Halium / halium.org

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The Halium website does not have great SEO for non-Google search engines #16

Open UniversalSuperBox opened 7 years ago

UniversalSuperBox commented 7 years ago

Consider a duckduckgo search for "Halium"


Not only will DDG, Yahoo, and Bing try to correct you to "Helium", the results are very barren of the official website. Yahoo and Bing bring up the Wikipedia page for "Helium" as the first result, and halium/docs is normally the second.

The halium.org website should be the first place that people end up on a search for Halium.



Ryuno-Ki commented 7 years ago

Thanks for opening this issue.

Since Wikipedia does an excellent job on SEO it will be hard to get on rank 1. We should aim for the first SERP though. (Search Engine Result Page).

@halium team, do you have any phrases or keywords you would like to be found with? Do we have an analytics script running on the page? Google Analytics is superb, but I have concerns with their stand on privacy. I can research alternatives if you want. Do we have a target audience? What characteristics do they have?

Please assign this issue to me and I look into improving onpage SEO. We would need to get links onto the page from high quality pages (say, medium.com) or Social Media. That's called offpage SEO.

Ryuno-Ki commented 6 years ago

I looked around for SEO analysis add-ons and discovered one, which utilises https://iwebchk.com/reports/view/halium.org

Derived actions I could see:

Ryuno-Ki commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag looks interesting