Haleth / Aurora

Minimalistic UI theme for World of Warcraft
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[Bug] Lua Error [15] #300

Closed L30m4nc3r closed 2 years ago

L30m4nc3r commented 2 years ago

38x ...eAurora\SkinBlizzard_Collections-1.0.lua:821: attempt to get length of field 'SlotButtons' (a nil value) [string "@Aurora\SkinBlizzard_Collections-1.0.lua"]:821: in function addonModule' [string "@Aurora\Skin\init.lua"]:248: in function <Aurora\Skin\init.lua:212> [string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:509: in function UIParentLoadAddOn' [string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:675: in functionCollectionsJournal_LoadUI' [string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:1108: in function `SetCollectionsJournalShown' [string "@FrameXML\AlertFrameSystems.lua"]:1102: in function <FrameXML\AlertFrameSystems.lua:1097>

Locals: CollectionsJournal = CollectionsJournal { 0 = TitleText = CollectionsJournalTitleText { } portrait = CollectionsJournalPortrait { } SetBorder = defined =[C]:-1 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate" SetPortraitShown = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:52 SetPortraitAtlasRaw = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:44 SetPortraitToUnit = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:36 SetPortraitTexCoord = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:48 SetPortraitTextureRaw = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:40 SetTitleFormatted = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:64 NineSlice = { } TopTileStreaks = { } TitleBg = { } SetPortraitToAsset = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:32 SetTitleMaxLinesAndHeight = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:68 SetTitleColor = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:56 CloseButton = CollectionsJournalCloseButton { } selectedTab = 5 numTabs = 5 SetTitle = defined @SharedXML\PortraitFrame.lua:60 Bg = CollectionsJournalBg { } } MountJournal = MountJournal { 0 = MountDisplay = { } BackgroundOverlay = { } SummonRandomFavoriteButton = MountJournalSummonRandomFavoriteButton { } SlotButton = { } RightInset = { } ListScrollFrame = MountJournalListScrollFrame { } MountButton = MountJournalMountButton { } SuppressedMountEquipmentButton = { } MountCount = { } BottomLeftInset = { } mountOptionsMenu = MountJournalMountOptionsMenu { } currentItem =

{ } LeftInset = { } searchBox = MountJournalSearchBox { } SlotRequirementLabel = { } SlotLabel = { } } BottomLeftInset = { 0 = SlotRequirementLabel = { } SuppressedMountEquipmentButton = { } layoutType = "InsetFrameTemplate" SlotButton = { } BackgroundOverlay = { } SlotLabel = { } Background = { } Bg = { } NineSlice = { } } MountDisplay = { 0 = InfoButton = { } YesMountsTex = { } ShadowOverlay = { } NoMounts = { } NoMountsTex = { } ModelScene = { } } PetJournal = PetJournal { 0 = LeftInset = PetJournalLeftInset { } searchBox = PetJournalSearchBox { } loadoutBorder = PetJournalLoadoutBorder { } listScroll = PetJournalListScrollFrame { } SpellSelect = PetJournalSpellSelect { } RightInset = PetJournalRightInset { } SummonButton = PetJournalSummonButton { } PetCard = PetJournalPetCard { } AchievementStatus = PetJournalAchievementStatus { } PetCount = { } Loadout = PetJournalLoadout { } SummonRandomFavoritePetButton = PetJournalSummonRandomFavoritePetButton { } MainHelpButton = PetJournalTutorialButton { } petOptionsMenu = PetJournalPetOptionsMenu { } PetCardInset = PetJournalPetCardInset { } HealPetButton = PetJournalHealPetButton { } FindBattleButton = PetJournalFindBattle { } } PetCard = PetJournalPetCard { 0 = CannotBattleText = { } SpeedFrame = PetJournalPetCardSpeedFrame { } PetInfo = PetJournalPetCardPetInfo { } AbilitiesBG3 = PetJournalPetCardAbilitiesBG3 { } AbilitiesBG1 = PetJournalPetCardAbilitiesBG1 { } AbilitiesBG2 = PetJournalPetCardAbilitiesBG2 { } spell6 = PetJournalPetCardSpell6 { } petIndex = 1 spell5 = PetJournalPetCardSpell5 { } shadows = PetJournalPetCardShadows { } displayID = 54848 petID = "BattlePet-0-00000BF8EEA9" speciesID = 1396 PowerFrame = PetJournalPetCardPowerFrame { } HealthFrame = PetJournalPetCardHealthFrame { } QualityFrame = PetJournalPetCardQualityFrame { } spell1 = PetJournalPetCardSpell1 { } xpBar = PetJournalPetCardXPBar { } spell4 = PetJournalPetCardSpell4 { } spell3 = PetJournalPe