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[device-port] [kugo] Sony Xperia X Compact #103

Open kollienne opened 5 years ago

kollienne commented 5 years ago


The EGL_PLATFORM=hwcomposer environment variable is required for test_hwcomposer to succeed.

The following patch was required to pass test_sensors: https://gist.github.com/kelmes/7e048e887fca391bccb7fad16733974a

For the moment it works best using hybris-recovery, then echo continue > .../stdin. Attempting to boot using hybris-boot the device will (sometimes) get an ip address, but telnet and ssh can't connect. Then it reboots. The ubports rootfs with halium-boot works.

As with suzu, the oem partition needs to be flashed using fastboot flash oem Sw_binaries...img. I've tested v08 (for 7.1) and v16 (for 8.1), both seem to work.

ubports-touch.rootfs-xenial-edge-armhf from 8 Dec 2018 boots, with functioning display/input. Non-edge images don't appear to work (as of 5 Jan 2019). Sim, audio, bluetooth and camera do not work (along with many other things in all likelihood).

Thanks @beidl for getting loire running!

If anyone wants to play with the images I used for testing, they're available here.

levone1 commented 5 years ago

Hi. Just wanted to sign in to express support. I don't know much, but if I can do something to bring about Halium for Kugo, I will...

iambumblehead commented 4 years ago

agree with @levone1 it would be awesome if this port continued :+1:

pschloenzke commented 3 years ago

As with suzu, the oem partition needs to be flashed using fastboot flash oem Sw_binaries...img. I've tested v08 (for 7.1) and v16 (for 8.1), both seem to work.

@kelmes As of today, it seems to be advised to use v08 (for 7.1) (SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_N_MR1_5.7_r1_v08_loire.img). Bootup fails for v16 (for 8.1) and also v10 (for 8.0) causes problems.

levone1 commented 2 years ago

@kelmes - Any chance of son work towards Halium 9? Hoping to run Waydroid... I'd be happy to donate time/funds...

kollienne commented 2 years ago

I've had a look into it, and the good news is it definitely seems possible. The bad news is that nothing I tried actually booted, and I don't have the time to put much effort into this, so I doubt I'll manage a working Halium 9 version myself.

If you're thinking of looking into it I have the feeling that the treble support here, and the CI/kernel only halium build here are the best place to start.

levone1 commented 2 years ago

I've had a look into it, and the good news is it definitely seems possible. The bad news is that nothing I tried actually booted, and I don't have the time to put much effort into this, so I doubt I'll manage a working Halium 9 version myself.

If you're thinking of looking into it I have the feeling that the treble support here, and the CI/kernel only halium build here are the best place to start.

Thanks for response.

I'm far from a dev, but I've spent a good bit of time tinkering on Android and Sailfish over the last 10 years, so I'm not totally afraid, but I think it could be a little over my head, (the biggest thing I've ever done is port a custom rom from one phone to a similar one - mostly just try to boot, read startup logs, find missing file, and copy/paste, plus a few smali code tweaks...)

Anyway, if there was a chance for you to put any time into it, even to the extent of the tips you gave, would be appreciated. I'll take a look at the links this weekend, and see what I can figure out. If ok with you, maybe I'll check back about it...

levone1 commented 2 years ago

@kelmes - is this the proper place for source to use for kernel-only halium - https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/kernel-sony-msm-4.9-common/blob/aosp/LE.UM.2.3.2.r1.4/kernel-dtb-kugo ?

kollienne commented 2 years ago

I believe you want this one (4.9) for android 9: https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/kernel/tree/aosp/LE.UM.2.3.2.r1.4 If you're looking at using treble you might instead want https://github.com/ExplosiveLobster/kernel_sony_msm-4.9, although I'm not sure how much, if any, of their work is relevant here.

levone1 commented 2 years ago

I believe you want this one (4.9) for android 9: https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/kernel/tree/aosp/LE.UM.2.3.2.r1.4 If you're looking at using treble you might instead want https://github.com/ExplosiveLobster/kernel_sony_msm-4.9, although I'm not sure how much, if any, of their work is relevant here.

Just curoius... I see a recently updated repo which includes loire_kugo config here - https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/kernel/tree/aosp/LA.UM.7.1.r1, (which seems to be 4.14?), but when building Halium, one step is to update apparmor, but in the apparmor updates here - https://github.com/ubports/apparmor-backports-ut - there's no 4.14, however, here - https://github.com/kdrag0n/proton_zf6/commits/halium/security/apparmor - there are 4.14 patches. Is the newer branch, (LA.UM.7.1.r1) an option to do what I'm trying to do, or should I just stick to the one you posted above?

kollienne commented 2 years ago

I have the impression from somewhere that 4.14 for these devices never really worked properly. Going by this you probably want to use 4.9.

levone1 commented 2 years ago

I have the impression from somewhere that 4.14 for these devices never really worked properly. Going by this you probably want to use 4.9.

Ok, thanks. The problem I have currently is that the next step in building halium is to update apparmor. There was a link posted as an example, that showed a repo with recent commits, (https://github.com/erfanoabdi/android_kernel_motorola_sdm632/commits/halium-9.0/security/apparmor), but I don't know if I can use those patches necessarily.
Then, someone on Telegram said I could just replace the whole apparmor folder with one from a different link, which contained full apparmor folders, but not for 4.9. There was a few other versions...

Do you think I could apply the patches from the link above? Or, do you know of a recent 4.9 apparmor folder I could replace with?


dbauer97 commented 2 years ago

Hey i tried to install but I always get this issue: Connection to device lost The connection to your device was lost. Please make sure your device is still connected and do not disconnect your device again until the installation is finished.

If this continues to happen, you might want to try using a different USB cable. Old cables tend to become less reliable. Please try using a different USB cable and do not touch the device during the installation, unless you are prompted to do so.

I tried different cables and PC's (Currently using windows) with linux i get ADB Error Typ 1 May I can flash it manually? Without installer

levone1 commented 2 years ago

Hey i tried to install but I always get this issue: Connection to device lost The connection to your device was lost. Please make sure your device is still connected and do not disconnect your device again until the installation is finished.

If this continues to happen, you might want to try using a different USB cable. Old cables tend to become less reliable. Please try using a different USB cable and do not touch the device during the installation, unless you are prompted to do so.

I tried different cables and PC's (Currently using windows) with linux i get ADB Error Typ 1 May I can flash it manually? Without installer

UBPorts people don't like to share files /info. I've tried to get them to tell me how to do it manually, but they wont. Does your adb work fine with other tasks, (on Android, etc)? If so, the problem is probably the installer. I can't remember the details atm, but I definitely had trouble with it at first. I think I found a different ve, and used it on my Win10, and it worked... Ask around on UBPorts Telegram, and see what they say. I'll try to look into my files, but that whole setup is wiped, and I'm mainly using Linux now...

xxirioxx commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to have Halium9 for this device. I followed the ubport guide and tried several solutions but without success. So I think it's better if I ask here.