Haleth / Aurora

Minimalistic UI theme for World of Warcraft
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3.7 font change conflict with XLoot #4

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

Upon updating Aurora to 3.7 I get this error when looting, downgraded to 3.6.3 and it doesn't happen. Not sure if it's an Aurora bug or if XLoot is using something it shouldn't be. It would be nice though to have a boolean toggle in Aurora to not use the different font.

Date: 2012-06-08 15:28:39 ID: -1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua line 561:

:SetText(): Font not set Debug: XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:561: XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:533 XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:844: XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:843 XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:924: Update() XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:988: ?() XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:1044: XLoot1.0\XLoot.lua:1044 AddOns: Swatter, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot) Corpse, v4.3.0.4 Custom, v1.120501 NPCScan, v4.3.0.2 Ace3, v AddonProfiler, v AdvancedIconSelector, v1.0.4 afkquit, v2.2 (r12) ArkInventory, v3.02 ArkInventoryRules, v Aurora, v3.6.3 BadBoy, v10.000 BadBoyHistory, v1.00 BanditsGuileHelper, v0.2 BattlegroundTargets, v40300-11 BlizzMove, vv1.2.4 Bossshieldsmonitor, v1.010 BrokerBags, vv4.0.1-release BrokerCashflow, v BrokerDurabilityInfo, v1.11.1 BrokerLocation, v1.5 BrokerRunSpeed, v1.2 BrokerTolBarad, v1.9 ButtonFacade, v4.3.380 CallbackHandler10, v Capping, v4.3.002 ChocolateBar, vv2.2.4 Comergy, v1.58r CooldownToGo, vv1.9.1 CPR, v1.43d DBMCore, v DBMNaxx, v deathclock, v2.2 DeathNote, vv1.1d DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded) Dominos, v4.3.4 DontSoloQueue, v EpicSay, v1.2 EpicSayStandard, v1.2 FasterCamera, v1.1 Fatality, v2.1a FlyPitch, v0.22 GoblinVendorFilter, vv1.0.8 GraphPaper, v1.4 GreenRange, v GuildRosterSelectedFix, v2 HideBossButtons, v1.1 ImprovedPvPFrame, v1.2 iWait, v1.1.3 KeepFollowing, v01.11.29.12 KethoCombatLog, v1.05 LibBabbleRace30, v LibBabbleZone30, v LibDBIcon10, v LibLevelGuess10, v LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-62 LibStub, v LoggerHead, v4.0.128 Mapster, v1.4.3 MapsterEnhanced, v1.5.4-beta2 Masque, v4.3.380 MasqueDarkscail, v1 MasqueDsmFade, v1.0 MasqueElegance, v3.3.0 MasqueRenaitre, vv4.3.4 MasqueShining, v1 MasqueSleek, v4.3.0 MasqueStylo, vv4.3 MasqueTones, v4.3.0 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.6.113 MogIt, v2.3.0 MovableBags, v Omen, v3.1.6 OmniCC, v4.3.2 OPie, v PDFStats, v2.0.1 PhoenixStyle, v1.582 PocketPlot, v2.13.1 Prat30, v3.4.25 Prat30Libraries, v Purist, v Qtarget, v Quartz, v3.0.8 RaidFinderIsWorse, v RaidSlackCheck, v1.263 RangeDisplay, vv3.9.8 Raven, v ReagentRestocker, v2.6.18 ReforgedTooltip, v1.0.6 ReforgeLite, v1.10 SafeQueue, vv1.26 Sayge, v ShadowedUnitFrames, vv3.4.4 Shako, v0.3 shClock, v1.0 ShieldWatch, v1.0.4 shNameplates, v shPerformance, v SimpleTellTarget, vv4.0.1-release Skada, v1.3-11 SkadaDamage, v1.0 SkadaDamageTaken, v1.0 SkadaDebuffs, v1.0 SkadaDispels, v1.0 SkadaEnemies, v1.0 SkadaHealing, v1.0 SkadaPower, v1.0 SkadaThreat, v1.0 SocialTabs, v1.0 SpeedyLoad, v1.3 SpineCounter, vv1.0.4 Spoiled, v1 StrataFix, v3.2.1 Stubby, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot) TalentSpecSpamFilter, v3 TellMeWhen, v5.1.0 TierTooltip, v1.8 TipTac, v12.05.20 TipTacItemRef, v12.05.20 TipTacTalents, v12.05.20 TricksBroker, v2.0 TTH, v1.2.2 VanasKoS, v4.33-$Rev: 507 $ VolumeControl, vBeta 5 xanAchievementMover, v1.0 xanMortarPestle, v2.2 XLoot, v XLoot10, vz30-release XLootGroup, vz8-release XLootMaster, v0.82 XLootMonitor, v0.72 xMerchant, v101016 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.3.4.40300 (ck=b58)
Haleth commented 12 years ago

Can you try to use only XLoot and Aurora, and temporarily disable your other addons? Also, can you make sure that you are using the latest version of XLoot? I downloaded the latest version and cannot find the function causing the error on the line number specified in the error message.

I would have to assume XLoot is doing something strange though, because all what Aurora does new since the update is a bunch of SetFont().

Haleth commented 12 years ago

I have added a GUI now - the font changes can be disabled there.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Baller! Thanks much for your time and work on this great lookin addon!