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[device-port] [oxygen] Xiaomi Mi Max 2 #218

Open xzz53 opened 3 years ago

xzz53 commented 3 years ago

Tree: halium-7.1

PR for fixup-mountpoints: https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/pull/91

Also tested with a Plasma Mobile image, it boots to GUI but all qml-based apps are not rendered correctly. Will investigate further.

xzz53 commented 3 years ago

Examples of working plasma mobile application (konsole) and broken one (kirigami-gallery):

IMG_20200901_012016 IMG_20200901_012057

enesutku07 commented 3 years ago

how did gui open? I'm trying it didn't open.

enesutku07 commented 3 years ago

Tree: halium-7.1

* [x]  Create manifest [Halium/halium-devices#251](https://github.com/Halium/halium-devices/pull/251)

* [x]  Boot image and system image build successfully

* [x]  Device boots into rootfs, `usb: Manufacturer: GNU/Linux Device` appears in `dmesg` on host.

* [x]  LXC container starts and does not crash

* [ ]  libhybris tests

  * [x]  test_gps
  * [x]  test_hwcomposer
  * [x]  test_lights
  * [x]  test_vibrator
  * [x]  test_wifi
  * [ ]  test_sensors
  * [ ]  test_audio
  * [ ]  test_camera
  * [ ]  test_input
  * [ ]  test_recorder

PR for fixup-mountpoints: Halium/hybris-boot#91

Also tested with a Plasma Mobile image, it boots to GUI but all qml-based apps are not rendered correctly. Will investigate further.

hı. ı build sailfish os for mimax2. and build succesfuly. open sailfish os. ril wifi sound bluetooth work.

enesutku07 commented 3 years ago

ubports open oxygen. :) @xzz53