 Enchantrix, v1.13.6662 (SwimmingSeadragon) EnchantrixBarker, v1.13.6692 (SwimmingSeadragon) GatherMate2, v1.46.1-classic Gnosis, vr241 Immersion, v1.3.7 Informant, v1.13.6684 (SwimmingSeadragon) ItemTooltipProfessionIcons, v1.2 LeatrixMaps, v2.5.54 LeatrixPlus, v2.5.54 LFGBulletinBoard, v2.59 MagicMarker, v9.0.5 MagicMarkerData, v1.0 MaxCam, v2.5.1 MBB, v1.2.0 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.152 NovaInstanceTracker, v1.21 NovaWorldBuffs, v2.14 Objection, v0.0.6 OmniCC, v9.1.0 Postal, vv3.7.2bcc Prat30, v3.9.1 Prat30Libraries, v Puggle, v216 Questie, v6.5.1 RatingBuster, v RepByZone, v1.19.7 SexyMap, vv5-bcc ShadowedUnitFrames, vv4.3.1-classic-2-g9302929 SheepMonitor, v1.23 SinStats, v3.5.8 SpellbookAbridged, v2.6.4a Stubby, v1.13.6614 (SwimmingSeadragon) TidyPlatesThreatPlates, v10.2.11 TipTac, v21.05.26 TipTacItemRef, v21.05.11 TitanClassic, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicAmmo, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicBag, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicClock, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicGold, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicLocation, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicLootType, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicPerformance, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicRegen, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicRepair, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicVolume, v1.3.4.20501 TitanClassicXP, v1.3.4.20501 WeakAuras, v3.7.0 WeakAurasCompanion, v1.1.0 WeaponSwingTimer, v6.5.1 WowUp, v1.0.3 wowupdataaddon, v1.0.3 XLoot, v9.0-8 XLootFrame, v9.0-8 XLootGroup, v9.0-8 XLootMaster, v9.0-8 XLootMonitor, v9.0-8 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v2.5.2.20502 (ck=b47)

Jeremy7600 commented 2 years ago

change all instances of _G.TalentFrame to _G.PlayerTalentFrame in Aurora\Skin\AddOns\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua (this is a bug I've been dealing with myself) And by change all I mean change all, even the ones like _G.TalentFrameTab1, etc. They all need to say _G.PlayerTalentFrame(something) except the first one.

(line 70) _G["TalentFrameBackground"..name] needs to be: _G["PlayerTalentFrameBackground"..name]

(line 114) Skin.TalentButtonTemplate(_G["TalentFrameTalent"..i]) needs to be: Skin.TalentButtonTemplate(_G["PlayerTalentFrameTalent"..i])

delete your WTF\Account\\SavedVariables\Aurora.lua file, that will get the rest working and you'll have to reconfigure your preferences in the addon panel.

Nabohs commented 2 years ago

change all instances of _G.TalentFrame to _G.PlayerTalentFrame in Aurora\Skin\AddOns\Blizzard_TalentUI.lua (this is a bug I've been dealing with myself) And by change all I mean change all, even the ones like _G.TalentFrameTab1, etc. They all need to say _G.PlayerTalentFrame(something) except the first one.

(line 70) _G["TalentFrameBackground"..name] needs to be: _G["PlayerTalentFrameBackground"..name]

(line 114) Skin.TalentButtonTemplate(_G["TalentFrameTalent"..i]) needs to be: Skin.TalentButtonTemplate(_G["PlayerTalentFrameTalent"..i])

delete your WTF\Account\SavedVariables\Aurora.lua file, that will get the rest working and you'll have to reconfigure your preferences in the addon panel.

That worked, now trying to figure out the issue for a lot of the other screens, but I can't tell from the file names, need to do some more digging