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[device-port] [herolte] Samsung Galaxy S7 #48

Open ZeroPointEnergy opened 6 years ago

ZeroPointEnergy commented 6 years ago


ungentilgarcon commented 2 years ago

https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/herolte/ is missing halium boot.img Can someone provide it? @ZeroPointEnergy @Oliv4945 can you provide more detailled instrutions? getting the env as of now, had my S7 usb port fixed in order to work on this. regards

Oliv4945 commented 2 years ago

Hi @ungentilgarcon it seems that my URL shortener has been reset :( Until I fix it direct file access:

If you want to compile hem yourself you can follow UBPort documentation with the repo:

ungentilgarcon commented 2 years ago

I managed to push herolte-halium-boot via heimdall as well as system.img and gz file via halium-install but the device is stuck on boot screen "Samsung galaxy S7....powered by android", how to debug?

ungentilgarcon commented 2 years ago

Ok, on it

ungentilgarcon commented 2 years ago

well, it's not really usable as of now...how to improve it is what I'll look at. Anybody trying to work on it now? @Oliv4945 I'm in Lyon

ungentilgarcon commented 2 years ago

Also trying ot install software from opensoftware ain't working

Oliv4945 commented 2 years ago

Hey @ungentilgarcon, not far away from Grenoble ;)

So I had the Bluetooth almost working: I needed to restart the daemon manually; someone else got it working but I am not sure of the state. But I stopped the porting effort because I spent days on the photos without any result: the photo application and Samsung blob are not using the the image encoding and despite all my trials I was not able to make it work. Another issue I do not know how to debug is video playback from the browser: on some websites it works but Youtube just crash

Edit: those comments applies to UBTouch only

abkro commented 2 years ago

Hi @ungentilgarcon Are you still working on the S7? I started from scratch a couple of months ago trying to port halium-9 instead after having given up halium-7.1 which I worked on for quite some time before that, even though it had reached a certain level of maturity. Anyway, I had halium-9 booting and the ui started, but there were issues with display instability which I at the time was unable to figure out. For this reason, I have since concentrated my efforts on a different device, but it would be nice to fix the S7.

mdima commented 2 years ago

Hello, I tried to follow the instructions, flashing the boot image in download mode and the system image in recovery mode, both operation were successful, but... now the device just show an orange screen while booting... :S Any idea? Maybe because it is a S7Edge (hero2lte) and not just an S7?

Thanks, Michele

abkro commented 2 years ago

Yes, if you simply used a build for the S7 (herolte), you can expect strange things to happen. I would set up the whole build from scratch if I were you.