Halium / projectmanagement

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[device-port] [austin] Amazon Fire 7 (7th gen) #212

Open JCLemme opened 3 years ago

JCLemme commented 3 years ago


JCLemme commented 3 years ago

More updates: KDE Plasma... works? Ubuntu Touch works beautifully. Will deliver writeup in a few days

ghost commented 3 years ago

Any updates? I am starting work on a droidian/ubuntu touch port. Any progress? Postmarketos seems to be stuck in a bootloop for me.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I tried compiling this on two separate computers, the furthest I have gotten is "mka halium-boot", I tried troubleshooting all the errors but I cant get past "make: *** [build/core/ninja.mk:167: /home/ubuntu/halium/out/build-cm_austin.ninja] Error 1 . I am unable to solf this issue at all and I have given up trying. It is a sorrow that this build got abandoned :(